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Everything posted by WenDo

  1. Happy Birthday jew, have a nice one :crazypepe:
  2. Count: #60 Date: 06/01/2021 Event: Last Man Standing Prize: $1.000.000 Hoster: @Stoner Winner: @Zodiac Screens: ::: :::
  3. Your ingame username: trymebitch Your ingame alias: WenDo Your year of birth: 2003 Your gender: Male Nationality: Macedonian Country of residence: Germany How long you have been playing SAES: I started playing SAES around 2011, that makes around 10 years. Of course, I had some time off and on. I didn't play straight for 10 years. Have been 1-2 years inactive just checking hows going and on friends. Qualities you can offer: To be honest, I think, I can offer many qualities. As I'm and old and experienced player which learned a lot from his mistakes. I can proudly stay today and talk about my career here. I had some ups and downs, but I've learned a lot of them and that has strengthen up my personality and my self-confidence. I'm a person which strives for more responsibility and got a lot Eagerness to learn. I love to try new stuff and help the people with it. I think my problem-solving skills are on a good level, I always pinpoint a need and address it, so be sure to recount instances when I recognize an issue and develop an effective solution. I also have bunch of free time which can be a advantage in working successfully, I can be always there for help, as I'm most likely more than 8 hours in-game daily. Also my big quality is that I love to spread Positivity. I always avoid any conflicts or anything related to it. I'd rather make friends and be helpful than make myself enemies. What I cannot deny is, that I love to take responsibility. I always seek for opportunities which lead to getting a task to do or somehow help others. That reliability has a big meaning for me is also a fact. When I say or promise to do something, I always fulfill and keep my words. Your weaknesses: Well, there are for sure more than I know, but what I can definitely say is, I'm a little kind of perfectionist. I want to finish the tasks given or promises I made, I like to make them as perfect as possible. Which in fact also means that I'm very much of a detail-oriented. Do you have Discord Installed: Yes, I do. Reason for application: There are actually many reasons for my application. Main reason is that I love to take responsibilities and love to help the people. I have much free time and I use it playing SAES, which leads sometimes to just sitting around and surfing through the forum and the older topics. Firstly, I thought that there's just Community Staff application but as I see that people can choose. I love the tasks of a SAHA, I like dealing with houses and everything around it. I believe, I can bring a lot of activity and help to the community, because as I see some days there are the SAHA members busy and can't help the players. I'm sure, I would have enough time and wills to help everyone sort their stuff. Server Memberships: Medellin Cartel [gang] - Leader Cunning Stunts - Leader RadioSA - HQ Global Express Trucking - HQ Outbreak Organization - Rookie ZIP Construction - Worker LoungeVC - Member The Motor Heads - Technician SA Fire Department - Probationary Firefighter Additional information: I'd like to tell a little about myself. My name is Filip, I'm currently still doing school and probably next year starting with a job and school combined. I'm heading into the Logistics section. I'm a calm and helpful person and enjoy playing the server. Currently is MTA the only game that still is fun to me and play it daily. I love the community and having a long conversations with friends and making new friends within the new players. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I got few troll mutes by admin/staff friends and 1 adminjail so far in the last 2 years. Previous (legitimate) bans: Well, I got a ban in 2014 I believe. To be honest, I was too young and never thought of the consequences or anything similar. I had some friends which told me they can make and give me scripts to make a server. I didn't thought about anything and made it, which caused mess and I closed it right after a SAES member has told me that the scripts I got, are actually a stolen old SAES scripts. I got banned for it and served enough time. In the meantime, I got mature and started to look to the things from both sides and reflect the consequences before doing. I realized that i'm connected to the server and that I love the community the server has. Nowadays, I focused on building up a career and have a successful gang and high positions in other groups.
  4. Participants: @WenDo, @Stoner , @Aveyro District: All Districts Shift period: 13:30 - 14:10 : (about 40 minutes) Number of vehicles: 15 Vehicles Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. @Tut-Greco As they're already gone, could you lock and archive the topic?, ty
  6. @fenter said in Disable fireworks in vehicles: Get better crackers perhaps? Have you been ingame since the fireworks are added, or you never helped any gang in BR. It's not about the cracking, the shamal blows up at meeting place and 70% of defense is gone ans until you regroup cops know about it
  7. @velona said in 2020 In Review - Bank Robberies: @Medelln-Cartel train mens Blame @Zodiyac the retard never online to crack :crazypepe:
  8. @epichu there are 2 or 3 failed bankrobs because of it, shamal explodes and everyone is either 10 hp or dies
  9. @sanfara And what should we do these couple of days? Fail every BR cause troll people launch firework every second?
  10. Hello there, as I've experienced in many bankrobs etc. People keep launching fireworks in shamal and it makes the plane explode. My suggestion is to turn off /fireworks command while the person is in a vehicle.
  11. @alperens call me in-game to get the prop XD
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