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Everything posted by kikas

  1. ^[AA POWER HOUR BR TR] ^[]
  2. Dust2 is already on rvb I think
  3. 28.02.2022 Store robbery Participants: Corpse, Nicky, kikas 28.02.2022 Store robbery Participants: Corpse, Nicky, Yoko, Doom, kikas 28.02.2022 Store robbery Participants: Corpse, Nicky, Yoko, Doom, kikas 28.02.2022 Store robbery Participants: PinkyyyTinkyyy, Staylok, kikas
  4. @Link We've had a talk in game about the reasons already. Good luck in the future!
  5. AA :p
  6. Assisting Z in BR TR 25/02/2022 Participants: Kowalski, PinkyyyTinkyyy, Matvety, Yandri, TripleX, kikas [s=More] [/s]
  7. Happy birthday
  8. ^[AA RC BR (8/8)] ^[]
  9. ^[AA BC BR (8/8)] ^[]
  10. @Yandri Welcome! ^[]
  11. ^[] 08/02/2022 Assisting O in BR TR Participants: ~[Couves]~(99004d), kikas, ~[PinkyyyTinkyyy]~ and her adoring fans ^[]
  12. ^[AA BR RC 8/8] ^[] ^[AA BR BC 8/8] ^[]
  13. Happy birthday!
  14. @Anas_ @TripleX Welcome aboard!
  15. ^[AA SF BR (8/8)] ^[]
  16. 15/01/2022 Assisting UE in BR SF Participants: Pinky, Jdon, Doom, kikas
  17. Happy birthday Hessan!
  18. Happy birthday my dude!
  19. 01/01/2022 Store robbery Participants: Pinky, Sergio, kikas 01/01/2022 Store robbery Participants: Pinky, Pekekent, Chezzy, kikas 01/01/2022 Store robbery Participants: Pinky, Blacky, kikas 02/01/2022 Store robbery Participants: MrGamer, Jonas, kikas 02/01/2022 Store robbery Participants: Pinky, MrGamer, Gal, kikas 09/01/2022 JB Participants: Blacky, MrGamer, Manda, kikas
  20. Here's an idea: make the area outside every bank have ghost mode for unoccupied vehicles. Make it only toggle on for the duration of a bankrob. Another idea: add invincibility while inside the vending marker. Remove the ability to shoot guns while invincibility is on.
  21. @muhammed You've got a massive history of organizations that you've been through, many of them you either left out of boredom or got kicked from. Our members' feedback regarding you is quite negative, which doesn't help your case. Finally, you do not meet our minimum age requirements. We have made exceptions for some people in the past and let them go through the application process despite their young age. However, after a brief talk with the HQ team, we've decided that we will not make such exception for you. Good luck in your future endeavors.
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