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Everything posted by Rainy

  1. Turf 24/08/2020 ::: ::: Store Robbry 24/08/2020 ::: ::: Delivering VIP 24/08/2020 ::: ::: Assisting X BR at BC Bank 24/08/2020 ::: :::
  2. Turf 23/08/2020 ::: ::: LS Bank Rob ::: ::: Assisting X BR at RC Bank 23/08/2020 ::: ::: Assisting TT BR at SF Bank 23/08/2020 ::: ::: Store Robbery 23/08/2020 ::: :::
  3. Turf 21/08/2020 ::: ::: Delivering VIP 21/08/2020 ::: ::: Store Robbery 21/08/2020 ::: ::: LV Bank Rob ::: ::: Assisting HS BR at LS bank 22/08/2020 ::: :::
  4. Turf 20/08/2020 ::: ::: LS Bank Rob ::: ::: Store Robbery 21/08/2020 ::: ::: Assisting X BR at RC Bank 21/08/2020 ::: :::
  5. Jailbreak 19/08/2020 ::: ::: Store Robbery 19/08/2020 ::: ::: Turf 19/08/2020 ::: :::
  6. Jailbreak 17/08/2020 ::: ::: Assisting UE BR at LV bank 17/08/2020 ::: ::: SF Bank Rob ::: ::: Assisting in PBR LS bank 18/08/2020 ::: ::: Assisting AA BR at LS Bank 18/08/2020 ::: ::: Turf 18/08/2020 ::: ::: RC LV & SF Bank Robs ::: :::
  7. Turf 16/08/2020 ::: ::: Store Robbery 16/08/2020 ::: ::: Delivering VIP 16/08/2020 ::: ::: Assisting AA BR at RC Bank 17/08/2020 ::: :::
  8. ^[Organization Zero 7th anniversary] Ufff what a day..where to even start. First i would like to say, thank you all who participated in our activity and supported us over the years. So let's start shall we... Firstly we gather up at the meeting room and started off with activities; ::: ::: After that we did an roadtrip wtih bikes across the SA and visited a few gang bases; ::: ::: After we finished the roadtrip, we did 3 BRs aswell ::: ::: Later on we did a massive party at our base with some quiz and events; ::: ::: At the end of the day we did big event "Arrest Macboy at Jefferson motel for 50 mil" : ::: ::: And that's about it, once again i would like to say thanks to everyone who participated in our 7th anniversary ! ~[ ' ]~(lime)
  9. Turf 13/08/2020 ::: ::: Assisting BB BR at LS Bank 13/08/2020 ::: ::: Jailbreak 13/08/2020 ::: ::: SF TR & LV Bank Rob ::: ::: Assisting O BR at LS bank 14/08/2020 ::: ::: Jailbreak 14/08/2020 ::: :::
  10. Jailbreak12/08/2020 ::: ::: Assisting UE BR at LV bank 12/08/2020 ::: ::: Assisting UE BR at SF bank 12/08/2020 ::: ::: Assisting UE BR at LS bank 12/08/2020 ::: ::: Turf 12/08/2020 ::: ::: BC Bank Rob ::: :::
  11. Delivering VIP 10/08/2020 ::: ::: Store Robbery 11/08/2020 ::: ::: Jailbreak 11/08/2020 ::: ::: Turf 11/08/2020 ::: ::: Assisting BB BR at LS bank 11/08/2020 ::: ::: LV & RC Bank Rob ::: :::
  12. Turf 08/08/2020 ::: ::: Activity 08/08/2020 ::: ::: Jailbreak 08/08/2020 ::: ::: Store Robbery 09/08/2020 ::: :::
  13. Store Robbery 05/08/2020 ::: ::: Assisting HS BR at LS Bank 05/08/2020 ::: ::: Store Robbery 06/08/2020 ::: ::: SF & LV Bank Rob ::: ::: Store Robbery 08/08/2020 ::: ::: Assisting BB BR at TR Bank 08/08/2020 ::: :::
  14. Sad to see this was a great gang :/
  15. Store Robbery 03/08/2020 ::: ::: Assisting HS BR at RC Bank 03/08/2020 ::: ::: Store Robbery 04/08/2020 ::: ::: Turf 04/08/2020 ::: ::: Assisting BB BR at RC bank 04/08/2020 ::: ::: LS Bank Rob ::: :::
  16. Turf 02/08/2020 ::: ::: Store Robbery 02/08/2020 ::: ::: Delivering VIP 02/08/2020 ::: ::: SF & TR Bank Robs ::: :::
  17. Turf 31/07/2020 ::: ::: Jailbreak 01/08/2020 ::: ::: VIP 01/08/2020 ::: ::: Store Robbery 01/08/2020 ::: ::: Turf 01/08/2020 ::: :::
