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Posts posted by Filex

  1. Because its the first of april i wanted to invite my brother @Joe and ofc anyone that wants to be in this to do polls and celebrate that event tho each answer should be the opposite of what u will really answer.
    small example

  2. ^[alt text]

    ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Event Number=-: 97]

    ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Type of Event:=-Minigun Shooter]

    ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) LWS Helpers=-: Star]

    ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Winner:=- On the screens]

    ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon)Screenshots: =- ]

    ^[Pic1/ Pic 2/ Pic3]
    ^[alt text]

  3. ^[alt text]

    ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Event Number=-: 96]

    ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Type of Event:=-Face The hydra]

    ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) LWS Helpers=-: Star]

    ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon) Winner:=- On the screens]

    ^[-=(blue,blueviolet,violet,maroon)Screenshots: =- ]

    ^[Pic1/ Pic 2/ Pic3]
    ^[alt text]

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