Hey man, it's me TAPI! U might remember me. Would be awesome to see you again in the hood. And also take care and good luck with the future. Take care buddy!
HAAAIII Vektor i am tapi, We met couple of times in game i think. was awesome having u as HQ will really miss you buddy. Well i hope u the best! Come home to me vektor <3
Well i wouldn't say rest in peace, Because this could be the start of something new maybe. Well Good luck, it was really cool to see BS poppin all these years very well done. Good luck for the future buddies.
@ChasinTLSN said in JailBreak VeteranZ Organization | Official Topic: @Tapi said in JailBreak VeteranZ Organization | Official Topic: I want join group you, invite bls Join OB, oh wait.
@Curvy said in Cluckin' Bell San Fierro $8.000K Income: @Tapi we got some good amount of cluckin bells around LS and LV, And I don't think we need many of them. Thanks for mentioning though.