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SAES Gang Manager
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Everything posted by Linkan

  1. @Brophy said in Donation: Linkan (Amount 10.00 GBP): Donation confirmed, thanks yet again for donating! Fix the automatic system, never works for me hahaha
  2. Yo here i am again. Total donates of: 260 Pounds I want 1 mil ingame also one car added to LE Base Would also want to replace one Transaction ID: 2CF19055LG190984F
  3. @DyamDouglas the legend made it. Money rewarded aswell. Ty alot again! A nice pleasure Topic can be @locked
  4. Well i am looking for a photoshoper, please contact me in PM if ur able to help out or at discord Linkan#2167. I need the photos as fast as possible. I will give information to people who will be pming me. For the right photoshops i will be giving an cash reward on paypal! Ty in advanced.
  5. Nails
  6. @Brophy approve thanks? XD
  7. Transaction ID: 54W12112JX128122M A total of donates is now : 250 Pounds Yo i want 1 mil ingame. thx And i want one Damaged Glendale added at SF where all my other vehicles are. Contact me ingame to sort it. While at it i would like to remove few vehicles at SF and replaced with other vehicles. Contacct me ingame for more information regarding them. This place on the screen below
  8. @Kain said in Impersonation (of inactive users) in the server: @M7mod )))))))))))))))))))) Yeah @M7mod stop impersonate other players u dumb fuck
  9. boat , cash and icon placed Ty @Tut-Greco
  10. Yoo. I want 2 vehicles 2 mil ingame ty. Transaction ID: 79W74077W97088349 Total Donated: 240 GBP https://saesrpg.uk/topic/11245/donation-linkan-amount-20-00-gbp @Brophy Approve ty i want one Boat placed. Contact me ingame for information. I also want a big interior to my prop. I want to remove 2 vehicles from SF contact me ingame to remove them. Then i want 2 new added in Five-0 base with Terrys decission where and usernames. Place an sgt near Hospital at a house
  11. Kidnap
  12. @Daryl just so you'r aware. This nicely guy is PMing pleople to like his post to get a "higher" chance to get "unbanned" xD. PMed me yesterday about something likely of this topic
  13. Place my Sultan with shader next to Swemans sabre please! https://i.imgur.com/q2sDLKW.jpg Locked to: linus111560,swe
  14. @nicus fix for elk dad
  15. Yo we're here once again. Transaction ID: 9L839945297517322 Total Donated: 220 Pounds Now i want a shadered Sultan at my prop @LV who do i send my template to? I also want my 2 mils @nicus help mi pliz
  16. Weve had it befor and it was alot easier to browse around! +1
  17. .... Transaction ID: 4AX13898V3926473M i want one Windsor and Skyline? info will be given ingame Total Donated 200 GPB Now Old Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/11208/donation-linkan-amount-9-00-gbp/3
  18. Yo. Transaction ID: 4E732002NF1555014 Total Donated: 180 GBP My old donates can be found from this topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/11191/reward-change-linkan/7 contact me ingame for rewards! thanks @Brophy
  19. i would like the cab, infernus and banshee to be replaced in a straight line thanks.! told daryl/joe a few times ingame with no response.
  20. 10 cars placed by @nicus & @Ikzelf as the Sexy boys they are!
  21. Will update this Topic than opening a new one for new vehicles. Thanks
  22. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 171 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? months ago Why do you need this change? Want my cars placed again Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/2942/donation-linkan-amount-1-00 Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/2942/donation-linkan-amount-1-00 ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: SuperGT DONE Vehicle 2: Cheetah (No roof) DONE Vehicle 3: Feltzer DONE Vehicle 4: Sultan DONE Vehicle 5: Sultan DONE Vehicle 6: Hotknife DONE Vehicle 7: Stratum DONE Vehicle 8: Hotring Racer (aka BMW) DONE Vehicle 9: Sabre DONE Vehicle 10: Hotring Racer 3 DONE Vehicle 11: Picador Vehicle 12: Infernus Vehicle 13: Banshee Vehicle 14: Jester Vehicle 15: Stalion Vehicle 16: Bullet Vehicle 17: Maverick? Location: SF Docks ::: https://i.imgur.com/YEcP8MM.png ::: Usernames: linus111560,swe Mods and such i'll take ingame with the specific admin
  23. Nope. This is kinda useless. Just hold that damn space lol
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