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Posts posted by Durby

  1. Your ingame username: giris
    Your ingame alias: Durby
    Your year of birth: 28/05/2000
    Your gender: Male

    Nationality: Turkish
    Country of residence: Ankara, Turkey

    How long you have been playing SAES: I've been playing on the server for about 10 years now (not sure about the exact date since it has been a very long time.). I've been on and off though.

    Qualities you can offer:


    Well first of all, as I stated above, I've been playing on the server for about 10 years more or less and I consider myself a veteran. I'm knowledgeable and experienced. I'm a very helpful person and, I like helping others. You can see me helping newbies on the main chat quite often. Because we were all newbies once!

    Apart from that, my English is at an advanced level and, I don't have any communication problems while speaking with other people. This seems to be a general problem in the server so yeah... I'm coolheaded, I can pretty much get on with anyone if they're cool with me. I'm dedicated to my responsibilities and I always strive to achieve success at the highest rate possible. My motivation is purely dedicated to undertaking assignments that are given to me ( and the general duties of a community staff member.)

    I've been on all 3 sides that you can pick, that being; crim, cop, and civilian side. That allows me to have information on nearly anywhere. Which allows me to help people, and that is the primary mission of a staff member I reckon. Of course, this is not all but I don't see a point in being all talk and no action. If I'm given the chance to be a staff member, you can be sure that I have a lot to offer and I can be a vital asset when things need to be done.

    Hello once more, since the denial of my most recent application for the community staff role, nothing much has changed. You can find what I wrote in my old application in the spoiler above. The only thing that I'd like to state in this question is that, the denial I got was understandable and sane. From that point on, I've taken Kain's suggestions into account and prepped myself for the position as well as I can. Considering my experience and everything that has been said in the spoiler (old application), I think I'd be a perfect fit for the position after the SAES promotions and CS removals.

    Your weaknesses: I don't get pissed easily. But when I do, I might be a pain in the ass. If something's gonna be a problem, that is it. I'm working on keeping my anger in control and I can easily say I'm pretty good at it. Nothing comes to mind apart from that.

    Do you have Discord Installed: Of course, I do.

    Reason for application:


    I've been on this server and I pretty much did everything there is to do on this server. Join a g/s/c, make friends, turf, br, sr (hr back in the day). And all the other funky stuff you do. There were only two things that I didn't do before. Create my own gang and become a server staff/administrator member. I created NWA with my friends and it's going pretty strong. The only thing left for me is to take my chances with the SAES clan. I think it is about time I take the next step forward. That is why I'm interested in becoming a staff member.

    Same in this question, you can find the old answer I gave in the spoiler given above. What I'd like to add to this is, to be fully honest, my last application was a bit rushed. I did not do any of the activities that are taken into account when assessing a possible Community Staff candidate. After my denial, I'd like to believe, I did everything in my power to help players both in-game and on the help and support channel in the SAES Discord. As I stated in the previous question, the denial became a fuel for my desire to help this community on a greater step, with more authority and responsibility.

    Server Memberships:
    No official gangs/squads as of now as we closed NwA about a month ago, will be joining a gang in the following days if my application is successful.

    raceTECH - Racer

    Additional information: Yes, I'd like to state one thing. I am aware that ingame activity is a big criterion when selecting community staff members. I'd like to humbly state that I've started my internship on the first day of July. From that point on, the work has really worn me off and I was not able to log in-game as much as I used to do. I actually had a bit of a chat about this with Brophy in the general chat of the SAES discord. The internship will end this week on the 20th of August and I guarantee that my activity will reach its peak limits as it used to do. I don't want this unfortunate coincidence to block my way. Because, I think that I can really do something good with this spot, serving the community.

    Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: If I recall correctly, there shall only be 2 admin jails (and maybe a few mutes, I don't keep track of those but I don't think there are that much.) on my player record. The first one is was issued by an administrator that I can't recall as it was back in the timespan of 2017-2018. We were robbing the LS bank and someone marker killed another player. The player that got marker killed reported the event to the admins. The handling admin (there were a lot of players in the bank trying to leave so names overlapped over each other.) read the name wrong and thought that I was marker killing. I was in the saferoom at that time as I was trying to crack a safe. Later on, I contacted the admin and he re-checked the given evidence. Apologized to me and to the other cripz members as I was not in violation of any server rule. It was a misunderstanding.

    The second admin jail, took place in 2020, near past. We were practicing for a LoungeVC game as the NWA team at the dust map. A guy (which I don't remember the name of) kept sabotaging our training and blocked us from training. This went on for a while so I reported him. I wasn't able to get a response from the admin team and frustration got the best of me, I killed him and he reported me. The jailing admin was Jojo. I talked it out with him but the jail stuck. Was a legit jail, I should've kept my cool.

    Previous (legitimate) bans: None.

