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Everything posted by Rainy

  1. ^[Event Type Attackers VS Defenders ] ^[LWS/G6 Helper: @KARIM ] ^[ Reward: 2.000.000$] ^[Winner: Team hustla @Leb ] ^[ Screenshots: https://sun9-65.userapi.com/c857232/v857232549/1e3ab9/-AZvBMBjMMY.jpg] ^[=============================================================] ^[Event Type Attackers VS Defenders] ^[LWS/G6 Helper: @Draven ] ^[Reward: 2.000.000$] ^[Winner: Team SIMP @Bodo420 ] ^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/XBkeSWc] ^[=============================================================] ^[Event Type Chicken Shooter] ^[LWS/G6 Helper: @Draven ] ^[Reward: 1.000.000$] ^[Winner: @Foreman123 ] ^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/fAldnxu] ^[=============================================================] ^[Event type: Sawed Off LMS] ^[LWS/G6: @Draven ] ^[Prize: 1.000.000$] ^[Winners: @AkyZ ] ^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/wfn8dhr] ^[=============================================================] ^[Event type: 1vs1 Deagle] ^[LWS/G6: @Draven ] ^[Prize: 1.000.000$] ^[Winners: @SpeeD1Tn ] ^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/9ngyWHv] ^[=============================================================] ^[Event type: NRG Race] ^[LWS/G6: @Draven] ^[Prize: 1.000.000$] ^[Winners: @zKill98 ] ^[Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/EY9cpxP.png] ^[=============================================================] ^[Event type: Chicken Nader] ^[LWS/G6: @Versace ] ^[Prize: 1.000.000$] ^[Winners: @zKill98 ] ^[Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/1PNJLKN.png] ^[=============================================================] ^[Event Type: Blind fallout ( with bikes )] ^[LWS/G6 Helper: KARIM] ^[Reward: 1.000.000$] ^[Winner: @mazen] ^[Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/PVQ86x3.png] ^[=============================================================] ^[Event Type: Survive from the sharks] ^[LWS Helper: @Solrac] ^[Reward: 2.000.000$] ^[Winner: Cripz>CapricesS] ^[Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/9ljv0f0.png] ^[=============================================================] ^[Event Type: Group game] ^[LWS/G6 Helper: @Sneijder ] ^[Reward: 1.000.000$] ^[Winner: @Moha @Diesel] ^[Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/zQghEUG.png] ^[=============================================================] ^[Event Type: Survive from the sharks] ^[LWS/G6 Helper: @Matthews] ^[Reward: 1.000.000$] ^[Winner: @Max12] ^[Screenshots:]*https://i.imgur.com/xUOyOHm.png] ^[=============================================================] ^[Event Type DD Sanchez 2v2] ^[LWS Helper: @Matthews] ^[Reward: 2.000.000$] ^[Winner: @WenDo @Ahron] ^[Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/7ppobxf.png] ^[=============================================================] ^[Event Type: Survive from the sharks] ^[LWS/G6 Helper: @Solrac] ^[Reward:]1.000.000$] ^[Winner: @kika @Elegant @smoken] ^[Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/oFIul0B.png] ^[=============================================================] ^[Event TypeAttackers vs Defenders] ^[LWS/G6 Helper: @Sparrow] ^[Reward: 2.000.000$] ^[Winner: @flora 's team] ^[Screenshots:]https://i.imgur.com/9xYANNY.png] ^[=============================================================] ^[Event Type Group game] ^[LWS/G6 Helper: @Sparrow] ^[Reward: 2.000.000$] ^[Winner: @Sollozzo @Khaled] ^[Screenshots:*https://i.imgur.com/2sUXJFG.png] ^[=============================================================] ^[Event type: LMS] ^[LWS/G6: @Draven] ^[Prize: 1.000.000$] ^[Winners: @Balla$] ^[Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/4JyTMLl.png]
  2. ^[Store Robbery 14/09/2020] ^[Assisting in UE BR at TR Bank 14/09/2020]
  3. ^[Store Robbery 13/09/2020] ^[Delivering VIP 13/09/2020] ^[Assisting BB BR at LS Bank 13/09/2020] ^[Assisting BB BR at RC Bank 13/09/2020]
  4. ^[Assisting X BR at RC Bank 12/09/2020] ^[Assisting SoA BR at RC Bank 12/09/2020]
  5. ^[Jailbreak 11/09/2020] ^[Store Robbery 11/09/2020] ^[Assistinv Navm at LV Bank rob 11/09/2020]
  6. ^[Delivering VIP 11/09/2020] ^[Store Robbery 11/09/2020]
  7. Had really good time inside of the group, im really sad to hear this. Rip ://
  8. ^[Assisting X BR at LS Bank 08/09/2020] ^[Assisting X BR at TR Bank 08/09/2020]
  9. ^[Turf 08/09/2020] Activity during turfing ::: :::
  10. ^[Turf 07/09/2020] ^[Assisting ThC BR at LV Bank 07/09/2020]
  11. ^[Delivering VIP 07/09/2020] ^[Store Robbery 07/09/2020]
  12. ^[Assisting HS BR at LS bank 06/09/2020] ^[Assisting HS BR at LV bank 06/09/2020] ^[Assisting HS BR at TR bank 06/09/2020] ^[Assisting ThC BR at BC bank 06/09/2020]
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