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Everything posted by Jim

  1. Event #1 Event type: Gokart fallout Prize: 1,000,000 Winner: Bean KC members: N/A Screens: https://imgur.com/a/cieBv7y
  2. @reggi said in Kart Club: Name: Reggi Username: xr3gg1x Age: 28 Nationality: USA English proficiency: 10/10 Playtime on the server: 1904 Hours Server Groups: TMH vL, SAFD Battalion Chief, IAC MerryWeather, MCC CEU, VT HQ, SAP, UC L. Current organization (g/s/c): The Company Do you own a kart? No, but could potentially get my own. Why do you want to join us? Because it seems like a fun group. I love racing on the server and being that I'm vL in TMH and I lead the racing division it would fit perfect to try something new like this. I don't have much experience with carts on the server but I'm an awesome racer and I learn styles and technique fast. I also love the Mech aspect on the server and down with meeting new people. A lot of people in your roster I noticed I haven't had much time to get to know so im all about collaborating and creating some sick roleplays for KC. Why should we accept you? Because I'm a fun and mature player in SAES. I've been playing for just about a year and I have a ton of experience. I love to race and I really enjoy a good roleplay. I got great team building skills and I could help out a ton. -=(lime)Accepted=-, Welcome!
  3. dutchies drugs
  4. -=(#cc0000)It's a group, you don't need to leave your g/s/c=- Date of creation: 18-05-2018 Tags: [KC]Name, Probation [KC*]Name. Base location: Paint n' Spray, Northern San Fierro. Vehicles: GoKarts Member count: 12 Motto: "If you ain't on the gass, we'll be kicking your ass!" Colour code: ~[#6B8B66]~(#608f61) Vehicle Colour code: ~[#006400]~(green,green) -=(#6c96d4)Discord link =- The Club is not only involved in just racing they also have a solid team taking care of events, the setup and built of races and shows for the community to attend and participate in to. We have our own mechanics who take care of the repair, recovery and modifications of our vehicles and we are also in business as of in selling refurbished gokarts. Media Archive @Jim said in Kart Club - Media Archive: All Kart Club related items can be shared here. [Kart Club topic]: Click Here! Regarding to events, roleplays & races, please stick to the following formats; Leader @Jim (oximan42) Vice Leader @Louis (knobhead) Head Quarters Team @Reggi* (xr3gg1x) @Sw3dy (Knele) Professional @Sw3dy (Knele) Racer @Filex (medtheman) @Markus (kalevipoeg) @savino (doris) @Draven (stairox) @M7mod @MrSolrac (mrsolrac1) @KARIM (chinwibenlaid) @IndoGrasa (styxon) Probationary Honorary @Gubby (gubby20) VIP @ESO Donation karts placed at the club base may only have usernames from KC members locked on it Always pull over for the police Use KC tags whenever you're making use of a kart Don't curse Don't cheat in races Remain humble in defeat and victory Obviously we can not write everything down, common sense is required. If you're interested in becoming part of the club you're required to apply. Asking to join will not work or benefit your chance of joining in the future. Asking to members to review/answer your application will have bad influence on your result. It does not matter if you do not own a kart, we ensure that every member will have access to one. FORMAT **Name:** <answer> **Username:** <answer> **Age:** <answer> **Nationality:** <answer> **English proficiency:** <answer> **Playtime on the server:** <answer> **Server Groups:** <answer> **Current organization (g/s/c):** <answer> **Do you own a kart?** <answer> **Explain our role in 50 words:** <answer> **Why do you want to join us?** <answer> **Why should we accept you?** <answer>
  5. All Kart Club related items can be shared here. [Kart Club topic]: Click Here! Regarding to events, roleplays & races, please stick to the following formats; Event Format ::: ![](https://i.imgur.com/Ayd7buc.jpg) **Event** #number **Event type:** **Prize:** **Winner(s):** **Hoster** **KC members:** **LWS/G6 Helper:** **Screens:** ::: Roleplay Format ::: ![](https://i.imgur.com/qTXyo8l.jpg) **RP** #number **Roleplay title:** **Participants:** **RP scenario:** **Screens:** ::: Race Format ::: ![](https://i.imgur.com/83ilqI8.jpg) **Race** #number **Race type:** **Racers:** **Winner:** **Location:** **Screens:** :::
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