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Everything posted by Ammar

  1. A better solution would be giving both the drug dealer and the player a 5 wanted level upon purchasing drugs, makes sense since they're both engaging in illegal activity, no? And according to kain's logic, if civilians shouldn't be anywhere near gang/squad activities, then it only makes sense for cops not to be anywhere near drugs based on this logic. Or simply revert the change done to pizza boy spawn and we can all go on with our lives, that change was so repressive it killed a gameplay dynamic since pizza boy was the only practical counter to kill arrest and the only way to heal other people if you're wanted.
  2. Yesterday the pizza boy /sell ability was updated to restrict the player from selling if he has 4+ wanted level. I'm suggesting to either remove that restriction altogether or increase it to a higher number (you can specify it below, but I suggest 10+). This was the only balancing factor against waves of cops constantly coming to the bank 5 seconds after dying by respawning at their properties, especially HLS/DE with their armor.
  3. @Markus said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: let me fix that for you
  4. Best of luck gentlemen!
  5. Address: Belle Maitresse Beauty Salon 2 Shop Account name: fenter1 Last seen: september 6th Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ec4DJzT
  6. nvm this was just testing the donate button
  7. This is an automated post TXN ID: 9G670893JM429002A Donation Amount: 0.01GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  8. it call happy birthday
  9. Address: Surko Housing 5 Account name: ming1434 Last seen: 25th May 2019 Screenshots:
  10. Address: Tit Street 7 Account name: erayxzombiee Last seen: 27th June 2019 Screenshots:
  11. bump, we've had the same SR locations for over 5 years now, it's about time we get something fresh and new
  12. Good and logical idea, the criminals who contribute more to the BR by killing cops get more money than those just AFKing somewhere.
  13. How about adding the ability to set time and weather client-side (not server side, only for yourself) in M > Weather? This of course should disconnect you from the time and weather settings of the server, but once you're done you can toggle it back to server-side mode. If it's possible, it would be the best solution imo.
  14. i have lived long enough to witness a major saes update at last, i can die in peace now
  15. Just gonna copy paste my reply from that topic since it was the most upvoted reply: "How about adding the ability to set time and weather client-side (not server side, only for yourself) in M > Weather? This of course should disconnect you from the time and weather cycle of the server, but once you're done you can toggle it back to server-side mode. If it's possible, it would be the best solution imo."
  16. I compiled a list of possible SR locations about 2 years ago on the old forums, but nobody was interested enough to take a look. Anyway, here is the post: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/92282-store-robberies/?do=findComment&comment=1728409
  17. I'm up for randomizing it with some restrictions, such as a store that was randomly chosen may not be chosen again for 30 minutes, as to prevent the system randomly choosing the same SR multiple times within a short span of time. And reducing the no explosion radius in SR to 5-10 meters, not 50 meters as it currently stands. Also another good idea would be integrating the old house robberies with the current store robberies system and just renaming the whole activity to "Robbery", since the current SR system became stale and hasn't had any major change for the past 5 years.
  18. @J-a-x said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: but you gotta admit thats a pretty good translator hes using
  19. @Freezom @SoulFly Accepted. @Orten Poor application, overall poor qualities. Denied, reapply in a month from now.
  20. Seems too drastic of a change, not sure a lot of people would agree with it, but I'm in. Could be used as interior for a specific bank like LV bank for experimental period (a week or so), so we can see feedback from both sides if the devs decide on implementing this.
  21. ::: ~[B]~(#500000)efore ~[A]~(#500000)fter :::
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  23. Total online members: ~[11]~(#500000) ::: :::
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