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Posts posted by WenDo

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    Description: It was in the middle of the Night, WenDo was preparing his truck for the shift. Suddenly a truck arrived at the gates of the headquarters. He opened to check out who it was, It was someone from the Medellin Cartel. He had a truck with 2 vehicles on it. He asked if we could help him repair the vehicles as fast as possible. After meeting the agreements to pay us extra cash for the night shift, we unloaded the vehicles and parked them near the Garage. I started working on them and changed many parts on both of the vehicles, they had scratched doors, missing bumpers and much more. After i fixed both of them, I parked them on the truck again and he drove away. It was a good night shift, We made some good cash.
    Participants: [ @Medelln-Cartel - @Orten1 , @SkuLL ] - [ @WenDo ]


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    Date: 14/06/2020

    Training: #01
    Participants: @WenDo , @LandShark , @Medo12 , @The-Best1 , @SkuLL , @Zodiyac



    We went to the Ammunation shop in Los Santos, to get some M4s and Parachutes for our helpers. After that we headed to San Fierro to take one rented Maverick.
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    After we picked up the Maverick, we followed the plan and started flying to Las Venturas. In Las Venturas we had organized with other Organization a parachute training. All of the helpers had to do the parachute jump and to land on the position that has been marked. Most of them did it without any problems.
    All of the helpers landed on the 35 and that was a good sign of good training in the last weeks.
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    After the successfull parachuting training, we went to test the shooting skills of the helpers. We toke the maverick and flied to Tierra Robada, on a training propety which is hold by the Government. They were in 2 v 2 teams the team [ Remp & SkuLL ] won. That is all of the today's training, in the following days there will be more intense trainings. This was just the beginning.
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  3. Dear Community,

    I wanted to inform you all about today, my lucky day. I'm playing this server for so long time. Thanks to the donator spawn i had the chance to use RPG and Molotov. But today is my lucky day. I couldn't belive my eyes when i went there. I'm about to cry, all i wanted to reach here is to find the rare Public Hydra. After years of playing and knowing all the public vehicles spots and its cars. I gave up and though that i would never find the Hydra, that has changed today. I'm about to cry, i'm so happy that i'm the first one who found it. Here a screenshot for you to be jealous :) . I've learned a lesson, when you want something, then never give up you will reach it!

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    WenDo Designs


    Hello there, I would like to announce that i also do designs and if you need anything related to designs, contact me on Discord. wendo21





    There are some examples in the spoiler, but these aren't the only ones i did. There are plenty more but I couldn't find them.




    • Topics
    • Vory v Zakone




    • Medellin Cartel

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    • WenDo's LWS Events

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    • SkulioN's LWS Events

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  5. ^[ ~[]~(#9b6c62) "Medelln - Los reyes de la cocana" ~[]~(#9b6c62) ]
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    - Role -

    A Cartel that enrich the scene by doing Assassin and oppressing tasks around San Andreas, Cartels side hobby is selling drugs to save and increase the income.

    - Story -

    Back in the 1970s, Colombia was in a period of relative stability after decades of political violence and upheaval. And there was a fortune to be made in selling cocaine to Americans, especially if you could control every level of the business - flying coca base in from Bolivia, processing the stuff in Colombia and retailing it directly to the US consumer. Thats where the Medellin Cartel came into their own from 1976 to 1993. Highly organised and viciously ruthless, they built an empire that, at its peak, made more than $60 million a day.

    With so much at stake, violence became one of the key weapons in the Medellin Cartels political arsenal. Its estimated they murdered at least 110,000 people during their reign. The majority of these killings were the result of bombings of flights, cars, buildings and buses but also included the executions of more than 5000 police, as well as anyone they suspected of subversive (i.e. Communist) or anti-Colombian tendencies.

    Pablo Escobar is the best-known name in the Medellin Cartel story, for obvious reasons. He was not only the leader of the group, he also gained a reputation for being the wealthiest criminal in history and a hugely popular figure in Colombia thanks to his generous investment in infrastructure and social projects. In the '80s, he oversaw the shifting of 70-80 tons of cocaine into America on a monthly basis, which led to him being imprisoned under ludicrously cushy conditions. Killed in 1993 on a rooftop by police, Escobars death marked a turning point in the cartels fortunes. Without his commanding, charismatic and connected presence, the group fell apart.

    But Escobar wasnt the only major figure in this story. Carlos Lehder was the man who understood the importance of logistics. He took the low-rent operation he found in the mid-'70s and revolutionised the way they did business. Now, instead of sending drug mules on flights one at a time, they could fly their own small aircrafts at detection-dodging low altitudes. Business boomed even more so after Lehder bought an island in the Bahamas to use as a combination midpoint for cocaine smuggling and hedonistic pleasure palace. Today, hes rumoured to be in witness protection after becoming unstable and being handed over to American authorities, landing a sentence of life without parole plus 135 years in 1988.

