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Posts posted by WenDo

  1. @AntiRug said in Fixing the /sur command:

    If a criminal attempts to escape, but then finally gets shot down, they still demand they get to /sur which is absurd. So naah -1. Any decent cop will let a crim /sur if they agreed to cooperate.

    You need to be standing still and not moving for 3 seconds or so to do /sur. There's no way to abuse it while being on tazed or running. Besides that, I've seen a criminal being /sur before cops arrive and not moving and the cops tazed him just to give full jailtime..

  2. Hello there,

    As I've experienced in the last few days, there is bug with the /sur command. When you do /sur and the cop tazes you then you don't get 70% off, and that's annoying, the cops see that you did sur and taze you just to make you have more jailtime.

    So i request making the /sur command work when you are tazed too, once you've done it and you get tazed to get 70% off anyway and not the full jailtime.

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    Another day, another happy customer!

    It was a sunny morning, the shift started very good, less work and I thought, why not cleaning the Garage. As I finished sorting the tools. I received a call; it was the Police. They said that there was an accident on the road to Tierra Robada. They were there and cleared everything, my job was only to pick the damaged vehicle up and repair it. So, I prepared myself and headed there, it wasnt that far away. The police department also sent me a picture of the vehicle right after the accident, that was a proof for the Insurance company. When I arrived there, the vehicle was parked on the side and everything was clear, no police nothing. I parked in front of the car and checked the vehicle first. As I found no critical damage which would interrupt the towing to the garage. I moored the Rope and made sure the parking brake is off and the gear is in neutral. After checking everything is fine, I started driving to the garage. I parked safely the vehicle inside and the tow truck outside. After I checked every damage, the following parts were destroyed/damaged: Front Bumper, Intercooler, 2 Front Fog lights, Grilles, Radiator Supports, Front Fenders, Front Headlights, 4 doors inclusive the windows, Mirrors and the Windshield. After writing all of the damaged parts down, I asked a friend which has Parts Shop, luckily, he had all the parts and delivered them in around 30 minutes. After receiving all the parts I started working on it. First, I changed the Front bumper, following by the windshield, radiators, fenders and the mirrors. After replacing those parts I continued on the doors. Finished them fast because its just unplug, plug situation. Fixed everything and tested everything, run the vehicle software through the system and everything was fine. As last, I called the owner and told her that the car is ready to be picked up, the lady answered that she will be there soon. As I had nothing to do, I continued cleaning the garage until the lady came over and picked the car up, Of course she paid and took the keys and headed home. I would say, another day, another happy customer!


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