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Everything posted by WenDo

  1. DJ: @WenDo Branch: Radio SA Broadcasted: 03/02/2021 Duration: Around 1 hour Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. In the cold times, working inside is a blessing Shift start, the night was starting slowly and by that, the shift start was coming near. I headed to the garage and started my shift, the bad thing was, I forgot my chip which I have to login at the system that I came to work with. So, I headed to the manager of the today's shift @MarksMan and asked him to do it for me. He did it for me and I started working. First, I saw there was a chopper which was fixed and had to give invoice to the customer, I took care of it and did a invoice for him, he received it and left the garage. After that the Shift manager wanted to test the vehicle we were working long on. It got finished today after many changes and fixes. So, I asked him if I can join him at the test drive. We headed and drove few kilometres and the vehicle seemed to be all good, so we headed back to the garage. When we arrived, I went up in the warehouse and started sorting stuff, It was kinda mess because of the latest tasks which were pretty much too much of work for us and we couldn't take care of the warehouse. When I finished sorting the parts, I went to the lounge and asked one customer that waited for his vehicle, if he we wants something to drink or eat, he refused so I went to the PC area and started doing some paperwork. Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  3. Day or Night, We are here for help! Pretty calm day, had night shift. As the sun started going down, I knew it's time to prepare for work. I prepared my vehicle and changed outfit, said good bye to the family. Started the engine and as the plan says, I had to head to the highway "Las Venturas towards Los Santos". I turned my vehicle on and started driving, one of the supervisors of the shift called me. It was MarksMan, he said that I have to hurry up because a customer called that he will come over as he had a crash and needs his car to be repaired this night. As I arrived, there was other customer which was already paying and driving out. I waved at him while going out and then started cleaning the garage. From the co-workers that worked on the previous vehicles, they left all the wrenches and toolbox on the floor or near the lifting platform. After cleaning and sorting the toolbox, the car arrived that I had to repair. It was a Merit from 2001 year. I didn't know if we had the parts here, so I opened in our computer and checked what we have and if it is possible to repair everything here, luckily we had everything, I went up to get everything moved on repairing. The vehicle was in pretty good condition and all the bolts were easy to get them off. I started with repairing the bumper and hood. The bumper had to be replaced and the hood just a little bit of work. After finishing hood and bumper, I moved the car down from the lifting platform and replaced the doors. Finally, as I finished with repairing it, I parked it outside and went in the garage to do the bill. Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  4. @Rolly There's language chat, in-game it's called Country chat. You can type /country and you will be assigned to the chat of the country you're coming from.
  5. GXT Members: @WenDo / Helper: @VenusX Activity: Delivering Ammu to the Army Duration: Around 20 Minutes Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. GXT Members: @WenDo Activity: Repairing Client's vehicles Duration: Around 10 Minutes Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. GXT Members: @WenDo Activity: Delivering Ammunition to the Army Duration: Around 30 Minutes Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. This is an automated post TXN ID: 632160105U1567913 Donation Amount: 5.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  9. This is an automated post TXN ID: 2UN81154EN902691B Donation Amount: 10.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  10. Count: #66 Date: 13/01/2021 Event: Kamikaze WenDo [Airplane Edition] Prize: $1.000.000 Hoster: @Stoner Winner: @KARIM Screens: ::: :::
  11. Count: #65 Date: 13/01/2021 Event: Land on my DFT-30 Prize: $1.000.000 (2 x 500.000$ ) Hoster: @Stoner Winner: @Kok @JukyPlatinium Screens: ::: :::
  12. Count: #64 Date: 13/01/2021 Event: Last Man Standing Prize: $1.000.000 Hoster: @Stoner Winner: @JukyPlatinium Screens: ::: :::
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