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Everything posted by kikas

  1. I think it works like this when a player gets ran over, even if it only happens on that player's screen and not the driver's due to poor sync. Although that's just speculation.
  2. Following this logic, we might as well delete bankrobs altogether. People wait in game for hours just to reach that magical 10. At least there won't be more drama of criminals not being able to BR / cops respawning as prison wardens in SF to stop BRs from starting. On a more serious note, no. This is not a good idea - it kills the only activity that's even close to gang BRs. Besides, you can only do those every 6 hours IIRC.
  3. Good luck!
  4. Happy birthday!
  5. Happy birthday!
  6. @Ishoud We have received very little posivite feedback regarding you. We don't think you are ready for this gang. Gain more experience on the server and improve your English before considering to reapply. @Rondaw We don't think you are ready to join us just yet. You can reapply in a month. @Johnny Questionable loyalty. Perhaps you should try your luck elsewhere.
  7. Happy birthday!
  8. Date: 18/09/2021 Event: Last Gay Standing (Dildo LMS) Prize: $5.000.000 LWS/Staff: @hessan210 Winner(s): @Viktor Screenshots: [s=More] [/s]
  9. Happy birthday broski!
  10. @voli, @nicky Welcome!
  11. 07.09.2021 Assisting ThC in BR RC 07.09.2021 Store robs [s=More] [/s] 07.09.2021 Store rob
  12. Happy birthday Henry!
  13. RIP
  14. Happy birthday Zaza
  15. Rest in Peace NavM
  16. 26.08.2021 Turf Before/After: ::: :::
  17. 06.08.2021 Store rob 06.08.2021 Store robs + VIP ::: ::: 09.08.2021 Store rob 09.08.2021 Store rob 12.08.2021 Store rob 18.08.2021 Store rob 18.08.2021 Store rob + VIP ::: ::: 18.08.2021 Store rob 19.08.2021 Store robs + VIP ::: ::: 19.08.2021 Assisting O in BR LV 22.08.2021 Store rob 23.08.2021 Store robs ::: :::
  18. Happy birthday, man!
  19. Your ingame username: zxqwas Your ingame alias: kikas, previously KickAss Your year of birth: 1997 Your gender: male Nationality: Polish Country of residence: Poland How long you have been playing SAES: I first started playing here around November or December of 2010, and have remained active until mid 2013. I have been back from inactivity since August of 2020. That would make it a bit over 3.5 years of active playtime. Qualities you can offer: I consider myself a calm person who always tries to put logical thinking and reason before emotion. My conflictless nature allows me to handle arguments in a calm and objective manner, without unnecessarily antagonizing the other party. I also find it satisfying to deeply analyze the problem at hand before deciding on a possible solution. Perhaps the biggest strength of mine is the ability to actively listen to what others have to say. Your weaknesses: Because of my tendency to analyze things, I often find it difficult to make a decision quickly. I stress a lot over details that others might deem irrelevant. I am also not the most outspoken person out there - I don't often meet new people, and I find it difficult to start or carry conversations with people I don't know very well, unless I have something specific to say. Do you have Discord Installed: yes Reason for application: When I first came back from inactivity a year ago, I didn't know if I'd continue playing, or give it up a week later. Since that time, I realized that this community means too much to me to give it up now. Despite having a 7 year break from playing here, the last year has shown me that the community hasn't changed that much. There are some new names here and there, while others have disappeared, but the general feel of this place remains very similar to what it was when I left it. I've had a lot of fun being a part of it, and I realized I might as well give something back to the people who make this server fun. Server Memberships: Arms Assassins HQ Outbreak Organization Rookie Additional information: I can't think of anything relevant to add. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: None that I can think of. Perhaps a warning for deathmatching in late 2010. Previous (legitimate) bans: I have received a 24 ban for some minor rulebreak that I don't remember. It happened some time during the first two months of my SAES playtime. That was the only ban I have ever received.
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