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Everything posted by Canelas

  1. @illusion said in Recruitment and SAES Promotions!: @Canelas I am sure you can do better this time! Good luck! Nah it's time for @Yoko to try for the third time to achieve his official doggie status. Or fail thrice.
  2. Wait, so you gonna keep buying new laptops and PCs to keep ban evading and creating new accounts with different names? I salute you, Captain Doner Kebab.
  3. Stop posting here PinkyyyCringyyy, this is for AA HQs only.
  4. TT trying to steal AA applicants, this is a new low.
  5. ^[ On this day, 27th February 2011, 10 years ago, Arms Assassins was founded. ] Several tides came and went away, many storms and many calms after them passed by this gang, some of which rocked its own foundation, but we're still here and we're still strong. This gang has been an organization of many forms and shapes throughout the years, but its soul has suffered no modifications. We appreciate those who stick by us, those who passed and enjoyed our family embrace, every single member and ex-member has in some way contributed to the evolution and growth of this gang. Being around for 10 years in SAES is no small feat for a gang and not many may have the chance. For those who do, we hope to be around to celebrate as well. ^[You can expect some extra activities from us during this special day and don't hesitate to share some good times with us, be it today or any other day.] ^[] ^[~[AA FTW ]~(99004d) ] We have a public channel in our discord server full of random pics, many of them old ones from the golden days, check it out in this link: https://discord.gg/KMptncwB Here's some of them: ::: :::
  6. parabens
  7. @ChicoRocha you missed a question in your application, check it out and edit
  8. Thank you all frens
  9. @Darude Quick and precise application, you're somewhat experienced around, make yourself more present from now on, you're a bit of a ghost.
  10. So let me get it straight, any suggestion presented is mandatory to support the police side as well? Goddamn
  11. @Gui rip your 7 mils
  12. jonny oca piqueno parabens, when rap feat. Jonny Oca?
  13. happy birthday brother hope you have a nice one
  14. Wrong mate, most of them actually left (thankfully) and created themselves a gang (thieves). This gives me some slack to eliminate any stragglers that remain, by reforming their mentality. You'll see.
  15. Pinkyyytinkyyy simps. Despite what people think, I absolutely despise them, I've been working on some methods to absolutely purge them.
  16. @Crash and @JoGe we're not entirely sure on yous, we get feedback that some days you're definitely there in full spirit, then you disappear like 2 ghosts, we'll give you another week to show proper motivation and presence then we revaluate, specially JoGe, who has disappeared completely. @EloThAm another tunisia goddamn
  17. @Kybali0n stop posting here only HQs allowed, please appeal your unban before getting to HQ
  18. Good luck! =) E L E V A T E
  19. @RAMPAGE ?????????????
  20. shut up belgium hippopotamus
  21. happy birthday fat cocainero look nice as always
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