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Everything posted by Markus

  1. because they said M4RKUS was a retarded name, :kappa:
  2. kalevipoeg, just add me :kappa:
  3. Keep it going, this is pure content.
  4. Looks nice man, good luck.
  5. good idea hoessoni, I can be your private drug dealer :p 10min/20k
  6. Tunisian Airlines. Good luck fella.
  7. lyrical legend. rest in peace x
  8. Applicant Main Information : Nickname: BlaZZey or blazz, depends on my mood. Username: kalevipoeg Age: 15 Nationality: Estonia. Languages you can speak: Estonian and English. Player SAES Career Information : How long have you been playing on SAES? : For about a year or 790h. Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) : OC, HSMC, FOX, and UE. If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them: OC was closed due to some reasons. I wanted to try out the Law Enforcement side so I decided to join FOX. Left FOX because I decided that criminal life fits me the most and then I was gangless for like 2 months. Left UE because it was too boring for me and due to some other reasons. Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain): Yes, I have. Once because of a bug abuse that I was unaware of. What groups are you currently part of? : IAC, TMH, and KTN. Personality Information : What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : Because I personally think I am a decent lad that could fit into B~B. I am mature but I like to troll also, because, who doesn't? And I am quite experienced and I am active also. Been in several gangs but this time, I want a gang where I will stay for ages. Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets: B~Bs members are the most experienced killers out there. They kill civilians, police and even criminals for the right price. They never fail their assassinations or missions that they were sent out to do. They also love to invest money. Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets?: Because thru out my SAES career I have wanted to apply for B~B but I thought I did not fit for it since I wasn't skilled enough. But, I have played SAES for about a year now and I have good roleplaying and shooting skills. And I want to see if I am experienced enough to be apart of the Black~Bullets family. Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : Nope, this is my decision. Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional]: No.
  9. Kool Times Newspaper Photographer's Edition: I decided to show San Fierro some love and I took several pictures of it. Here is my work: https://imgur.com/a/hJzFAoZ
  10. I went around SA with my NV (News Van) and decided to take some pictures of nature and Los Santos, enjoy. https://imgur.com/a/2z89qs8
  11. I decided to express some of my work here, enjoy. I usually go around the city taking pictures but this time I went into the desert. Turned out quite cool. https://imgur.com/a/tevkDxd
  12. PART 1 Nickname: BlaZZey Age: 15 Gender: Male Current Groups: TMH (sHQ and vL of the racing division), IAC (Member), KC (Probationary Racer). Rate your English (1-10 scale): I'd say, 8.5 out of ten, some grammar mistakes here and there. Have you ever been banned (state why): Sadly, yes. Because I abused a bug that I didn't know shit about. PART 2 What job are you interested in? (Reporter/Photographer/Security): Photographer. Why are you interested in joining this division: Because I love taking pictures of the state and nature. Believe it or not but I take a lot of pictures around the city and I have a folder for it. I expressed some work to Combine also. Taking pictures of objects has always been my thing. Why do you want to be part of KTN: Because I love working around ''news'' or so, it's just so fun. I would send out the best pictures that give out the most information. And I am kinda tired of being only spawned as UE. I want something new, something thrilling! State why should we choose you over other candidates: I am mature, loyal, cool and a funny little lad. I can be pretty useful also. But, since of the new forums, I am a bit confused but I am pretty sure I can still post a lot of roleplays/events/activities. I am a guy that can take work seriously but I am not like mad serious also.
  13. Last seen 6th may. Owner: Fadril (fadril) Pictures: https://gyazo.com/814bd063df811a4300a3190c02b45e2d https://gyazo.com/4e0299a500232f3ad294a79954f945bc https://gyazo.com/cc00b16a6a6e256424276b2a55cad5fc
  14. What's with all these ''Underground'' groups? We have DDT, CLO, and UE. But if you can make this an actual thing, go for it. Good luck bud.
  15. Name: Username: Age: Nationality: English proficiency: Playtime on the server: 700h or so. Server Groups: TMH sHQ and IAC. Current organization (g/s/c): Underground Empire aka UE. Do you own a kart?: No, I don't. Why do you want to join us?: Because I love racing and since I am the vL of the Racing Division in TMH, I think I would fit well. I also love racing with karts. It's super dope. And I think I could create a lot of roleplays around karts and KC. It would be very sick. Why should we accept you?: Because I am mature, I have changed a lot. I also have a lot of experience in SAES and I am very close to racing and roleplaying. Roleplaying is one of my best sides. I also love to make jokes and be in a good mood with others.
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