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Posts posted by Filex

  1. Introduction
    We all played (majority atleast) played the vanilla game and if some of you remember we had to do some following missions and we need to keep a car on sight and range... Whatever the concept is pretty easy why not add a new spawn 'spy' that can do these missions because i think it will be fun.
    How will it work?
    Maybe add a ped with a specific direction and you should follow him for a specific time and if you are too close you get busted and fail
    There is other possibility that i dont support which is having a random player from the map/city to be followed and with the same way for the ped.

  2. @Lilskies how did you join all of these organizations if you cant fill 3 questions by urself. I answered this application 10 times in a unique way each time its not hard

  3. So unfortuatly its the last until a new event comes up (like 2.0) was a joke i wont stop making polls forever but i will stop for a xhile indeed. The LAST ULTIMATE POLL

  4. So obviously after sars bought saes some admins are leaving so we need new ones and this topic is a poll and im awesome and now lets get to buisness

  5. @Mohamed-Mostafa said in Bring back saes:

    @Filex ffs dude it's a fuckin April foll ofc SARS won't buy SAES, for example why Brophy announced that only in April 1 ? ofc he had 1 wife and 2 childrens before April 1, the question is why he did that only in April 1 ? to say "APRIL FOLL HAHAAHAHAHA" while he is laughing -_- pls get a life
    NOTE: in SARS Discord Karl SARS HQ said that it's onl a joke and they won't buy SAES, so again, get a life

    No shit

  6. As we all heard that obviously sars bought saes and im not with that descsion indeed this poll which is a part of my exclusive poll for april
    Vote saes if you dont want to see radrick solving a report with u in the future days

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