  18. 23 July 2020 Maincharater : @SidePrime @Supreme @VayraN @clashgamer @mohammeddsayedd3 @DRAHMEED and @me Story : After Maksim pointed out the location of the drug deal, we learned that the drug dealer was Lessy and he was currently hiding at a bar near Los Santos Prison. I have proposed a superior to provide additional personnel for this survey and it will become a RAID. Chief Inspector Supreme will be our lead in this case. Prepare weapons and equipment,tactical suit. Roll out. When we arrived at the scene, we split up the team, me, supreme and vayran will attack inside, the rest will guard outside. Just as I thought Lessy would have no doubts that Maksim had sold him off and caught his guard. We took advantage of the opportunity and went in chasing him to the outside when a shot from Clash stopped him. We took him to the federal police headquarters and interrogated the other guys but it looked like he was quite stubborn, constantly cursing at us. According to the order issued by the management, execute Lessy and the case ends from here.
  19. 23/07/20 Afternoon,one of the honorable Z man was like drinking after what he passed these few days. As usual he was always going to Misty's Club in south San Fierro. He was being following by some enemies but he does not know that.One day,He again went to Misty's Pub.This time he could not stop himself and drunk too much whiskey and get intoxicated.He was alone and he could not back to Z base did not tought to call a his driver to get him back to his home.Few hours later after getting drunk absolutely,he left Misty's Pub and started walk across the way to his vehicle while he was definitely screwed.Few minutes later before he across to his vehicle There were a black car was following him and was waiting for the good time.When foes saw him much drunk they've got that was the time for murder him.There was a sniper behind Misty's Club aiming at him.Suddenly he shot him in his dead and then he's dead. ::: :::
  20. 21.07/20 Main Charater : @Me and @ZackLee Storyit was the usual morning business was good and then I got a call on announcement of the sale of a motorcycle,,NRG-500'' and one velocipede brands,BMX" ::: ::: after a successful dialogue, we decided to specify the meeting place next to the metro and I loaded everything on the pick-up mark,, DFT-30" and I successfully went to the place of the transaction ::: ::: I drove up to the place and I was already waiting for the person who called me when we met we talked and looked at the bike with the bike. And while we agreed on payment we talked for a very long time I learned a lot of information about him and he said that at such a favorable price he would buy a lot of motorcycles or other types of transport from us ::: :::
  21. 9 July 2020 Main Charater : @Me @leveron1995 and @SidePrime Story : After interrogating the opium transporter, he admitted his guilt and wanted to be pardoned. So I asked the authority of the federal police leader to give him amnesty but on one condition is that he will help us track down the rest and break the drug trafficking line. And eventually, the Halo leader allowed me, so I decided to let him go with the mission of carrying a message of duality. Screenshot : ::: :::
  22. 8 July 2020 Main Charater : @Jemmyx46 @SidePrime and @me Story : At the headquarters of the federal police department. Me and Inspector Jemain has a new assignment from his superior, exactly the order of the Halo leader of the federal police department to track down the name of the new drug transport. ::: ::: According to intelligence, this shipping name usually appears in the city of Los Santos, the specific location is unknown so jemain and I decided to track each suspicious location. We have spy on him like two week and caught him in some place. ::: ::: And our opportunity came when the carrier decided to get out of the car and walk to deliver drugs to his customers, and we immediately took a shot with a fatal shot from the inspector. Jemain, the carrier finally collapsed and was arrested. ::: ::: Obviously we were able to come and shoot him from the beginning without having to wait but I'm sure there is a bulk drug delivery line so we have to wait until he's caught off guard. He will be interrogated at the federal police station.
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