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Everything posted by Markus

  1. New & Updated link for our discord server: https://discord.gg/T76QgYk
  2. Nevermind, the link for the Lounge Inc. has expired. Will update it once I am home.
  3. Alright, good evening people! I'm excited about some news, all organizations have voted and every single organization qualifies and meets the minimum requirements for the possible Winter Gang Wars! So, we suggest starting to gather a team and start training in case we will do it! But, there is 1 more thing that needs to be declared. Do you want 3v3, 4v4 or 5v5? We would like to listen to the community and let you all decide it! Usually, we've had 5v5 but aye, it's all up to you! But yes, as we mentioned. Every single organization has at least 5 members that have voted for their organization and that is more than enough. I will link a poll down below and we would like to know which game mode ya'll would like to have. Valid link to the game mode poll: https://linkto.run/p/812HSJF3 Link to Lounge Inc. discord server (If you need to ask for further information): https://discord.gg/T76QgYk - Lounge Inc. Host Services, BlaZZey.
  4. -TMH Racers Take On, KARIM, Arone, Deu, kzar and Griffin. Type: Lap around LV. Participants: KARIM, Arone, Deu, kzar and Griffin. Location: LV Highway. Winner & Prize: Deu & 0$. Screenshots:
  5. -TMH Racers Take On, Togna. Type: Drag race. Participants: Togna & Fuhrer BlaZZey. Location: LS Airport. Winner & Prize: 0$ & it was a tie. Screenshots:
  6. Greetings people, I am back with extra information and news about the current state of the organizations! Where do we start, first I would like to show ya'll the current state of the organizations: At the moment, these following organizations may take apart of the possible Winter Gang Wars: ThC, WA, OC, TT, BBMC, ALT, STF, TST & S.W.A.T. These organizations that I mentioned have met the minimum requirements to take apart of the event. There are some organizations that have shows 0 interest and activity towards the poll which mean that they will not take apart of the event. But! We still have time, we don't know yet when the poll will be closing. There also are some organizations that are pretty close to meet the minimum requirements, such as: NNB, SEALs, B~B, O and AA! Spread this poll around your organization chat so everyone could be aware and eh, maybe your organization could be the next winner of Winter Gang Wars! Valid link to the poll: https://linkto.run/p/SZ9PG1YP Please cast in your vote, just take those 30 extra seconds of your life to vote for your organization. Have a wonderful afternoon. - Lounge Inc. Host Services, BlaZZey.
  7. Hello once again. It has been about 2 hours since the official release of the poll and these are the current results: Current organizations who could already register for the possible Gang Wars are the following, BBMC, ALT & TST. Some organizations are missing few votes, such as ThC and OC. But, we need more organization members to click on their organization and if the organization gets 5 or more votes, then they're certified to be apart of the Gang War Event, that might take place this winter. Link to the poll: https://linkto.run/p/SZ9PG1YP Please cast in a vote, it only takes about 30 seconds just to make SAES more entertaining. Have a wonderful evening. - Lounge Inc. Host Services, BlaZZey.
  8. Greetings, fellow members of the SAES Community. As most of you all have noticed. Lounge Inc. came back but, we have not done anything just yet. That is because we're not sure about the activities of gangs, squads & companies. We are kinda planning to do another Gang Wars Event for the Community but first, we need your help! So, I have created a poll for the gangs, squads, and companies that currently take place in SAES. Every level organization is allowed to participate in the event [Level 0 - Level 5]. But, we have some requirements since if every level 0 organization could participate, the event would possibly be endless. We're currently planning to make the Gang Wars a bit different, with 3v3 or 4v4's, but that might change. Depends on the activity of the G/S/C-s. It's all up to the community. So, how does the voting system work? It's pretty simple. Every G/S/C member will vote for their organization and that will mark if they're inactive or not. If the organization get's over 5 votes, the organization will be marked active and will possibly take apart of the event. We will also have a poll for 3v3, 4v4 or 5v5, so also vote for that. Link to the poll, please remember to cast in your vote: https://linkto.run/p/SZ9PG1YP Here are the requirements: At least 5 posts in the media archive (To show some kind of activity of the G/S/C) Have an understandable topic. Must be in the server for at least 25 days. At least 5 members (Including the Leader & Vice Leader) Give us a valid screenshot of their roster, just for safety reasons. For further information, feel free to leave questions down below or just private message me on the forums. We're not promising that the Gang Wars will take place but there is a possible chance. - Lounge Inc. Host Services, BlaZZey.
  9. Holy shit! Well fucking done. Faker is so proud of ya'll up there! Congratz once again boys!
  10. 5m. Btw, personal car mod or has it been added to SAES? @koko
  11. Markus


    Wow, you've been thru a lot. Someday life will grant you something amazing. Welcome back, mate.
