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Everything posted by kikas

  1. Week 4 (19/05/2024 - 25/05/2024) Chicken Nader(22/05/2024) retarded colo won and insisted on getting paid event not counted in monthly media LMS | 1.000.000 | (25/05/2024) LMS | 1.000.000 | (25/05/2024)
  2. Week 3 (12/05/2024 - 18/05/2024) SR (15/05/2024) SRs + VIP (15/05/2024) Lucky Nade (12/05/2024) Avoid the shamal (12/05/2024) Rhino fight: (12/05/2024) Face.To.Face (12/5/2024) Face.To.Face (12/5/2024) Face.To.Face (15/5/2024) Face.To.Face (15/5/2024) Face.To.Face (15/5/2024) Protection event (15/05/2024) Face.To.Face (16/5/2024) Boxing event (16/05/2024)
  3. Week 2 (05/05/2024 - 11/05/2024) SR (05/05/2024) SR (08/05/2024) SR (10/05/2024) SR (11/05/2024) SR (11/05/2024) Protection Event (05/05/2024) Carshow (05/05/24) LMS NO RULES (05/05/24) 1v1 FTF (05/05/24) Parachute land on 35 (05/05/24) Sniper face to face (05/05/24) Kill the LWS (05/05/2024) LMS (05/05/2024) Destruction Derby (05/05/24) AIRBOXING 1 VS 1 (10/5/2024) Knock Me out from NRG (11/05/2024) Destruction Derby (11/05/2024) Attack vs defend (11/05/2024) Chicken Nade (11/05/2024)
  4. Week 1 (28/04/2024 - 04/05/2024) VIP (28/04/2024) SR (29/04/2024) Assisting in BRs (02/05/2024) SR (02/05/2024) SR (02/05/2024) LMS Event (02/05/2024) Boxing Event (02/05/2024) LMS F.T.F (02/05/2024) Nades face2face Event (02/05/24) Lucky Nade Event (03/05/24) Marathon Event (03/05/24) 1 shot deagle only Event (03/05/24) Kill the LWS Event (03/05/24) Kart race Event (03/05/24) Lucky tube Event (05/03/24) 1v1 Sniper (04/05/24) LMS Fallout (04/05/24) Fallout (04/05/24) Chicken nade (04/05/24) Tec/Uzi LMS (04/05/24)
  5. Jailbreak: #2209 Duration: 30 minutes Date: 18/03/2024 Members: @kikas@koko@Fandi@Snoupa@Ankush77@RezzyReal@ButcheR@Posho@Alexis@Kiraa@Evans@Law@mayhem@Yoko@voli
  6. Thank you for your interest in joining Arms Assassins. Unfortunately, I must inform you that we will not be going through with your application today or any time in the nearest future. We wish you the best of luck in your future SAES endeavors.
  7. Jailbreak: #2203 Time: 5 minutes Outbreak Members: Just me Outbreak Helpers: Clesto Screens:
  8. 10/03/2024 SRing More SRing (part of what Pinky posted above) 04/03/2024 SRing 05/04/2024 SRing More SRing 07/03/2024 SRing and assisting in a BR More SRing More SRing 08/03/2024 SRing (4 in 1 post) 10/03/2024 Assisting in BR Assisting in BR 8/03/2024 Power Hour BR 7/8 10/03/2024 Blueberry BR 8/8 LS BR 8/8
  9. Application Type: CS Your ingame username: zxqwas Your ingame alias: kikas Your real name: Adrian Your DOB: 09/10/97 00:00 Your gender: Male Nationality: Polish Country of residence: Poland Language skills: Polish, English English Proficiency: Not great, not terrible. I certainly don't need a translator. How long you have been playing: First started in late 2010. I took a break between 2014 and 2020.. Your strengths: I have been part of AA's HQ team for 3 years now. During that time I've learned to be strict when the circumstances call for it. I also know when to back down and resolve a problem with words, rather than causing more harm with unnecessary punishments. I tend to thoroughly analyze any given situation before making a decision. This helps me notice details that other people might look over. Your weaknesses: Because of my analytical nature, I often take longer to make a decision than most people would. You could say I am a perfectionist. In the past I used to have a short temper. However, I've earned to manage it so that it doesn't influence my actions. Member of the SAES discord server: Yes Reason for application: It's a new challenge I could take on. I'm always willing to help people in whatever way I can. Although I don't consider myself a good candidate, considering my poor activity in the recent months. I have been working on that for the past week though, and I know my playtime is only going to increase now that I've been made AA's vice leader. So I guess I have nothing to lose by applying. Unique qualities you can offer: I have mentioned all such qualities in the strengths and weaknesses sections. Server Memberships: Arms Assassins, Outbreak Organization Additional information: I don't like to overshare information, so I think I'd rather leave this section empty. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: None. Previous (legitimate) bans: 48h ban for deathmatching (or some other reason that I don't remember) in late 2010.
  10. Event type: Arrest [AA]RAT|13 Prize: 50.000.000$ LWS: LightSide, Voli, MaRoO Winner: Bianca Screens:
  11. 04/02/2024 Assisting in BR
  12. 23/12/2023 23/12/2023 Assisting in BR LV
  13. TURFING SF 01/10/2023
  14. SR 10/09/2023 SR 10/09/2023 SR 10/09/2023 SR 11/09/2023 SR, VIP 11/09/2023 SR 11/09/2023 Assisting in BR 11/09/2023
  15. SR 09/09/2023 SR 09/09/2023 SRs 09/09/2023 SR 09/09/2023
  16. Assisting BB BR Bayside - 26/08/2023
  17. AA BR SF 26/08/2023 AA BR TR 26/08/2023
  18. BRs 23/08/2023 SR 23/08/2023
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