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Everything posted by kikas

  1. Participants: me and @jonas13362 District: All Shift period: 40 minutes Number of vehicles extinguished: 22 [s=Screenshots] [/s] [s=Before and after] [/s]
  2. Happy birthday!
  3. Section 1 - Non-RP Information Nickname: kikas Username: zxqwas Old nickname/Other nicknames used in-game: KickAss Age: 25 Gender: male Current Gang/Squad: ~[AA :p]~(99004d) Previous Gangs/Squads (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out): 2010 - 2011: HS: died. 2011: AA: I got randomly invited on the day it was created. I left it the day later. MI6: left to join SWAT. 2011 - 2012: SWAT: I don't remember. I guess I wanted to switch sides. 2012: AA: I left to help a friend set up a gang. The gang didn't work out. It's too insignificant to list here. HS: I don't remember. Either it died or I wanted to hop around. SoA: it started as a group that was later turned into a gang. I left it because... idk lol. SWAT: What can I say? I was a hopper. How long have you been a member of your current Gang/Squad and what is your current rank? Almost 10 years | HQ Current groups: Outbreak Organization Previous groups (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out): DE: I left to switch sides. SoA: it was turned into a gang. CLO: kicked for inactivity. Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s) and why did you receive them: some irrelevant 24 or 48h ban in 2010. Tell us something about yourself: No. Many of you know me already anyway. Section 2 - Questions Do you understand that you will be given a couple of firefighting lessons/instructions before joining Fire Department? Yes What is your goal within the Fire Department? My only goal is to simp for Jonas. Are you ready to be active daily and post activities in the media archive regularly? Not daily, but logging in a few times a month is not a problem for me. Section 3 - Detailed Profile What are your strengths? _()_/ What are your weaknesses? I suck at roleplaying, and I'm not very creative. Why do you want to join the SAFD? I want to play with my friends that are in this group. What specialization would you like to learn within the Fire Department? I don't know what specializations there are. There's no topic on that. Firefighting specialization? Applicant's signature: kikas I suck at photoshop and I'm writing this on phone, so no fancy images from me. Sorry! Date: 13/11/2022
  4. Happy birthday!
  5. 11/11/2022 Robbing houses and stores Members: Ammar, Prophet, Jonas, me [s=] [/s]
  6. Jailbreak #2022 : Time: 10 min ~[Outbreak members:]~(orange) @kikas ~[Helpers:]~(orange) @Mskv_05 @Grg797 @Frank6Tomas @Boom-0 [s=more] [/s]
  7. Wszystkiego najlepszego Smokey!
  8. Jailbreak #2018 : Time: 10 min ~[Outbreak members:]~(red) me [s=more] [/s]
  9. 1 small thing I would add to this is the ability to automatically ignore all blindfolding requests. That way no one could abuse it to force a yes-no gui on your screen just to troll you. That or using console commands. But there are many different RP commands to remember already, so I think the alt gr solution is the better option.
  10. Happy birthday
  11. Happy birthday
  12. Happy birthday
  13. Happy birthday @Crash!
  14. Happy birthday @Siirtuga!
  15. 11/10/2022 Turfing [s=Before & after] [/s] 16/10/2022 Turfing [s=Before & after] [/s]
  16. Thank you guys!
  17. ^[28/09/2022] Racing #1 Participants: Voli, Weekndo, me [s=] [/s] Criminal activity #1 Participants: Voli, Weekndo, me [s=] [/s] Criminal activity #2 Participants: Voli, Weekndo, me [s=] [/s]
