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SAES Gang Manager
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Everything posted by JohnnyEnglish

  1. @Stay said in Inactive LS: Hello @gxnzo12 SAES>Members properties cannot be claimed as Inactive request: This belongs to SAES>Royalty. therefore you can't get this one @San-Andreas-Housing-Agency Denied
  2. Starting bid is 8M, pay more attention. Also @Nishki refrain from making confusing bids such as "3.1,5005"
  3. Happy birthday, O procreator of us all.
  4. ~[Re - add the Katana !]~(red) While many weapons are disallowed for obtainment as a player, I do find the Katana to be unjustly treated, It indeed has an ability to insta-kill people however triggering that ability is outweighed by it's cons. To insta-kill with a katana you need to attack a player in punching distance with a certain slice at a certain angle of the back to instantly kill the player. Now I do agree that this is overpowered but it is also hard to achieve, for example you can only perform this on a guy that's super still and dumb or is willing to die. Killing with the Katana is not an OP feature, performing the kill requires effort, which takes time, time in which someone can easily draw away from you and gun you down, trust me it's not that easy to have someone jump into your face and start slashing a sword which not only makes you completely open to fire but also stops your movement. Katanas can also be added at a good price at gunshops/melee weapon sellers for like $8000 to prevent overuse Adding the Katana back will include fun Katana 1 v 1 Events or Duals which are highly fun and utilize the Insta-kill feature, it also requires skill and is a cool type of event, it will give the LWS guys one more thing to do, not to mention Air Katana Duels or other events which are possible! Adding the Katana will also help unofficial and soon to come groups which will be based around it, it's an amazing weapon that isn't even overpowered, someone can just draw a CS, start walking away and gun you down in a matter of seconds!! IT is NOT overpowered. Moreover if people agree with me that Katanas are good enough to be added and still underpowered, a bullet block/deflect feature can also be added which deflects any bullets shot above the crotch at a person who is blocking through the katana, now of course someone can just close the distance and circle kill him with an uzi or a sawed off or another person can snipe/shoot him from behind, it will give the weapon a fun use! Please leave your feedback below, I look forward to Katana Duels if you guys agree! - JE
  5. Freefall, I never understood how I could match up the dodo with a Shamal's speed. Afaik I modded the game files to match the Shamal's speed xD
  6. No bids for 7+ days, Feel free to start another auction. Archived
  7. Address: Burrito Hotel Room A21 Account name: maximpritoluk Last seen: 8th July Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/QNGZMYO
  8. Drop your application at the end of this topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10850/san-andreas-five-0
  9. Drop your application at the end of this topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10850/san-andreas-five-0
  10. Greetings, Dr.Pazoo The SAM HQ team would like to gladly notify you that you have been ~[accepted]~(lime,green) to join our team. Your application, determination and skill-set satisfies the requirements required in order to be one of us. Without further ado, I welcome you in! We hope to see much more of you as a member of the group, don't let us down! ^[] Regards, Johnny English San Andreas Medics Vice Commissioner
  11. Greetings, Dr.Lazar. The SAM HQ team would like to gladly notify you that you have been ~[accepted]~(lime,green) to join our team. Your application, determination and skill-set satisfies the requirements required in order to be one of us. Without further ado, I welcome you in! We hope to see much more of you as a member of the group, don't let us down! ^[] Regards, Johnny English San Andreas Medics Vice Commissioner
  12. Player was last seen today???? Denied
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