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Everything posted by Noizi

  1. ^[=OB Late Night activity=] ^[-17/5/2020-] ^[]
  2. Jailbreak#1232 Outbreak Members: Bizzle, Douglass , Rykilla , Marso & Noizi. Outbreak Helpers: @RadiO . Screenshots: ^[] ^[https://imgur.com/a/thKSqsc] Jailbreak#1233 Outbreak Members: Anarchy , Marso , Rykilla , Poxiran , Perro, Gonza , Pazoo , Jeaven , Velo , Spartaan ,Rowdy & Noizi. Outbreak Helpers: @Legendary4Life (Andrew). & @Silent . Screenshots: ^[] ^[https://imgur.com/a/lt2qFeN]
  3. Jailbreak#1222 Outbreak Members: Marso , Law , Snowyyy & Noizi. Outbreak Helpers: @Andrew03 & @ItzMoha . Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/qa7sLtU
  4. Participants: @Noisyboy , @Gonza @Asexyno & @Ocelot . @Noisyboy said in Clandestine Mob - Media archive: Roleplay#350 Participants: Clandestine Mob & The Classic Klan. ^[~La Policia~] It was a normal day for the clandestine mobsters , Everyone was doing his job peacefully until James decided to drive around the city for a while to change his upset mood , He brought his gun with him in case anything goes wrong , while driving in the ghetto streets of Los Santos he saw from distance a guy staring at him in a suspicious way at first he tried to ignore him but the person didnt even turn his head even though James is aware of him ,Then James drove straight to him to check him out if he needs anything or something like that , However, As soon as he stepped out the vehicle the guy started to run away so James brought his gun and followed him , In a matter of minutes he caught him in a tiny Alley and aimed his gun straight at his face the guy was afraid and begged him to not kill him then James promised him if he tells him why he was watching him all the time he wont murder him , The guy admitted that he works for a rival Mafia and he had a mission to spy on James and watch every move he makes ,James smiled and shouted ''Spy on this now!'' and shot a bullet right in his heart , James took some documents from him and quickly ran to his car and headed out of the crime scene, but Unfortunately , A random person witnessed the crime and informed the cops about it , When James reached San Fierro he saw a cop car rushing to him ,ordering him to pull over , then James knew that he was in a big trouble and if he stops he will get busted so he drove at maximum speed and entered in some narrow alleys to lose the cops, After, James called His friend ''Miguel'' a retired soldier and owner of a secret crime organisation that provides mechanical services as a second job to cover their dirty business , He told him that he is in trouble and he needs to get rid of it ASAP, Miguel told him to come to his Garage in North San Fierro , when James reached the place , Miguel and his assistant welcomed him and they discussed about the problem , later , They decided to change the car's body and parts so the cops wont recognize it and he can drive home safe ,then Miguel guided James to his hideout and told him to stay here until they are done , few hours passed and Miguel came to James and told him to check his new car , as soon as he saw it ,James was really impressed by job of Miguel and his crew , James didnt even recognize his car from the first time because of the awesome tunning the crew did , James thanked Miguel and then a new business partner showed , ''Miguel''. ^[]
  5. Jailbreak#1220 Outbreak Members: Kybalion ,Rocket & Noizi. Outbreak Helpers: @Silent . Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/iNprq86
  6. Jailbreak#1213 Outbreak Members: Rocket , Kybalion ,Bizzle & Noizi. Outbreak Helpers: @Trap . Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ACS2Nez
  7. Jailbreak#1212 Outbreak Members: Bizzle , Hotfire & Noizi. Outbreak Helpers: @Andrew03 & @MacBoy . Screenshots: ::: https://i.imgur.com/AZ97wJR.png https://i.imgur.com/79jhaVR.png https://i.imgur.com/isnJEgW.png :::
  8. Jailbreak#1207 Outbreak Members: Hotifre, Rocket & Noizi. Outbreak Helpers: @MacBoy . Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/46DqfxN
  9. Jailbreak#1201 Outbreak Members: Hotfire, Yoko, Rowdy , Bizzle & Noizi. Outbreak Helpers: @Andrew03 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/KINQKgk
  10. Jailbreak#869 OB Members: Kybalion , Bartman , Nicky ,Marso ,Judy, Bizzle & Noizi. OB Helpers: N/A Screenshots: ^[] ^[https://imgur.com/a/bzWOni0] Jailbreak#870 OB Members: Douglass ,Kybalion, Griffin , Bartman & Noizi. OB Helpers: N/A. Screenshots: ^[] ^[https://imgur.com/a/CLipHUy]
  11. Jailbreak#844 OB Members: Samcro & Noizi. OB Helpers: @Skunnk . Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/kbpTMLh
  12. Jailbreak#834 OB Members: Kybalion , Perroloco , Gxnzo , Bartman & Noizi. OB Helpers: @Rythm . Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/j01NhYD
  13. Jailbreak#826 OB Members: Hotfire & Noizi. OB Helpers: @Crazzy . Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/HC72GUW
  14. Jailbreak#822 OB Members: Kybalion , Exile & Noizi. OB Helpers: @Style , @nutellaguy (Docpizza) & @LightSide . Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/W8weJ3N
  15. Jailbreak#820 OB Members: Gonza & Noizi. OB Helpers: @Capital1 . Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/qoHxTcr
  16. Jailbreak#817 OB Members: Douglass, Rocket, Hotfire , OwenDlash, Gxnzo, Perroloco , Marso & Noizi. OB Helpers: @Recklezz (Kuru) , @nutellaguy (Docpizza) , @LightSide & @Skunnk . Screenshots: ^[] ^[https://imgur.com/a/rPSHhsx]
  17. Jailbreak#815 OB Members: Perroloco , Venom , Stay & Noizi. OB Helpers: @Teo . Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/CSIsAGD
  18. Jailbreak#814 OB Members: Licano , Yoko , Venom , Rubik , Karitos ,Velo & Noizi. OB Helpers: @Crazzy & @Recklezz (Kuru). Screenshots: ^[] ^[https://imgur.com/a/H3qvbAn]
  19. ^[] ^[=Assisting in AA BR TR=] ^[-23/02/2020-]
  20. Jailbreak#813 OB Members: Stay , Kybalion & Noizi. OB Helpers: N/A. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ZCmJMHG
  21. ^[] ^[=Assisting in C BR RC=] ^[-22/02/2020-]
  22. Jailbreak#805 OB Members: Noizi. OB Helpers: N/A. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/sILv4By
  23. ^[] ^[=Assisting in Z BR LV=] ^[-21/02/2020-]
  24. Jailbreak#801 OB Members: Gxnzo , Perroloco , Kybalion , Douglass & Noizi. OB Helpers: N/A. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/42gGoMX
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