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Everything posted by Laminee

  1. Starting Bid : $ 35.000 LV, 3 Shemales Close ,, with carspawn : https://imgur.com/a/48BwYDc Starting Bid : $ 1.200.000 SF, 37 Seamen Road ,, with carspawn : https://imgur.com/a/DzMrwyf Starting Bid : $ 100.000 FC, Flint County Inn Iii,, near disk : https://imgur.com/a/wIs3cQq Starting Bid : $ 1.800.000 LS, Beach View 1,, with Carspawn : https://imgur.com/a/SSQ4Bor Starting Bid : $ 1.000.000 SF, SF Bank Shops #1,, with 800$ income : https://imgur.com/a/gx8E2SN Starting Bid : $ 2.000.000 LS , Soap Dodger Boutique Shop,,with 4k income : https://imgur.com/a/cQ112sy Starting Bid : $ 7.000.000 LS, Pacing T It Moter Sports Store,, with 9.6k income : https://imgur.com/a/czlNMsQ Starting Bid : $ 500.000 RC, General Store,,with 2k income :https://imgur.com/a/saumc8c
  2. starting bid : 1.500.000$ ss : https://imgur.com/a/2dUxsPq
  3. username : kenttabadat last seen : 4th november 2018 ss : https://imgur.com/a/MkpZ4Jn
  4. username : zitouna last seen : 5th august 2018 ss : https://imgur.com/a/WNzzPnd
  5. username : sapience lastseen:18th august2018 ss:https://imgur.com/a/IanYcZ4
  6. screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/zMO4egC starting at 2m
  7. username : fabricioaguero last seen: 6th august 2018 ss: https://imgur.com/a/L50IJuf
  8. username : truckertoast last seen : 8th august 2018 ss : https://imgur.com/a/SVhwc9e
  9. username:frozenpolar lasttseen : 14th ocotober 2018 ss:https://imgur.com/a/sWKiybO
  10. In-game nickname: thanos In-game username: amine sfaxi Your real name: med amine Age: 17 Nationality: tunisian Do you already have any friends in The Outfit?: King Did anyone say that you should apply to join us?: King What unique qualities can you offer to The Outfit? Activity, knowledge (all sort of types), respect and friendship, skills, and a lot of fun. Additional information about yourself: My names mohamed amine, i live in tunisia ,i have 17 years old. i study in high school ,,i am very loyale and patience . Past experience in SAES:RPG. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? (Please mention any inactivity absenses & forum time too):4 years, i made 270 hours in this account cause i forgot the password of my last account What previous gangs/squads/companies you have been in?(Please provide these in order, with time spent in each if possible): NNB 1month and 18 day (bored of cop life, missed the good old criminal life). Why have you left the above?: ---- What server groups are you currently a part of?: none Previous server bans and reasons (include links): N/A
  11. @rayenbobos99 ok sir i am there
  12. Participants in The RP: @KeLeen i uselually roam in Los Santos streets on my car grabbing some Coffe and donuts, somehow today i got a radio call of a speeding truck on the roads, so i went after it and somehow i saw the truck entering a known street for selling drugs so i tried to hide and wait for him to get out , after 20 mins he went so crazy and driving so fast so i stopped him. -Hello Sir... -Yes officer? how can i help u? -Do you know why i stoped you? -I guess for Speeding?Right? -Yes sir the road limit is 50 and you're going 100.... with a truck... -Yeah... i have a place to be -we all have places to be but you're driving madly, i have to check ur ID and license.. -sure... Officer :"Checking license and ID" Suspect : "Starting to have Signs of worrying" Officer : "Suspects a familiar name to a drug runner" -Sir can u Get out of the truck for a sec ? -Alright... Suspect : "Goes out of Car" Officer : "Searching the car" Officer : "finds drugs" -Sir who's this stuff? -i don't know.... Suspect "Starts to freak out" Suspect "Pulls a Gun To shoot the officer" Officer " Pulls gun and shoot him on The Arm" Suspect : "goes down screaming of pain" -Shots Fired! Shots Fired!... Suspect is down Need a Medic fast!!! Police and Ambulance comes and the Suspect gets arrested screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/gwpW4TZ
  13. starting bid : 2,500,000$ ss : https://imgur.com/a/hgWAq8D
  14. starting bid : 2,000,000$ ss : https://imgur.com/a/jxokF06
  15. @Shaun said in Interested in joining SAHA? Apply here!: In-game name : laminee Username : amine sfaxi Age : 18 years old Nationality : tunisian Previous bans/punishments : i haven't been banned or pinishments before Why you think you would be suitable for the role : i have already some years experience in this game,,i like to help players a lot and assist them .also, i want to help the community by something useful .. besides , i'm very active in our serveur which you can find me anityme to help you,, morever , i read the chat and know what happen on there so i i don't miss any message to ansewer it as soon as i noticed.. greetings ,, laminee .
  16. username :tumppah last seen : 5th ocotber 2018 screenshots :https://imgur.com/a/vnr77tt
  17. Username: hakypehbiu Last seen: 14th july 2018 Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/dEmV9hp
  18. Username: vase Last seen: 5th septembre 2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/gP040eR
  19. Username:Wassan Last seen: 7th october 2018 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/c3wdfeO
  20. Username:ata2000 Last seen: 18th june 2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/AeruXDm
  21. Section I: General Information In-game name: laminee Account name: amine sfaxi Real name: med amine sfaxi Title(Mr/Mrs): Mr Date of birth: 05/02/2001 Origin country: Tunisia Country in residence: Tunisia Timezone: GMT +1 Spoken languages: arabic , English , frensh & deutsch English proficiency on a scale of (1-10): 8=9/10 Do you have TeamSpeak 3/Discord/Whatsapp installed?: Yep i have discord and whatsapp Section II: SAES Experiences How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?: Approximately 1 year . Previous organization(s): none Why did you leave or why were you kicked? Briefly explain:i didn't left any organization before . Have you ever been punished by staff(s)? If yes, briefly explain: Nope i've never been punished by staff or admins Do you have Professional Officer Certificate?: Nope i didnt took it If you had it before, how did you lose it? Briefly explain: Well i never had that. Are you a part of any group in SAES? If yes, state your position within the group: nope . Section III: Theoretical Knowledge Write a summary of your qualification(s): I'm pretty good at team work and Roleplaying , shooting too . What is your greatest weakness?: I'm not so good at driving a heli . Why do you want to be part of the NNB?:cause national narcotics bureau is a elite squad i think so i would like to help them . Why would we choose you rather than the other applicant(s)?i am respectful player and i would like to improve my skills by joining NNB also i'll do my best to make NNB better than the others groups . What is the role of NNB in SAES? Briefly explain: NNB has been created for deal with drug dealings of SA , their role is raid to Drug Deals around San Andreas and stop the criminals about selling drugs to other gangs ruin their drug deals between criminals so basically their main role is fight aganist drugs How would you describe roleplaying? Briefly explain: it mean to play like in real life for example you have to act like an Real Officer while Roleplaying with someone . What does "Team Spirit" mean to you? Briefly explain: i think its the Team work,, the greatest thing to do while on a mission you have to be ready to give your life for your teammates . the Team work is the most important thing in a squad by my opinion If someone kills you for no reason, what would be your first reaction? Briefly explain: I'll take an SS and report him/her to admins . How would you describe marker arrest?: If you arrest someone while he/she on blue marker that counts as Marker Arrest How do you describe yourself to people? Briefly explain: My name is med amine ,i'm borned in Tunisia currently 17 years old and studying at highschool i waste my time in playig with pc. hope you like it
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