    George Jung was the third piece of the puzzle. He and Lehder met in 1973 in a Connecticut prison, where they bonded over a shared love of drug dealing. In a 2000 interview, Jung spoke of their meeting: He was looking for a way to transport cocaine out of Colombia and people to sell it in the United States, and there I was. It was like a marriage made in heaven, or hell in the end.

    Using his connections on the American side of the operation, Jung built the market and distribution for what the Colombians were making. He made millions, as youd suspect, but wound up in jail for a 20-year stint after being arrested in Kansas with a ton of cocaine.

    Today, Medellin is still the centre of Colombias cocaine trade, but the terrain has completely changed over the past 20-plus years. Its a far more fragmented industry, and theres no major figurehead to do political battle in a landscape where local police and the American DEA have joined forces to take out anyone who pops their head above the parapet. If anyones buying islands or financing local soccer teams, theyre doing it quietly.

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    Founders: WenDo, SkulioN, MarksMan
    Level: 2
    Panel: Medellin
    Date of Creation: 28/12/2019
    Value: 50.000.000$+
    Tags: M|Name \ M-H|Name for wannabes/ helpers.
    Motto: Medelln - Los reyes de la cocana
    Color: # 9b6c62 \ r: 155 g: 108 b: 98
    Discord: ~[discord.gg/fHxva73]~(#9b6c62)

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    • Respect every player within the game

    • Make sure youve red the server rules ( ~[https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6088/saes-rpg-rules-regulations-translated]~(#9b6c62) )

    • Follow the orders of the gangs Headquarters Team

    • Do not spam the main chat with stupid comments or not allowed languages

    • Do not ask any of the Seores for promotions

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    ^[Capo | M|Name<C> - ( Level 5 )]

    ^[The highest position in the gang is that of the Boss. The Boss is the ultimate decision maker and the supreme power in the group and is the one who delegates duties to other subordinate members. He not only takes the ultimate responsibility for the actions of the gang but also is the most respected member.]

    ^[Teniente | M|Name<T> - ( Level 4 )]

    ^[Second most important Person, the one who plans together with the capo daily the new upcoming deals. Has to deal with all the work when the Capo isn't in the house. He's the right hand and has all the trust of the Capo.]

    ^[Seccin: Asesinato]

    ^[Jefe de Asesinato | M|Name<JdA> - ( Level 3 )]

    ^[High ranked person which has the responsibility to lead a whole section. This is the jefe of the Asesinato ( Assassination ) section. He is the one that plans all the assassinations and picking the right members to do the tasks.]

    ^[Sicario | M|Name<S> - ( Level 2 )]

    ^[Experienced murderer, he has been working for a long time as hitmen and is being picked for the more complicated tasks as he gained the skills for it. He is always doing his job very well and without any problems.]

    ^[Asaltador | M|Name<A> - ( Level 1 )]

    ^[ This is one of the three choices after being for long time as Asociados. This is going to help him specialize on and focus on one of the three most important must-know skills in the gang.]

    ^[Seccin: Opresin]

    ^[Jefe de Opresin | M|Name<JdO> - ( Level 3 )]

    ^[High ranked person which has the responsibility to lead a whole section. This is the jefe of the Opresin ( Oppression ) section. He is the one that plans all the attacks and picks the right members to do the tasks.]

    ^[Opresor | M|Name<O> - ( Level 2 )]

    ^[This is the trusted member in the Oppression section. He has been long time in here and learned a lot about how to get his job fast and smooth done. He is always the first choice when the task requires experienced members of this section.]

    ^[Ladrn | M|Name<L> - ( Level 1 )]

    ^[This is one of the three choices after being for long time as Asociados. This is going to help him specialize on and focus on one of the three most important must-know skills in the gang.]

    ^[Seccin: Narcotrfico]

    ^[Jefe del Narcotrfico | M|Name<JdN> - ( Level 3 )]

    ^[High ranked person which has the responsibility to lead a whole section. This is the jefe of the Narcotrfico ( Drug Trafficking ) section. He is the one that plans all the routes for the drug transport and picks the right members to do the tasks. ]

    ^[Narcotraficante | M|Name<NT> - ( Level 2 )]

    ^[This member has been through thousands of borders and knows the bast way to smuggle from one to the another side of the border. He has been learned a lot from the Jefe and knows how the things work.]

    ^[Halcn | M|Name<H> - ( Level 1 )]

    ^[Halcn is the one who already passed all the tests and choose the Drug Trafficking as his strength. That's why he's ready to learn a lot about the drug trafficking.]

    ^[Seccin: Pioneros]

    ^[Asociado | M|Name - ( Level 0 )]

    ^[Asociados proved themselves as they were Novatos and showed the Cartel their loyalty. They passed the probation weeks and are ready to start off.]

    ^[Novato | M*|Name - ( Level 0 )]

    ^[Those are the freshmen in the Cartel. They have a long way infront of them. First of all they have to prove their loyalty to the Cartel.]

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    ^[Capo | M|Name<C> - ( Level 5 )]

    ^[The highest position in the gang is that of the Boss. The Boss is the ultimate decision maker and the supreme power in the group and is the one who delegates duties to other subordinate members. He not only takes the ultimate responsibility for the actions of the gang but also is the most respected member.]

