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Everything posted by Tapi

  1. @Lincoln said in Cluckin' Bell: Tapi, your group is a success mate, keep it up Thank you, Pal. Sure we will.
  2. Happy birthday mate!
  3. @NRG Thank you
  4. Take care man! Life is hard.
  5. oh sorry, by mistakenly posted here.
  6. When the money talks, What is there to say.. Sand storm, Dark night, Clubs gone, Bangs in, niggas at the hood tryna fit it, Air drop, Drop not, Chicks with the fun gun, Acting like they hard, not. Frisky risky, sanks on the roof bloody Fred on oof, Ain't dead ain't alive, fixing all the unfix, Disk nawt, hell nawt, one way out, all doors clocked, wanna take bullet, see no bullet coming, -still breathing,
  7. Is it the old DDT? Like back in 2015 one?
  8. Your ingame username: hunterex Your ingame alias: Tapi Your real name: Maaz Your year of birth: 2002 Your gender: Male Nationality: I've born in kuwait, Middle east. Parents are from india. (Which makes me an indian too) Country of residence: Kuwait, Middle East. Language skills: English, Hindi/Urdu, Telugu, And still learning Arabic, English Proficiency: 8/10 How long you have been playing: Since about 2015. Your strengths: I'm friendly and i don't really get angry easily unless its something serious. Also i have some good patience if i think its worth waiting for. And i really take things serious if i'm serious about it. And also i feel responsible for like half of the things in my life so i usually be alert or think before taking any step. Your weaknesses: I'm not really good at few stuffs like talking to people or like being in with a couple of people like i'm really shy, And i think this is a really a weakness. Preferred Position (SAHA/CS/SAES): I'd like to be starting with CS (Community Staff) Teamspeak Installed: Not yet, Will be doing it. Discord Installed: Yes. Do you frequently get involved on Discord: Yes, I'm very active on discord. Reason for application: Well after being in this community for a real long time, And with all the ups and downs i've been through in here I think its time to give back something to the community, or like serve the community once. Always wanted to do something better in life also i've learned a lot here in SAES too with all these people here gave me a really good time. Unique qualities you can offer: Well I could firstly offer my activity in-game, I'm really very active. And secondly in which all my self comes in with great friendly behavior and get in with people easily. And also help everyone not just my friends or buddies. Server Memberships: Member of NNB, And Leader of Cluckin' Bell. Additional information: Well i'd like to say something that I have not said, I was regular school boy and i was not really good at school was really so not my thing. Never liked that place, After failing a grade I dropped out saying i don't really wanna do this anymore because i did not really support the education system here in my place. And right now i'm going to the local Islamic classes which i'm doing way better than the school, And also this, that i would really appreciate a place here in the community staff team and i'd work real hard with all my heart and the dedication. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Can't really remember but pretty sure i was muted for chatting in other language in main chat. Previous (legitimate) bans: Well back in the day like in 2016 or 2015 not really sure, I was banned for pasting a server link in main chat. Are you a muslim?: Yes, I'm.
  9. Good luck boys!
  10. @Tilong said in Public Event Hoster spawn: ZIP was forced to stop hosting events so LWS could do the job, this happened before i took over leadership. forced to? damn i always wanted to do some small events as ZIP but since it is not allowed rip, Well if this happens sure thing babe! xd
  11. Oh, Tour De SA? interesting i hope this group gets successful. If ya'll need any help i may help you! Good luck Guys!
  12. SMASHS THAT UPVOTE seems like a really good thing but gotta think about who all can do it, Because if everyone can host events then it would be a huge traffic where every few min there is an event.
  14. @Bone Can you please add the Cluckin' Bell link too, Thank you.
  15. Nice, Good luck guys and all the best!
  16. Cluckin' Bell: https://discord.gg/RkuZkGS
  17. Username: buch Last seen: 20/10/2018 Screen shots: https://imgur.com/a/BY0kjPR
  18. Username: buch Last seen: 20/10/2018 Screen shots: https://imgur.com/a/pftUfOj
  19. Username: buch Last seen: 20/10/2018 Screen shots: https://imgur.com/a/pftUfOj
  20. Ayyee mah man 22 now? Happy Birthday !!
  21. Well your not my favorite person, But its just sad to see anyone is pain or being sad. Well hopefully you don't leave SAES like come visit everyone once in a while. And i hope everything goes good in your life, It really gets sometimes real hard in real life, Well all the best for everything you got in coming and good luck!
  22. Happy birthday, Big boi
  23. @Freezom Please fix your application format. And also join our discord channel.
  24. Good luck to ya'll, I hope it works out! <3
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