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Everything posted by Poodlyz

  1. Event Number: #28 Event type: Knock me off my NRG LWS: Filex Prize: 1.000.000 Winner: Sira and Kaioshin Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/eXHyIf1
  2. Assisting 2 TT BR ( SF and LV) ::: ::: VIP ::: :::
  3. #977 Event Name: Kart race to SFPD LWS: Filex Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: Nulgath Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/MpKNbSj
  4. #976 Event Name: Knock me off my NRG LWS: Filex Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: tokiits Sira Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/LKGSUB2
  5. #975 Event Name: Knock me off my NRG LWS: Filex Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: Kaoishin and Sira Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/eXHyIf1
  6. Event Number: #27 Event type: Lucky Number LWS: @KARIM Prize: 2.000.000$, 200k each Winner: Darksider's team Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/5GRdNat
  7. #971 Event Name: Lucky number LWS: Karim Prize: 2.000.000$ (200k each) Winner: Darksider's team Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/5GRdNat
  8. Assisting 2 CripZ BR ::: ::: VIP ::: ::: Racing ::: :::
  9. Turfing SF before ::: ::: after ::: :::
  10. @Freezoom said in Democratic Party: Username/Account-Name: Freezoom/maxismuz4141 Nationality/Age: 17 Introduce yourself in 3 sentences min: Hi my names is Mert I'm 17 years old I'm living in kocaeli with my family I like the play computer games in my Free times also hang with my friend also I'm going to high cchool when my high school done I wanna go to University of Architecture I have one brother I like the help someone who need help that's all about my self Small introduction to your rp identity: Jack_Steward is 24 years old, a young man ,he was doing security jobs like 1-2 years ago later.He decided to join San Andres Police Academy unfortunately, he never became a cop. What is the main political ideology of the party: DP want a strong goverment,They want turning their diplomacy stronger and set plans to saty as always the most powerful country.Also they want end to any terrorism or organization
  11. Event Number: #26 Event type: Arrest All vs All LWS: @Blue Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: doggle Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/B79k7Mp
  12. ^[ APPLICATION RESULTS ] Hello everyone, @Drico45YT, @nenadbro, @FreshCoffee, @Joacoborasi, @kitkut please contact a Tester in game to get your test. ~[Pending]~(orange) @Che-copete, your efforts have been rewarded. Have fun in The Company. ~[Accepted]~(lime) That's it for the results. ~[If you want to know who our testers are. See which Coordinator, High Council member, or Director has the 'Tester' tag on our Discord channel, or ask one of our members in-game.]~(red) Yours sincerely, Poodlyz High Council of The Company
  13. GXT Members: me Activity Type: Fueling SF's Gas stations and reloading CubainOil refinery Time Taken: 20mins Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/gjtjcMo
  14. Why not another hospital button in the spawnscreen? Spawn Respawn at last spawn Hospital
  15. Assisting CripZ Bankrob
  16. ^[ APPLICATION RESULTS ] Hello everyone, @Varta, a friend of The Company will always have a chance to join. Find a @DocPizza or myself for your test. ~[Pending]~(orange) @dark41, good efforts shown in-game which resulted to be tested and invited. Congratulations, I can't wait to see your improving with us. ~[Accepted]~(lime) @FreshCoffee, we want to see you more with us. Ask our members to hang with them and we might get on something very soon. Good luck! ~[Under-Review]~(silver) @Real, same as Kree, I cant wait to see you improving with us! ~[Accepted]~(lime) @houssos1, very good personality, we are glad to see you part of us. ~[Accepted]~(lime) @Drico45YT, we want to see you more with us and get to know you better. Good luck! ~[Under-Review]~(silver) @nenadbro, new player, hang a lot with our members, do not hesitate to ask questions about the server, read f1 rules and we might give you a chance to join us. ~[Under-Review]~(silver) @Che-copete, new applicant, we want to you to hang with our members so we can know you better. Good luck! ~[Under-Review]~(silver) @TF_VaniX, Firstly, you did not take the time to see that we changed our application format. Secondly, your application is a copy paste of your previous application, which proves that you have not fully invested yourself in your work. Therefore, consider yourself ~[denied]~(red). Don't bother applying again till you have done that. That's it for the results. Do not feel demotivated if you were denied. See it as a challenge to become better! Yours sincerely, Poodlyz High Council of The Company
  17. Turf LS LV FC and Whestone before: ::: ::: after: ::: :::
  18. Event Number: #25 Event type: Beat The Company - Attackers vs Defenders LWS: @KARIM Prize: 2.000.000$ Winner: not ThC Screenshot: ::: :::
  19. Roleplay#: 396 RP with NavM @Lincoln said in Navy Malistrip ~ Media center: ^[ Roleplay #68 | Incomming war | ThC & NavM ] It was that time of the month again, our business partners from The Company were in need of military grade of weapons again. As usual they phoned us for that where we quickly set a meeting. I prepared everything before their arrival. Apparently The Company was having a beef with Underground Empire another rivalry gang of ours who have continuously been trying to rob them. As we had a common enemy we decided to help them out. I pulled out the best we had and prepared it. Upon their warm welcome we immediately went to the cabin where I laid out the weapons for them to see it and test accordingly. Which they eventually did outside with a pleasing outcome. We discussed about the incoming war between UE and ThC and the possible assistance we could provide. They were planning to do this big and try to make it catastrophicall as possible. We decided to send a few men with them, the elite of NavM who would be assisting up on the front during the raid. We came down to conclusions to split the money taken from UE 50/50 as they got to use both our men and weaponry. They would phone me once it was about to happen. We shaked hands and split ways. Thanks to @Poodlyz & @DocPizza Album v https://imgur.com/a/xEDTYVx
  20. Turfing LV BC and TR before: ::: ::: after ::: :::
  21. #964 Event Type: Beat The Company - Attackers vs Defenders LWS: @KARIM Prize: 2.000.000 Winners: Not ThC Screenshots ::: :::
  22. Gangrobbing Underground Empire
  23. Assisting AA BR at LS and BC
  24. Event Number: #24 Event type: Beat The Company - Attackers vs Defenders LWS: @KARIM Prize: 2.000.000$ Winner: ThC Screenshot:
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