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Everything posted by Noizi

  1. ^[] Roleplay#355 @Doogle said in Clandestine Mob - Media archive: RolePlay #311 Participants: @Clandestine-Mob & @The-Company ( @Noisyboy ) Story: It was a usual day, i had no meeting or a job to finish in that day so i desided to hang out , then i got surprising call from an unknown number,it looks like a number from SF, when i answered the phone i felt that i know the voice, it sounds familiar to me, i thought it was my manager but i knew from the stranger that he is a member from our aliance gang @The-Company and his boss has asked him bring us the load that we've dealed about in our last meeting, i thought that it was going to be a usual mission, but the guy has surprized me with some bad news, he told me that SF>LS road is closed by cops, even LS>LV hightway, so it was dangerous to take the risk and bring the load using a car. Our only change was to bring it to BC airport by a plane. that crazy idea wasn't new for @The-Company 's guy, he informede that he usually bring alot of loads by that way and He reassured me with his experience, i didn't have time to ask my boss and i had no chance to take the risk with bringing it by cars or trucks so i accepted the deal even if it's gonn cost more money. So i took my car and i went to the location. A bit later, i've heard a sound of a plane, i knew that the stranger guy has came . After landing in the airport with the plane, we talked a little after we started loading the goods in my car because we had no time to lose. Few minuts later we finished our job we had only to hide and secure the load untill when we find a way to smuggle it to our base ::: :::
  2. ^[] ^[=Night Store Rob=] ^[-21/02/2020-] noizi god
  3. Jailbreak#800 OB Members: Judy , Kowalski ,Douglass & Noizi. OB Helpers: N/A. Screenshots: ^[] ^[https://imgur.com/a/LlJs1jt]
  4. Jailbreak#793 OB Members: Douglass ,Marso, Sweman, Groove, Zwolle , Bartman & Noizi. OB Helpers: @Skunnk . Screenshots: ^[] ^[https://imgur.com/a/momHoRb]
  5. Jailbreak#789 OB Members: Piercee , Bartman , Dexter, Marso & Noizi. OB Helpers: @Tyga_ . & @Recklezz (Kuru). Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/fMRBnCQ
  6. ^[] ^[=Turfing LV ,TR ,BC, BS,SF,WH ,RC & FC=] ^[=19/02/2020=] ::: Before: After: :::
  7. Jailbreak#785 OB Members: Bartman , Samcro , Kybalion , Sweman , Hotfire ,XX3, Marso & Noizi. OB Helpers: @Skunnk . Screenshots: ^[] ^[https://imgur.com/a/fCzwq6j]
  8. Jailbreak#783 OB Members: Exile & Noizi. OB Helpers: N/A. Screenshots: ^[] ^[https://imgur.com/a/i2KCTom]
  9. Jailbreak#782 OB Members: Kybalion , Illusion, Pazoo ,Bartman & Noizi. OB Helpers: N/A . Screenshots: ^[] ^[https://imgur.com/a/1cUHGr1]
  10. ^[] ^[=LS BR 8/8=] ^[-16/02/2020-] ^[] Noizi god
  11. Jailbreak#780 OB Members: Bartman , Voli , Dougalss & Noizi. OB Helpers: N/A . Screenshots: ^[] ^[https://imgur.com/a/YhdahLR]
  12. ^[] Roleplay#354 @Doogle said in Clandestine Mob - Media archive: RolePlay #303 Participants: @Clandestine-Mob & @The-Company ( @Noisyboy ) Story: Today, while chilling in our headquarter, I have received a phone call from our alliance gang The Company telling me to do an Important meeting at any close time. When we met, they told me that most of their gang members are in other towns having some wars with the other gang, our enemies, so no left only a few from them. And they told me that another enemy gang Took advantage of this to happen, the situation. They said that the last days, every morning, they find their hideout has been broken into, and they did all things from doing controls camera, a designation to someone to guard, but no avail, and they asking help from me to find a solution for this problem. I said to them to give me some time to know what to do. And as I have a friend who is a member of some Industrial companies when I came back to our base I did a talk with him in my cell phone, I told him what is happening, and I asked help from him to trying to make one machine to determine the fingerprints...One day later, he came to The Company's base with some people and they installed this machine. The next day morning. When THC members told me that this thing has been done again, I back to them, and we have taken the fingerprints' pictures. After being tired from work, we found some shoe prints, after we analyzed it, we discovered the shop witch this man bought this shoe. When we arrived in this shop, we told his supervisor to let us watching the Cameras videos. Then we discovered that the two men bought these shoes. After that, we analyzed their faces and their house location, we went to them. When we arrived at the first man, it was a simple man who lives with his children normally. So no left only the second man. When we arrived at his house and when he saw us he gets in his car and he started running, so we follow him with shooting his car from windows. Suddenly, we arrived in the mountainous area, and this man stopped front one strange base, where another mans outs from here and started shooting us. And fortunately for us, we were wearing armors. Then we took some guns from the cars box and after minutes from warriors, we killed them and we got rid of their bodies. After, we back to this mans house, and we started searching there for THC's guns and the drugs who have been stolen. When we found it we took as fast as possible then we put it in our car and we back with it to The-Company base. They thanked me so much for helping and they gave me some guns and drugs as a reward, we shook hands and everyone went his way. ::: :::
  13. Jailbreak#778 OB Members: Marso , Douglass , Rocket & Noizi. OB Helpers: N/A Screenshots: ^[] ^[https://imgur.com/a/j6Si8bL]
  14. Jailbreak#777 OB Members: Venom , Douglass, Pump & Noizi. OB Helpers: N/A Screenshots: ^[] ^[https://imgur.com/a/kgyg1Vo]
  15. Jailbreak#774 OB Members: Venom , Marso & Noizi. OB Helpers: @Witti . Screenshots: ^[] ^[https://imgur.com/a/8ZBXhdQ]
  16. Jailbreak#771 OB Members: @Douglass & Noizi. OB Helpers: N/A. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/VgpW6Al
  17. ^[] ^[=LS BR 8/8=] ^[-14/02/2020-] ^[] ::: :::
  18. ^[] ^[=Turfing BS /TR/BC=] ^[-14/02/2020-] ^[] ::: Before; After: :::
  19. ^[] ^[LV BR 8/8] ^[-12/02/2020-] ^[]
  20. ^[] ^[LV BR 8/8] ^[-13/02/2020-] ^[]
  21. Jailbreak#766 OB Members: Douglass & Noizi. OB Helpers: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/FSEuble
  22. Jailbreak#757 OB Members: Marso & Noizi. OB Helpers: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/8HNbV9C
  23. Jailbreak#756 OB Members: Yoko, Velo, Julio, Marso, Chasin, Perro, Gal, Exile, Spartan, Gonza , Licano, Samcro, Douglass, Cocko, Bartman, Sirtuga & Noizi. OB Helpers: @protonyt . Screenshots: ^[] ^[https://imgur.com/a/C5oTB4K]
  24. Jailbreak#754 OB Members: Douglass , Venom, Teddy, Cocko , Dybala(Gonza) & Noizi. OB Helpers: @protonyt. Screenshots: ^[] ^[https://imgur.com/a/FEzDWLO]
  25. Jailbreak#753 OB Members: Venom , Marso , Douglass & Noizi. OB Helpers: N/A. Screenshots: ^[] ^[https://imgur.com/a/3WpgqhA]
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