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Everything posted by kikas

  1. If you respawn and actually do intend to play as the class you respawned as, why would you even care about the BR starting? You do your activity, we do ours. Nobody is forcing you to respawn as a cop and respond to every single BR just because you're in a squad. Just like nobody can force me to go assist another gang in turfs or bankrobs. It's a choice. This change is not meant to force you out of the other classes you want to play as. It's meant to allow us to do an activity without the fear of somebody blocking it by intentionally respawning as another class, but not actually doing anything as that class. I'm aware that it's not an ideal solution, since it leaves the few remaining cops who want to respond at a massive numbers disadvantage. One way to fix it would be going back to the old BR system, where only the gang robbing the bank could defend it, with the bank interiors being linear and having only one way to enter the vault. But that is a problem for a whole another discussion.
  2. I think it works like this when a player gets ran over, even if it only happens on that player's screen and not the driver's due to poor sync. Although that's just speculation.
  3. Following this logic, we might as well delete bankrobs altogether. People wait in game for hours just to reach that magical 10. At least there won't be more drama of criminals not being able to BR / cops respawning as prison wardens in SF to stop BRs from starting. On a more serious note, no. This is not a good idea - it kills the only activity that's even close to gang BRs. Besides, you can only do those every 6 hours IIRC.
  4. @Ishoud We have received very little posivite feedback regarding you. We don't think you are ready for this gang. Gain more experience on the server and improve your English before considering to reapply. @Rondaw We don't think you are ready to join us just yet. You can reapply in a month. @Johnny Questionable loyalty. Perhaps you should try your luck elsewhere.
  5. Date: 18/09/2021 Event: Last Gay Standing (Dildo LMS) Prize: $5.000.000 LWS/Staff: @hessan210 Winner(s): @Viktor Screenshots: [s=More] [/s]
  6. 07.09.2021 Assisting ThC in BR RC 07.09.2021 Store robs [s=More] [/s] 07.09.2021 Store rob
  7. 06.08.2021 Store rob 06.08.2021 Store robs + VIP ::: ::: 09.08.2021 Store rob 09.08.2021 Store rob 12.08.2021 Store rob 18.08.2021 Store rob 18.08.2021 Store rob + VIP ::: ::: 18.08.2021 Store rob 19.08.2021 Store robs + VIP ::: ::: 19.08.2021 Assisting O in BR LV 22.08.2021 Store rob 23.08.2021 Store robs ::: :::
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