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SAES Gang Manager
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Everything posted by Linkan

  1. Happyyyy birthdayy velooo, muck elkkk love to you!! <3
  2. Address: Moley gave Nishki blowjob here Account name: lucya Last seen: 18 September Screenshots:
  3. Address: SAFP*|Kanel Account name: kanel36 Last seen: 6th september Screenshots:
  4. Display Name: Linkan Username: linus111560 Normal Donations (This Forum) Donations From old forum Bonus Donations Total number of Donation Points: 550 Total GBP Donated: 380
  5. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 301GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 4 Feb 2020 Why do you need this change? It was removed Links to your donation topics: Links to your previous donation changes requests: Cars are bugged into buildings and objects ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicles : All these thanks. Keep both my Sultans with Elk Wrap. One in LV and on in AA base Location: LE Base ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Move the Elk mobile from LE base to AA base.
  6. Txn nr : 7T963053GJ3149732 username : linus111560
  7. Cant edit lol. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/19517/inactive-property-sf
  8. Too late. Sorry
  9. Address: 6 Temptress Road Account name: swe Last seen: 13th May 2020 Screenshots:
  10. Do it @AkyZ
  11. @Cornelius said in Give spawn/arrest protection when using F1 at the hospital: @Crash said in Give spawn/arrest protection when using F1 at the hospital: No because if you use it to get away from a cop the cop should be able to use it as well to arrest you there IF COP IS CHASING You get to wait 1 minute to teleport, as a cop you can easily arrest before teleportation How will the cop appear in the hospital if crim is there after I am stuck, how he will arrest???? I dont know cops can warp to places. What if cop doesnt chase? Then get yo ass away from there as fast as you can.
  12. With killarrest everywhere im gonna ragequit . No, just no
  13. I vote to deport Teddy
  14. If your unsure you could simply just go to the turf and do /war and a notification will appear on topbar whoch gangs owns it. But i gotta agree that some gangs colours are quite the same. I have hard to see TT/BBs turfs
  15. I like this. But i would prefeer smth similair like Zaza said. If you go to the turf ur owning you get paid a x amount for holding the turf. And it continues like that.
  16. Feels like i am the only crim who actually hated the space spam tazer. Im against this
  17. Happy burfday again bulgur
  18. @DyamDouglas said in ...: Next time don't delete your question so others can see what the suggestion/question was. If you're not aware of a function it's likely that others aren't either :) In pretty sure he unbinded M xD
  19. @Patrol said in Bring back old jail at SEA & New basketball court: This is like a never ending cycle, 2017: WE WANT THE NEW JAIL TO BE BIGGER - Jail at Old SAI base gets added 2018 : CURRENT JAIL SUCKS, WE WANT JAIL AT SEA ! - Removed and added new Jail type 2019 : THIS JAIL SUCKS, WE WANT THE OLD JAIL IN LS BACK ! - Sea Jail gets removed and replaced by the Old LS Jail 2020: WE WANT THE JAIL AT SEA ! ........................................................... enough with the changes guys, the current jail is by far the best one location wise, it gets everyone involved and it is just fun :) Could not say it better myself
  20. Ypu really dont remember how long time it took to get jailbreaked back then if u were not close with a maverick already? If i go from Ls as fast a specific player gets jailed he has just a few secs left when i arrive. It was really a cool jail. But you were lucky if there was an jailbreak ongoin when u were arrested No from me
  21. I assume that the admin that sorted your requested probably added your username twice? As your username should not appear there.
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