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Everything posted by Chuey

  1. withdrawn
  2. @Arone question now i have to hang and stuff right
  3. 1.Personal information Nickname*:crankyyy Ingame Username:icyjumper/crankyyy Age:14 years old English proficiency:Well i'd rate myself 9.5 out of five on the scale from 1-10 Spoken Languages:Serbian and English Roleplay skills:7/10 Previous Organizations you joined:Black Syndicate reason due inactivity of their members 2. Questionnaire Write a paragraph explaining our Role:The Wild Angels will kill/assassinate/torture and kidnap big threats to them or someone who tries and gets in their way and also for greater goals including cops and people of higher authority such as cops,swats,etc.They also accept payment from other people to assassinate other people that are not in their way,they will offer a price and if the buyer pays they will do it within a time span of 7 days and besides assassinating/torturing/killing kidnapping people they also sell drugs for junkies and new users of drugs,they also sell weapons for experienced/amateur bank robbers/store robbers,carjacking is also a thing.They're considered one of the most dangerous and strongest gangs in the lands of SA Previous punishments/bans and reason:Adminjailed for arrow deathmatching,i got adminjailed cause i forgot that was a rule but i learned from my mistakes and it wont happen again. Why you wanna join us?:I wanna join cause i find this gang perfect to join,i would've had even joined earlier but when i started playing i didn't knew about WA.I also wanna join this group cause a lot of people chill and friendly members, What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? :I'm not bad at driving,shooting,parachuting,i know about properties so i can help out with properties as well 3-Additional Informations Do you know any WA Member, and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? :Sadly i don't know any WA members personally but business side i know KARIM,i talked to him about props a few time that i were interested but i didn't have enough,i'm not even sure with who i talked from WA about props but i know business side i know maybe 2-3 of them. What are your strengths:My strengths are shooting/driving/teamwork/parachuting/driving a sanchez in LV/rolepeplay/flying/driving a boat. What are your weaknesses:Well i never got to crack so i don't even know how or what BR cracking is i know what PBR cracking is but cracking is my weaker side **Something else to add?:**My name is John,i recently had an operation (ingrown hair nothing serious) but through the process of finding out if its ingrown hair or a disease got me a little bit depressed but i'm okay now.
  4. gl broskii
  5. bro i wanted to request it DX,i litteraly requested it 2-3 days ago and thought i can get it
  6. ok ty for telling me that and no problem :smile:
  7. Name:John In-game name:crankyyy Age:14 Sex:male English proficiency:I think my English is a solid 8-9/10 Native language:Serbian Other language(s):English and i know a little bit of Russian,Latin Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?:No,sadly i don't When did you start playing SAES/MTA?:I started playing 4 months ago in a few days its gonna be 5 months since i started playing Total gameplay (hours):I have 126 hours of gameplay Aprox.gameplay daily (hours):4-6 hours and i can even spend more time than that Average FPS:My average FPS is 60 Average ping:Its mostly around 40-60 ping Previous organizations and reasons for leaving:SWAT i failed the tests,CDC i also failed the tests,BS i left BS cause it became really inactive (i edited this cause i didn't leave BS when i made the application cause it was late when i made it) Are you active user of Discord?:Yes i am, i'm more on it than on MTA or anything else i play SECTION 2 A. Define our role (FOX):Fox's (Fox Operations X) role is to disable dangerous criminals/gangs so they don't attack/kill any citizens or cops,and always ready for action B. Define marker arrest:Its illegal arresting of criminals while they're exiting an interior/jail its basically arresting while they cant move infront of the door,same goes for them they cannot kill us while we are entering an interior such as BRs,Jail,etc,in short its a forbiden action to do that can possibly get you banned/adminjailed C. Minimum arresting level:10 cause that seems appropriate,cause why would some cop arrest someone that's 10 and under when they can just bribe them and earn more money and earn more respect from that user,if over 10 that's okay cause than they will do time which they should u wont lose any respect or anything,and if u arrest someone that is 10 and under you just look like a douche (no insult intended). D. Point out and define 4 major server rules: DM-Deathmatching-Killing/Damaging players when they're not supposed to be such as when they have 0 stars and did nothing. One of the most known rules is English in Mainchat Don't be disrespectful/toxic to other people for no reason maybe something like noob for jokes is okay And the most important rule of my opinion is Respecting everyone including staff and players and FOX members and everyone else E. Explain why you should attempt to roleplay before each arrest:Well i think i should attempt to roleplay first to make a players experience better,let them surrender,have fun with the community and not make the users gameplay booring,cause if we don't try to roleplay they can get mad as well and salty and if we do roleplay and if he stops i should let him surrender SECTION 3 I. Write about yourself in 4 sentences:My name is John.My English is good.I'm a respectful human being who likes memes.Underage boy who can take insults and criticism. II. Write your strengths and weaknesses: My weakness are:Driving really fast with an uncontrollable car and i'm not that good at parachuting My strenghts:Close Combat both melee and guns,flying,driving a bike. III. Why do you wish to join FOX over other squads?:I really think FOX is more special than any other squad,they're active and nice people but at the same time they're strong they never give up and they like to have fun as it seems. IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would fit the team:I think i would be useful to Fox Operations X cause of flying and being able to drive good with good combat.I'm chill when i die or something that happens that would make other users mad doesn't make me mad and i think that's useful as well V. Do you have any additional information you want to add?:I'm depressed cause of this summer and stuff that happened to me that i don't wanna talk about i know a lot of players in SAES. Retard test: My screenshot device is broken right now so i'll post where it's found,Its near LS beach its behind NNB's base near the parking (i added this after i done the application cause i didn't see this test "honesty is the best policy")
  8. @RadiO you forgot to add me as well im crankyyy
  9. TXN ID: 9BJ050349R1579022 Donation: 1.00 GBP Requested rewards: 100k ingame
  10. Last seen:29th october Username:fatihgo https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/512534589525196800/516518290546491402/mta-screen_2018-11-26_09-38-08.png
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