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Everything posted by zaza

  1. zaza

    Denied by AA

    @Cheess said in Denied by AA: @zaza said in Denied by AA: its pretty dissapointing that AA denied a legendary player like @Omar who spent his 5-6 years in AA . He was one of the oldest member of AA and i believe its fault of @ILLUSION he doesnt want another arab in his gang .However i don't get why Omar still insist about that. its a game and you shouldn't care if they don't want you in .just do another stuffs to enjoy. Get couple of ur few friends and create a squad and let them feel the hell in SAES and camp their base 24/7 . Says the one who got denied for AA either.. You guys should start a squad together!! xD I'd love to join your patrols as AAPD! We could hang out in AA base, sure, sounds fun. When did i get denied from AA ? :D
  2. zaza

    Denied by AA

    its pretty dissapointing that AA denied a legendary player like @Omar who spent his 5-6 years in AA . He was one of the oldest member of AA and i believe its fault of @ILLUSION he doesnt want another arab in his gang .However i don't get why Omar still insist about that. its a game and you shouldn't care if they don't want you in .just do another stuffs to enjoy. Get couple of ur few friends and create a squad and let them feel the hell in SAES and camp their base 24/7 .
  3. Imagine its ur birthday and u still hunting girls . Thats the spirit all of us should follow ur moves !
  4. Happyy birthday biggest pussy destroyer of istanbul . Because of you we can't find any girl to date ! stop ruining turkish population here .I hope you will have a nice year kardeim <3
  5. thank you so much every one of you <3
  6. its fake kebab restaurant . Probably Kurdish kebab
  7. Brother happyy birthdayyy . i hope you will succeed this year what you couldn't last year ;)))
  8. Happy birthday brother . i hope we can meet again at karaky
  9. Happy birthday old buddy
  10. @Tut-Greco said in Donation: ZAZA (Amount 5.00 GBP): I'd like to follow up, would you like any rewards for this donation? @zaza i"ll request tonight
  11. Lame recruitment. I was expecting Sneijder get denied Again after his 8. Try on DE recruitment
  12. Sad to see couldn't see CripZ name on ur farewell topic after what we have done for you guys .Anyway its a big lose for server. i hope you guys will enjoy ur time on saes now
  13. TXN ID: 8L097396NN459331N Donation Amount: 5.00GBP Requested Awards:
  14. Meet me ingame @Ncysep and @greed will spawn as prostitute to celebrate ur birthday
  15. dogum gnn kutlu olsun kardeim . O gn Steamden attgn o mesaj sayesinde hayatn deiti
  16. Happy birthday man , i hope you have a great year Hanryyy
  17. Happyy birthday traitor bratan
  18. Rip brothers . Thats what happens when u assassinate ur old teacher
  19. happyy birthdayy snowiiee
  20. Happy birthday chesss
  21. i hope you get well soon man .
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