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Everything posted by Griffin

  1. Roleplay: 328 @TaJ said in Specialist Firearms Command - Media Archive: ^[] ^[~[''YOU'RE GOOD TO GO, SIR.'']~(#988870,black,#988870)] ^[~[R]~(#988870)ole Play Number:] ^[6th.] ^[~[P]~(#988870)articipants in the RP:] ^[SCF - @TaJ] ^[ThC - @Griffin ] ^[~[R]~(#988870)P Scenario:] ^[28/06/19 - Las Venturas: The day was coming to just about the end for SFC Leader A-125 when he was doing a final speedcam at Las Venturas inter highway, just next to the casino and station. At this very location, a person arrived and was simply going through but his vehicle's open back door caught A-125's attention and thus he pulled him over to the side of the road after showing the ID Card and explaining the reason which apparently was "just a mistake by the friend I just dropped by last street". This was sure nothing major but the person's shiny suit and hard-to-adjust attitude propelled A-125 to continue investigation. On checking the vehicle with appropraite permit, A-125 found a weapon inside the dashboard for which the suspect had "valid license" and showed it same moment. TaJ searched it and the driving license ID in his Police Dodge's Database monitor, everything was perfectly alright and as it turned out, this person was just a "businessman". Due to his kind attitude, A-125 handed over the documents back and asked him to make sure about the doors and such stuff from next time, aso a broken headlight should be fixed soon. The person thanked A-125 and continued his journey after a handshake and wave by the agent.] ^[~[S]~(#988870)creenShot(s):] ^[Click here!] ^[~[Thanks for viewing!]~(#988870,black,#988870)]
  2. [] ^[San Fierro BR 8/8] ]
  3. ^[] ^[~[D]~(green)ate and Time: 22/06/19 - Morning] ^[~[N]~(green)umber of Members Online: 7.] ^[~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)/If Any: Ofcourse,] ^[]
  4. ^[~[D]~(green)ate and Time: 22/06/19 - Morning] ^[~[A]~(green)ctivity Type: RoadTrip.] ^[~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)/If Any: https://imgur.com/a/4Ir6gDG]
  5. ^^[] ^[San Fierro BR 8/8] ]
  6. ^[] ^[Las Venturas BR 8/8] ]
  7. Name: Griffin Username: zafer305 Team Betting on: THC CDS UE Ammount: 2M Each
  8. ^[~[D]~(green)ate and Time: 15/06/19 - Evening] ^[~[A]~(green)ctivity Type: RoadTrip.] ^[~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)/If Any: Here,] ::: https://imgur.com/a/Im1PHpl :::
  9. ^[] ^[#717] ^[Event Name : Rhino Shooter] ^[LWS/G6/CEO : BLUE] ^[Winner : Rusame ] ^[Price : 1 000 000 $] ^[ScreenShots : https://imgur.com/a/TjWu5Xn]
  10. Patrol #658 Personal Patrol: 39 Participants: N/A Patrol Duration: 40 Min Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/oeqBCCo
  11. Patrol #657 Personal Patrol: 38 Participants: N/A Patrol Duration: 45 Min Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/fu4teZ5
  12. Address: 2 Las Barancas Trailer Park Account name: motje36 Last seen: 1th May 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/F9JUlVl
  13. Las Venturas Bank Robbery 8/8 ScreenShot: https://postimg.cc/z35Dtm09/a6c61319
  14. Address: 19 Little Havana Street Username: mierburns Last Seen: 10th Febuary 2019 SS: https://postimg.cc/HVMpffCG
  15. Las Venturas Bank Robbery 8/8 ScreenShots: https://postimg.cc/Yvky4pyN/889ca876
  16. #708 Event Name : LMS LWS/G6/CEO : Hotfire Winner : UE|kokwedy Price : 1 000 000 $ ScreenShots : https://postimg.cc/gallery/265n0y86i/e4fd4448/
  17. Patrol #612 Personal Patrol: 37 Participants: N/A Patrol Duration: 35 Min Screenshot: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2dz5u85xg/2191e889/
  18. Roleplay #45 Participants Me/ @Haze Personal RP #2 Story: I got a call when I was in the hospital.A peasant fell on the mountain and broke his leg. Other paramedics went there, but he couldn't help him.Because he fell right across the mountain. I have to take my helicopter and help. When I got there, I couldn't get the chopper down.Because it was pretty steep. Even though it was hard, I pulled it down and I went down slowly.The peasant was in a lot of pain.I gave him a painkiller and I lifted him up. I put a stabilizer on your broken foot. And I took him to the helicopter slowly. It's been hard to pick up a helicopter. I did it three or four times. And headed for the hospital. I left him at the hospital and went back to my place of work. Screenshots https://postimg.cc/gallery/12i7u9vk4/2ccb731a/
  19. Roleplay #44 Participants Me/ @RadiO Personal RP #1 Story: I got a call when I was in the hospital. A customer at the clubing Bell restaurant in bone country was poisoned by the food he ate. He suddenly fainted after throwing up. I got on a helicopter and went to the restaurant. I thought about what I could do to the poisoned person on the way.He could have been poisoned for two things.He was allergic to what he ate, or the food he ate had other minerals in it.I couldn't have intervened because I didn't have enough items.I was just gonna give him a little medicine to puke, and then I was gonna get him in the helicopter and bring him to the hospital. When I got there, she looked really bad.I gave her her medication and asked her what happened to the staff. The answer he gave me was ' he asked for chicken and cola and he threw up a few minutes after eating the chicken.'I asked him if he'd always come here, and he said yes. So he was poisoned by the chicken he ate. I had to take him to the hospital right away. He was awake on his way to the hospital. He said he felt terrible. And he kept throwing up. I had to take him to the hospital and clean his stomach right away.When I got to the hospital, I took him to the intervention room and cleaned his stomach.Then I wanted to keep him under surveillance. he could have been discharged after three or four days at the most. Screenshots https://postimg.cc/gallery/1rvy9ips4/b2eb8b49/
  20. Happy Birthday knk
  21. Patrol #601 Personal Patrol: 36 Participants: Dali Patrol Duration: 40 Min Screenshot: https://postimg.cc/gallery/153pmsx2i/210631d5/
  22. ~[600. PATROL!]~(lime) Patrol #600 Personal Patrol: 35 Participants: N/A Patrol Duration: 35 Min Screenshot: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29expu92i/103303e3/
  23. TR BR 8/8 ScreenShot ::: :https://postimg.cc/ZB5w7C8G/23763dce :::
  24. Patrol #596 Personal Patrol: 34 Participants: N/A Patrol Duration: 30 Min Screenshot https://postimg.cc/gallery/2s054c0xs/a57b7dc9/
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