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Everything posted by Laminee

  1. Type of the training: parachute training Members online: Cadet @Raf0 @Diesel @iSsoUu Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. gz guys <3
  3. Main characters: @iSsoUu @Shadro @Diesel @SAFP-Carl @McJoni @Jiirak Story: On the day of 25 June 2019. The members of san Andreas Federal Police were meeting at headquarters discussing several topics, including guerrilla warfare and drug trafficking, as well as theft and looting. Until we received the request for help from the Stike Team member , his request that he was trying to catch a criminal in order to refer him to justice, but he escaped. Our members were ready for any emergency call. We took the cars assigned to this operation and began to catch up with the criminal, according to the information that our colleague had sent, which contained descriptions of the suspect and the car he was driving. We divided ourselves into two teams. We created an ambush on both the Las Vanturas highway and the Bank the Criminal havent any idea about the trap thats why he fall in.. We got him then we took the suspect to our base and the mission had done with high quality and skills Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. In-game name: Laminee Username: amine sfaxi Age: 18 Nationality: tunisia Previous bans/punishments: N/A Why you think you would be suitable for the role: First i would say that im a helpful man who want to help everyone .In addition i think that im active enough in forums and in game . i think that people arround san andreas are very interested by inactive props and auction and i can mention that i have knowledge about houcing system and prices because im one of the most seller around . maybe my luanguage can help me to contct with many countries because i can talk english french deutch italien and arabic . like i mentiened before that a lot of people ask about inactive props and looking for help ,,so i think that i can deal with them and sort their request due to my assistance and loyalty . i hope that i explained enough what i would be suitable for the role and thanks a lot ~[best regards Laminee]~(red)
  5. Starting Bid ; 1.500.000$
  6. Main characters: @Glayd @SAFP-Carl @Jizzy @Jefff @Garcia1999 Story:Date june 15 of 2019, Early that same morning , the Department Central of Police contacted us, they were very anxious and the reason of that was a big dilevery of cocane organised by "OverdoseCrime" .. they've called us as their best option as Marshall unit and SAFP officers were actually the most efectives for this type of Operations. In the same time @Jizzy was leading the Criminal operation in San Fierro with his gang members. Our HQ Carl took us in the helicopter to achieve the place as soon as possible . 10 minutes later We are in the exact place watching the exchange between OC membres and other drug dealers around San Andreas. It was a big truck full of cocane and suicide pills led by Jeff Our strategy was : 1 sniper and the others go there as they are buyers wearing civilian clothes and Heavily armed. The sniper watching the whole place putting his hand in the Trigger In anticipation of any error. Glayd started the converstation with OC members asking them about prices and quality, the seller have no idea about our mission and he kept telling us some advantages about his coca. When he get out the Samples, 2 guns were pulled in his head we asked them to surrender avoiding a war but Garcia Run away but not for long. he was dead after few seconds with a headshot from our sniper. We got the Criminals and we put them in the helicopter then went back to our base. Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. Type: Chiken Shooter LWS/G6:@John Prize: 2.000.000$ Winner: @jpslimmen2 Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. Type of the training: uses of Anims in RP Members online: Cadet @Morena Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. Type of the training: Radio Code uses Members online: Cadet @Morena Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. Type: Chiken Shooter LWS/G6: @Kowalski Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: @ZeCabra Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. Type of the activity: Parachute Training Members online: supreme,seals,shadro,carl,glayd Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. Type of the activity: Driving training Members online: supreme,seals,shadro,carl,glayd Screenshots: ::: :::
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