    ^[- WenDo (trymebitch)]

    ^[Teniente | M|Name<T> - ( Level 4 )]

    ^[Second most important Person, the one who plans together with the capo daily the new upcoming deals. Has to deal with all the work when the Capo isn't in the house. He's the right hand and has all the trust of the Capo.]

    ^[- MarksMan (frickovviktor)]
    ^[- SkulioN (olo1)]

    ^[Seccin: Asesinato]

    ^[Jefe de Asesinato | M|Name<JdA> - ( Level 3 )]

    ^[High ranked person which has the responsibility to lead a whole section. This is the jefe of the Asesinato ( Assassination ) section. He is the one that plans all the assassinations and picking the right members to do the tasks.]

    ^[- n/a]

    ^[Sicario | M|Name<S> - ( Level 2 )]

    ^[Experienced murderer, he has been working for a long time as hitmen and is being picked for the more complicated tasks as he gained the skills for it. He is always doing his job very well and without any problems.]

    ^[- n/a]

    ^[Asaltador | M|Name<A> - ( Level 1 )]

    ^[ This is one of the three choices after being for long time as Asociados. This is going to help him specialize on and focus on one of the three most important must-know skills in the gang.]

    ^[- Nader (pakita)]
    ^[- Kim (fargada2356)]

    ^[Seccin: Opresin]

    ^[Jefe de Opresin | M|Name<JdO> - ( Level 3 )]

    ^[High ranked person which has the responsibility to lead a whole section. This is the jefe of the Opresin ( Oppression ) section. He is the one that plans all the attacks and picks the right members to do the tasks.]

    ^[- Stoner (stonermkd)]

    ^[Opresor | M|Name<O> - ( Level 2 )]

    ^[This is the trusted member in the Oppression section. He has been long time in here and learned a lot about how to get his job fast and smooth done. He is always the first choice when the task requires experienced members of this section.]

    ^[- n/a]

    ^[Ladrn | M|Name<L> - ( Level 1 )]

    ^[This is one of the three choices after being for long time as Asociados. This is going to help him specialize on and focus on one of the three most important must-know skills in the gang.]

    ^[- Extazy (kuramiqnko123)]

    ^[Seccin: Narcotrfico]

    ^[Jefe del Narcotrfico | M|Name<JdN> - ( Level 3 )]

    ^[High ranked person which has the responsibility to lead a whole section. This is the jefe of the Narcotrfico ( Drug Trafficking ) section. He is the one that plans all the routes for the drug transport and picks the right members to do the tasks. ]

    ^[- Zodiyac (HeyyImSicc)]

    ^[Narcotraficante | M|Name<NT> - ( Level 2 )]

    ^[This member has been through thousands of borders and knows the bast way to smuggle from one to the another side of the border. He has been learned a lot from the Jefe and knows how the things work.]

    ^[- n/a]

    ^[Halcn | M|Name<H> - ( Level 1 )]

    ^[Halcn is the one who already passed all the tests and choose the Drug Trafficking as his strength. That's why he's ready to learn a lot about the drug trafficking.]

    ^[- Hatchet (MistaMachete)]
    ^[- Dzmo (anour099)]

    ^[Seccin: Pioneros]

    ^[Asociado | M|Name - ( Level 0 )]

    ^[Asociados proved themselves as they were Novatos and showed the Cartel their loyalty. They passed the probation weeks and are ready to start off.]

    ^[- UnKn0wN_ (user0134)]
    ^[- u2slow (alfabits)]
    ^[- Morvios (aliemadeldin)]
    ^[- Genius (genius1107)]
    ^[- Achelous (Achelous)]
    ^[- Al_Capone (kiril122)]
    ^[- DustyLoc (Bacon142)]
    ^[- Remp (Jax01)]
    ^[- AmrosH (derbel009)]

    ^[Novato | M*|Name - ( Level 0 )]

    ^[Those are the freshmen in the Cartel. They have a long way infront of them. First of all they have to prove their loyalty to the Cartel.]

    ^[- Exde (Slix)]
    ^[- Nsoder (ezzeman)]
    ^[- Smeevil (smeevil)]
    ^[- Ekko (JustEkko)]
    ^[- Akashi (gagatum)]
    ^[- Witty (witti)]
    ^[- Skeba (Mol4as1k)]
    ^[- Lovska (JoinQUI)]
    ^[- MaGnaT (Dimasta228)]
    ^[- SaVa (sava18)]
    ^[- BigSm0ke (BigSmokeLikesfood1212121)]
    ^[- SkuLL (boboshero11)]

    ^[Total Members: ~[30]~(lime)]


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    ^[If you wish to see the rest of our Media Archive where we post everything then just ~[click here!]~(#9b6c62)]

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    ^[If you wish to apply for us, then you have to visit the How to Apply topic, There is everything important written how to post your application and more. ~[Click here.]~(#9b6c62)]

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