  18. Happy birthday JohnnyEnglish!
  19. ^[16/09/2022] Criminal activity #1 Participants: Pinky, Corpse, me [s=] [/s] Criminal activity #2 Participants: Pinky, Corpse, me [s=] [/s] ^[23/09/2022] Criminal activity #1 Participants: Edgar, Anas, me [s=] [/s] Criminal activity #2 Participants: Minx, Corpse, Edgar, me [s=] [/s] Criminal activity #3 Participants: Corpse, Edgar, Voli, Pinky, me [s=] [/s] Criminal activity #4 Participants: Edgar, Corpse, Voli, Pinky, MaRoO, Prophet, me [s=] [/s]
  20. I miss the days when that was the norm. Big +1 from me
  21. ^[RC BR 8/8] ^[]
  22. ^[09/09/2022] SR #1 Participants: Friction, Gui, me
  23. rip
  24. ^[06/08/2022] SR #1 Participants: Corpse, Hotfire, Mayhem, me [s=][/s] ^[12/08/2022] SR #1 Participants: Yoko, Mayhem, me [s=][/s] SR #2 Participants: Yoko, Mayhem, me [s=][/s] SR #3 Participants: Prophet, Corpse, me [s=][/s] SR #4 Participants: Prophet, Corpse, MaRoO, Terry, me [s=][/s] SR #5 Participants: Prophet, Corpse, MaRoO, me [s=] [/s] ^[13/08/2022] SR #1 Participants: Prophet, Pinky, Licano, me [s=][/s] SR #2 Participants: Pinky, Yoko, me [s=][/s] ^[15/08/2022] Assisting in BR #1 Participants: Corpse, Rezzy, me [s=][/s] SR #1 Participants: Ammar, Corpse, Douglass, Rezzy, MaRoO, me [s=] [/s] SR #2 Participants: Prophet, Corpse, Crash, Rezzy, Ammar, Douglass, me [s=][/s] SR #3 Participants: Douglass, Ammar, Corpse, me [s=][/s] SR #4 Participants: Crash, Corpse, Manda, me [s=][/s] ^[19/08/2022] SR #1 Participants: Ammar, Crash, Friction, me [s=][/s] VIP #1 Participants: Douglass, Friction, Ammar, me [s=][/s] ^[20/08/2022] SR #1 Participants: Prophet, Laza, me [s=][/s] SR #2 Participants: Prophet, Laza, me [s=][/s] VIP #1 Participants: Prophet, Laza, me [s=][/s] ^[21/08/2022] Assisting in BR #1 Participants: Rezzy, Colobria, Kawaii, Velo, Anas [s=] [/s] Assisting in BR #2 Participants: Prophet, Colo, me [s=] [/s] SR #1 Participants: Velo, Ammar, me [s=][/s] VIP #1 Participants: Rezzy, Colobria, Ammar, Velo, Anas [s=][/s] SR #2 Participants: Rezzy, Colobria, Ammar, Velo, Anas [s=][/s] SR #3 Participants: Ammar, Colo, Velo, me [s=][/s] ^[24/08/2022] Assisting in BR #1 Participants: Corpse, Rezzy, me [s=][/s] Assisting in BR #2 Participants: Corpse, Rezzy, me [s=][/s] Assisting in BR #3 Participants: Pinky, Reeyzee, Douglass, jordskjelv, Voli, R00dB0i, Corpse. Blacky, me [s=][/s] SR #1 Participants: Illusion, Mayhem, me [s=][/s] SR #2 Participants: Ammar, Illusion, Corpse, R00dB0i, me [s=][/s] SR #3 Participants: Illusion, Corpse, R00dB0i, me [s=][/s] SR #4 Participants: Ammar, Illusion, Corpse, R00dB0i, me [s=][/s] SR #5 Participants: Reeyzee, Corpse, Velo, Douglass, me [s=][/s] VIP #3 Participants: Mayhem, Corpse, Douglass, jordskjelv, Reeyzee, Pinky, me [s=][/s] SR #6 Participants: Mayhem, Corpse, Douglass, jordskjelv, Pinky, me [s=][/s] SR #7 Participants: jordskjelv, Corpse, me [s=][/s] VIP #1 Participants: Ammar, Illusion, Corpse, R00dB0i, me [s=][/s] VIP #2 Participants: Ammar, Illusion, Corpse, R00dB0i, me [s=][/s] ^[27/08/2022] Assisting in BR #1 Participants: Friction, Douglass, Rezzy, MaRoO, Illusion [s=] [/s]
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