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Everything posted by Poodlyz

  1. Event Number: #23 Event type: Beat The Company - Attackers vs Defenders Description: 10 v 10 in white house LWS: @KARIM Prize: 3.000.000 Winner: Not ThC Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. Event Number: #962 Event type: Beat The Company - Attackers vs Defenders LWS: @KARIM Prize: 3.000.000 Winner: Not ThC Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. Assisting NavM br Assisting in 2 Cripz BR 1st: 2nd:
  4. Event Number: #22 Event type: Attackers vs Defenders Description: 16v16 in DE base LWS: @KARIM Prize: 2.400.000$ (150k each) Winner: 420 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/RFXEva5
  5. Event Number: #21 Event Type : All vs All box arrest Description: The first try of this event was a bit messy. We made it way more enjoyable. The event is an All vs All arrest, Only cops are allowed. To get wanted I sold them 1 ammo of Silenced LWS: @KARIM Price : 1.000.000 Winner : Joaco Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/cnxVj57
  6. Event Number: #961 Event type: Attackers vs Defenders LWS: @KARIM Prize: 2.400.000 Winner: Team 420 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/RFXEva5
  7. Event Number: #960 Event type: Arrest All vs All LWS: @KARIM Prize: 1.000.000 Winner: Joaco Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/cnxVj57
  8. Event Number: #20 Event Type : All vs All box arrest Description: The event is an All vs All arrest, Only cops are allowed. To get wanted I sold them 1 ammo of Silenced LWS: @KARIM Price : 1.000.000 Winner : @Maksim Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/0zmMhFk
  9. #956 Event Name : All vs All box arrest LWS: @KARIM Winner : @Maksim Price : 1.000.000 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/0zmMhFk
  10. Assisting BB BR at LV ::: :::
  11. Turfing LV and LS before ::: ::: after ::: :::
  12. #955 Event type: PUBG LWS: @KARIM Winner: @Versace Prize: 1.000.000 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/eGyh9jQ
  13. Event Number: #19 Event type: PUBG Description: PUBG in Los Santos LWS: @KARIM Prize: 1.000.000 Winner: @Versace Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/eGyh9jQ
  14. Event Number: #18 Event type: Attackers vs Defenders Description: 10v10 in White house. (31 vs 1312) LWS: @KARIM Prize: 2.000.000$ (200k each) Winner: 31 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ZI9vQUM
  15. #954 Event Name : Attackers vs Defenders LWS: @KARIM Winner : 31 Price : 2.000.000 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ZI9vQUM
  16. #953 Event Name : Attackers vs Defenders LWS: @KARIM Winner : MZ Price : 2.000.000 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/IIJoqj5
  17. Event Number: #17 Event type: Attackers vs Defenders Description: 10v10 in White house. (MZ vs 420) LWS: @KARIM Prize: 2.000.000$ (200k each) Winner: MZ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/IIJoqj5
  18. Event Number: #16 Event type: One in the chamber Description: The event is simple, the last participant alive wins. me and the LWS dropped 2 weapons set in a maze. Lucky people who find the arms has to kill everybody in the maze! The two last armed person will fight in the maze. LWS: @KARIM Prize: 2.000.000$ (Prize raised from 1m to 2m) Winner: @Greed Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/LG564KB
  19. #952 Event Name : One in the chamber LWS: @KARIM Winner : @Greed Price : 2.000.000 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/LG564KB
  20. Helping CripZ with a bankrob
  21. #951 Event Name : Vortex race and land LWS: @KARIM Winner : @VinnyBL Price : 1.000.000 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/yEFA3i6
  22. Event Number: #15 Event type: Vortex Race and Land Description: The Race starts from Mont Chiliad Top to San Fierro bank. The finish line is an open box in which participants will have to land inside in order to win. LWS: @KARIM Prize: 1.000.000 Winner: @VinnyBL Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/yEFA3i6
  23. 05/07/2020: Bankrob TR 8/8
  24. Turf BC and TR before :::: ::: after: :::: :::
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