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Everything posted by Canelas

  1. Hmm people post here other people's songs, but I decided to post the latest video from my channel. Feel free to post your opinions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewiep_hmNc8&lc=z22lzn3qjm2pujzcqacdp434h1ggxcln2sopvqxve5xw03c010c
  2. @samuel3021 We hoped you managed to sort yourself up, but you failed on that aspect. @Karma Your instability, which we evaluated based on past gangs and reasons of those quits, makes us not willing to accept the risk of taking you in. Bad luck. @Dexter and @N-GAS We decided to give you a shot, contact an HQ if you're not in yet. Welcome to the family, don't fuck it up. @Brahim You applied too recently, stick close and wait for the next batch of results.
  3. Yea not the usual day but we're late so @Dexter @Karma Not bad, one of you even reapplied. We wanna see a bit more commitment and activity. @N-GAS @samuel3021 Decent too. I wanna give a shootout to Samuel about that issue we talked about, so keep your head up and work on that. @Paul ahah not really
  4. then I'm gonna kick you asap
  5. Back in 2011, in this very same day, a group of individuals were creating an organisation which perhaps they didn't expect that would last 8 whole years... but it did! We've had our ups and downs, as does everything, but we're still here and on behalf of all the family, we wanna thank you for sticking around us, during the good and bad times, the fun and bitter moments. More's still to come, be sure of that. Keep around today, there may be some surprises... Some nostalgia pics: ::: ::: Happy birthday AA and bring more 8 years!
  6. @Twenta Nice to see an ex-member applying, but we noticed some things which led us to having a lack of faith. Not this time, mate. @ClasicGhost @Elite21z We're still reaching a final decision, better not rush on this. @Troyano Hmm hmm alright, let's see what you got. The rest who applied recently will be answered next week.
  7. Happy birthday slugsssssss
  8. Hello people, Following the latest announcement about cracking trainers and having one Arms Assassins member involved in that, the HQ team would like to assure that no one had any knowledge of him using such a thing, nor any of our current crackers use any type of mechanism to crack. Furthermore, the member in question has been punished, paid the amount of money needed for the fine, and is forbidden to crack. Best regards, AA HQ team
  9. Shut the fuck up
  10. On behalf on all AA, we wish a very merry Christmas to everyone!
  11. @Daster Welcome back. @NH4 Pretty weak application.
  12. @rottarotta @Lily Not what we're looking for, fellas. Better luck next time. @Willy @ANARCHY Stick around, we're evalutating your situation. @Rubik
  13. It stays forever to play or just a few days? I'm confused
  14. Nice try for HQ @Epichu but not this time, mate
  15. @Deuce Good application, let's see what the next step will be. @Filex You don't meet the requirements that we're looking for. @Eusbio Same as above, besides, that's a pretty slow effort application there.
  16. The oldest gang alive AA Official Topic Short Link: https://saesrpg.uk/...arms-assassins/ AA Roleplay/Activity and Media Topic: http://saesrpg.uk/...aa-media-archive/ AA group: https://saesrpg.uk/groups/arms-assassins Join our discord: https://discord.gg/aaftw Steam group tradition!: aaftw-aa In the early days 'Assassins' was a bit of a..push. We had fear, we had lives and we had morals. Soon we learned to lose them. I'm not really sure where the name came about, I know it wasn't us. Some street gangs tagged us up as assassins early on and when we began to sell our cargo onto the streets of San Fierro I guess some wise guy added the 'Arms'. I always was fascinated by neat nicknames, we agreed, we would be the 'Arms Assassins'. I guess names give you character, meaning, above all else a sense of purpose. We had a name now, a reputation we were building, something we had to uphold. This is when our loss of all things dear to mankind came about. Morals were a thing of the past, a human life was no longer a life, it was merely a pawn, a means to an end. We didn't think of it as selling guns, we didn't put any thought into what the purpose was. It was merely cargo and we were merely the sellers. Who cares? We got paid. Theft? Pah. Who cares about theft? Everything was something to steal, including merchandise. We had a very lackadaisical attitude towards stealing, whats yours is mine but whats mine is most certainly not yours. We made a bit of a reputation for ourselves when a jumpy little Latino gang tried to jack one of our shipments. I think there was about ten of them, none of them made it back alive. They were skinned and we hung them off an abandoned boat, like some sort of sick flag. The local gangs loved it, it drew attention and drove our reputation forward, I loved it. Nicknames stick to people, the more ridiculous the more adhesive they are. For some reason I was now cabbage..or couves. Who knows where this came from but, like everything else, it stuck like glue. We're now christened the Arms Assassins and I was now Couves. I guess this is what a reputation is. Feels pretty good. It kept going like that for a while. We kept up the same old tricks, robbing, selling, loading and distribution. Guns were our game. Ideas are more powerful than guns, why should we let them have ideas? They can have the guns, sure, but the only idea they were given is that we were the best and they were simply the rest. We found it fitting to move into that little ship we hung our flags from. It's a bit off the coast and it feels pretty protected. The local force don't bother with us, they come and try to execute a search warrant and suddenly we're in international water. Sure we've had the navy on us but we're pretty good at shutting up and hiding our gear. It's become a bit of a song and dance every time they show up. We keep our gear and they waste their time. It seems pretty ridiculous when you think about it, that they kept trying, God loves a trier. The law couldn't stop us, who could? We had no rivals, no competition. We are a family, strong, safe and together. We work for the profit that keeps us going and we will never stop. This is who we are, this is who we were destined to be. This is why we dropped our morals, why I was christened as cabbage and why we're the Arms Assassins. This is who we are. Gang Level: 5 HQ: SAES>Yoko || Colo || SAES>Anas || SAES>Velo Honorary: Couves, NTCO, Edgar, MasterWind, Canelas, SAES>Nicus, Ikzelf Members Count: +200(Including our gang's account) Current Allies: [B~B] Black~Bullets Gang Tag: [AA] ( [AA*] for probationary members) Date of Creation: 27 February 2011 Gang value: +$ AA signature: Enemies: N/A Respect the server and gang rules. Use your brain and common sense. Play for fun, respect the people in the server/gang. Watch your words when you wear the tag [AA], you are promoting the gang, and our reputation its in your hands. Screenshots These are just a few examples. Full activities and screenshots of our activities can be found on our Media Archive. Old Media Archive : Click You can see some older videos on our YouTube Channel. You can see some of our newest videos here too. First of all bear in mind we're a strict gang, in a matter of people we recruit. We do give more importance to your character, attitude and personality than anything else. Try to make your application stand out from the others. Make it noteworthy. What we want from you: Maturity Common sense Team spirit Decent English Note: You must be at least 16 years old in order to join us. We won't invite you based only on your text application. Hang around AA and show you're worth enough to join us. Try to make your apply clear, without big letters / colours. Be patient, the more you bother us about your application the lesser chance you have to be accepted. RECRUITMENT STATUS OPEN When you think you meet the previous requirements, join our Discord to fill in your application. Click here: Application Format Username: Age: Country: Languages spoken: From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): How long have you been playing on SAES: In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: Name 3 Bankrob rules: Imagine you're AA and you're helping another gang during a bankrob. What are some of the things you should** **absolutely NOT do?: Name 3 Turf rules: What is Roleplay?: What is Deathmatching?: Someone DMs you. What do you do?: You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): Join our discord: https://discord.gg/V6H5gpP Designed & updated by: SAES>Yoko
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