  12. Distinctive questions Ingame name: BlaZZey Username: kalevipoeg Country of Residence: Estonia Spoken Languages: English, Estonian and a bit of Russian. Date of birth: 23.03.2003 Date of the beginning of your SAES career: Don't remember exactly but I have been playing for over a year for sure. Maybe even over a year & half. Previous organizations: Hampton Saints MC [HSMC], OverdoseCrime [OC], The Company [ThC], Fox Operation X [FOX], Underground Empire [UE], Special Task Force [STF] & Tail~Draggers [T~D] Miscellaneous questions Define The Company's role in one sentence: The Company's main role is to conquer the gang industry in SAES with tactical tactics that make other gangs and squads fall. You are getting chased by a cop and sadly you die by falling off a cliff. Because of that, the cop is menacing you with a report. How would you approach this? Well, It all depends on the cop. If he is apart of a good reputation squad and not an actual dickhead, we could share some loan money and get away with it since people do anything for cash nowadays. But let's say the cop has been around the server but is so thirsty for arrests that he won't let you get away with an adminjail. I would message an admin or a Community Staff quickly and explain the situation so maybe I could work my way out of the jail. I would apologize for the accident and leave some cash for the cop. You need to be calm and not get nervous or otherwise, you'll most likely get adminjailed. But if the cop does not take any of the bribes, I would tell him to meet me at some place so he could arrest me and possibly not report me to the admins. You are in a confidential gang meeting. Instantaneously the leader of the meeting advocates something that you do not sympathize so you accidentally said something ridiculous. The leader of the meeting orders you to leave the gang and the meeting. After leaving the meeting and walking to your car you suddenly see 2 laser dots on your clothes, one pointing at your heart and the other at your liver. First, you act calm but then suddenly after a few milliseconds you get that signal in your brain that you have no body armor. What would you do after realizing that you are unprotected? I would lightly look at the snipers but not give them a full stare-down. Depends how far away from the car I am, if I was close and the car was like 4 meters in front of me, I would quickly duck and roll to the door of the car. Would get in the car as quickly as possible and then lower the seat so I would be in the blind spot where the snipers would not see me. I would start my engine and drive off as quickly as possible. But let's say that the car is 50 meters away and I notice the dots. I would keep walking because if it is sunny outside, most likely the snipers are novices and have 0 idea how the laser pointer works on the sniper rifle and they will most likely get caught with their act. Anyways, I would keep walking normally and then eventually drop something on purpose, pick it up and keep walking a bit more towards the car. I would stop all of a sudden and burst into laughing to confuse the snipers and then point at something completely random in the sky if I notice the snipers looking there. I would run zig-zag towards my car and pray for the lord that they will not shoot me or even if they do, they'll miss since I'm running in a zig-zag motion. There is a guy where you had several disputes with. causing you to have an incredible hatred against him. You also have sworn several times that you will never forgive him and every time you see him you try to avoid him as you know if you do not severe drama will happen. Now this same guy which you have a grudge on decides to join the gang of which you are a respected member of. He somehow managed to join. How would you react when you see him in the gang? Well, as I being the Respected member of the gang I would know a lot of tactics that take people out quickly and stealthy. And as he is the Novice of the gang, he will not know my tricks and tips to take out people in a heartbeat. But also, depends how bad the rivalry is the situation to fix the solution would be different. If we would not have a big rivalry, I could possibly makeup with him but not become friends, just... partners... But if the situation is bad, I would just take him out to eat as a friend and act friendly so he takes me as one of his friends and earns his trust, I would eventually go over to his place just to smoke and have a drink, but actually murder him. I would do it randomly, just go to his house and show up when he didn't know that I was coming. I would get him drunk and high and then choke him to death and cut his veins and hide his body eventually in the floor of his house. This has not happened to me but, this could be the 2 ways out of a 100 to get rid of him or just to gain his trust. ~Regards, BlaZZey.
  13. Firefighter Activity - 25.09.2018 Duration: 37 minutes. Firefighters: BlaZZey Screenshots:
  14. ROLEPLAY #1 Participants: BlaZZey [Firefighter] & @Curvy [rTECH Racer] Story: I was just about to fix my firetruck because it needed it's oil changed but then I got a call from the Dispatcher at LSPD that a certified racer has crashed near the bank and he needed emergency back-up as soon as possible. So, I changed my oil quickly which took a minute and then I rushed to the scene. Luckily the racer was not injured at all because he got out of the car as quickly as possible after the craft to avoid any injury or even death. The car was in a super bad condition and needed to be towed away to avoid any contact with the pedestrians. He managed to push the car to the sidewalk so it would not block the traffic. I asked a few questions and BAM, the car exploded all of a sudden. We called back-up and Cuban Cars so they would tow the car ASAP! I drove the racer back to their personal base and a chat with him since I was on my lunch break, he told me about his childhood and why he chose this kind of lifestyle. It was super interesting to listen to him and finally I had to go, we shared our phone numbers and gave each other a proper handshake and I left their base and headed back to the LS SAFD HeadQuarters to fix other firetrucks. Valid screenshots:
  15. Firefighter Activity - 24.09.2018 Duration: 23 minutes. Firefighters: BlaZZey Screenshots:
  16. Firefighter activity - 23.09.2018 Duration: 20 minutes. Firefighters: BlaZZey Screenshots:
  17. Firefighter activity - 23.09.2018 Duration: 29 minutes. Firefighters: BlaZZey Screenshots:
  18. God damn, you never know what happens next. Never take anyone or anything for granted. He is in a better place now, may he Rest In Peace.
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