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Everything posted by zaza

  1. Happy birthday park killer
  2. Where is my credit on racewars
  3. @Beast_ said in Can we please get something changed because this is starting to get retarded: We paid tons millions to get a prop near SR or BR so yeah we can do this all day long. I can see nothing wrong since you guys also buy props near jail, etc. well cooldown will be for both side. So if we need to go somewhere we gotta wait same CD .
  4. i already requested that long ago about add a cooldown about respawning in your property but their answer was '' cop side already dead ''
  5. 7 days isnt that much for a guy like you who got one of the biggest Multiaccount , Ban and Mute history . Probably thats the reason why he did and when i see the server echo i can easily say You wrote that on purpose To be muted. edit : People who speak other language and says XCHAT
  6. In-game Name: zaza Account Name: cunobaba Which boxer would you like to bet on: zwolle How much you want to bet: 5.000.000$
  7. Akyz is ex HS lider and GF of @Bone
  8. Ability to read and understand financial charts :negative_squared_cross_mark: Above average writing and speaking skills in English:negative_squared_cross_mark: Understanding of concepts of Business, Consumer Behavior and Investments. :negative_squared_cross_mark: A promising networking potential and activity in the server. :negative_squared_cross_mark: Microphone access is a plus. :ballot_box_with_check: i feel like i have high chance to be a CEO.
  9. Thats weird I remember slightly but i feel like there was a script long time ago , when you enter your turf zone you were collecting money from there , Maybe its removed
  10. @stubrat said in Rebels MC -Level 2: this still alive, cant believe it lol @Felix @Bas and thats the name we wanted to see again
  11. @Thing said in Offical Gang Levels 2020: @zaza said in Offical Gang Levels 2020: Why do you even care . If i wanna create a topic i would create another one also . Why its bothering you ? The main reason of creating such as topics helping people . So noone stopping you to help . Just keep updating both topics until one of you stop playin mta And it is written by our lord and savior Adembygt so it has to be good. Its not about being good . For months the previous topic wasnt updated . Once adem created a topic suddenly xgangster decided to update his topic . So let adem update it . Its not gonna hurt anyone
  12. Why do you even care . If i wanna create a topic i would create another one also . Why its bothering you ? The main reason of creating such as topics helping people . So noone stopping you to help . Just keep updating both topics until one of you stop playin mta
  13. HAPPY birthday Bradiskaa
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tavfa1oULiw
  15. This is an automated post TXN ID: 7PB2803783903635E Donation Amount: 20.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic. i would like to have a cheetah and admiral at my LVx house with wraps i choose. since i didnt request interior for a long time i want '' Large interior 23 '' at my Ghost town house and i want Special interior which is worth 50 pound at my house near LS jefferson motel
  16. Lots of people in turkey i personally know infected by that Covid . The only thing i can tell to you keep your morale high. I'm pretty sure you will overcome this situation and i hope you will be okay man
  17. ramadan kareem all brothers
  18. hey i would like to request some banners and logo for our new group .
  19. 1822
  20. @Siirtuga said in Official Quote Wall: look @zaza and @Ikzelf what i found xD that was the first time i got +25 like for a meme :' good old days
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