  2. Applicant Main Information :

    Nickname : Durby
    Username : giris
    Age : 21
    Nationality : Turkish
    Languages you can speak : Turkish, English and a little bit Deutsch.
    Player SAES Career Information :

    How long have you been playing on SAES? : For about 11 years. (On and off)
    How you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) : Gonna merge this with the question below.
    If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them : Since my tenure in SAES, I've been in, well, countless of gangs and squads. I'll just drop the ones that really matter. But I've never been kicked from any of my previous organizations.

    FBI - The squad got very inactive, I left.
    BikerBoyZ - Died
    SoA - Died
    Helvettes - Died
    TT - Decided to leave the server so left.
    B~B - Left to create my own organization.
    NwA - Closed
    Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) : No.
    What groups are you currently part of ? : Only rTECH.
    Do you have discord? if yes, link/tag it : Yahooee#0586
    Personality Information :

    What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : To be fully honest, I am no different from any other player that might want to join. I've been a member of the community for over 10 years now and I think I have a pretty good understanding of the server. As most of you know, I've been in Black Bullets before. The reason I left the organisation was not because I was getting bored or something have changed bla bla.

    The sole reason behind my departure was to experience something that I've never attempted in the past. To create my own organization with my close friends. Do I regret leaving to create NwA? No. Absolutely not. It was something that I always wanted to experience, but never had the opportunity. But do I regret having to leave B~B for it? That'd be an astonishing yes. I had everything I needed when I was a camel back in the day. I was in love with the family atmosphere and we really tried to create something similar in NwA too. So I think what I'm trying to express here is that my motivation and and love against the gang has never died and that is infact what makes the difference. I know what I want and I want it even more now.
    Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets: Black Bullets are a group of highly trained hitmans. They execute contracts all around the world using military-grade weaponry. They also sell weapons illegally. All of this illegal work requires a legal front, so the bullets own a company that loans money to investors and business men. Their business efficiency is well qualified. They guarantee %100 success rate on their hits and they do not leave any trace behind. Apart from all this, they also sell the said military grade weaponry to different organizations and entities across the world, supplying a solid amount of the illegal gun trade in the whole wide globe.
    Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? : I think I've pretty much explained it in the question before the last one. But Black Bullets have always had a special place in my heart and I think its best for me to return to where I belong. Since my last application I believe that I've cleared out things with the HQ team as there was a bit of a misunderstanding but we are all humans and these stuff happen. I'm ready to, for once more, invest into the family and help out in any way I can to move Black Bullets forwards.
    Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : @hessan210 because he's a retard. And also @Niklaus kept harassing me.
    Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional]

  3. Applicant Main Information :

    Nickname : Durby
    Username : giris
    Age : 21
    Nationality : Turkish
    Languages you can speak : Turkish, English and a little bit Deutsch.
    Player SAES Career Information :

    How long have you been playing on SAES? : For about 11 years. (On and off)
    How you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) : Gonna merge this with the question below.
    If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them : Since my tenure in SAES, I've been in, well, countless of gangs and squads. I'll just drop the ones that really matter. But I've never been kicked from any of my previous organizations.

    FBI - The squad got very inactive, I left.
    BikerBoyZ - Died
    SoA - Died
    Helvettes - Died
    TT - Decided to leave the server so left.
    B~B - Left to create my own organization.
    NwA - Closed :'(
    Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) : No.
    What groups are you currently part of ? : Only rTECH.
    Do you have discord? if yes, link/tag it : Yahooee#0586
    Personality Information :

    What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : I consider myself to be a veteran player. I've always enjoyed my stay in the Bullets and the reason why I left it in the first place was to experience something I've never done before. That didn't really work out for the best but it was fun while it lasted. The only place I see myself fitting is here.
    Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets: Black Bullets are a group of highly trained hitmans. They execute contracts all around the world using military-grade weaponry. They also sell weapons illegally. All of this illegal work requires a legal front, so the bullets own a company that loans money to investors and business men.
    Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? : I think I've pretty much explained it in the question before the last one. But Black Bullets have always had a special place in my heart and I think its best for me to return to where I belong.
    Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : @hessan210 because he's a retard. And also @Niklaus kept harassing me.
    Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional]

  4. @ramzi You see, when you kamikaze an airplane with 30+ people in it, there is a high chance that you'll be just DMing unwanted people and result in an unnecessary kill. Blocking roads however, does not violate any of the server rules. Last time I checked, I was free to leave my car anywhere I want at my own risk of it being towed. I really don't get your counter-argument. DM versus... parking on the road?

  5. alt text
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    Greetings dear friends,

    Today is both a happy and a sad day. We've created Niggaz Wit Attitudes on the 11th of July 2020. Exactly 1 year ago. We've had an extremely moving run. We've met some great people, we've also seen the real faces of piece of trash beings who call themselves humans. Anyways, firstly, I'm glad to say that this is the 1 year anniversary of the foundation of Niggaz Wit Attitudes.

    The gang was created with the efforts of @Dizzy and @Laggiaze which are close friends of mine. We set on this adventure together, hoping to have fun and meet plenty of people along the way. I'd like to personally thank Dizzy and Laggiaze for starting something so special.

    We tried really hard to make something out of this, but with the recent events that have been happening both internally and server-wide, we don' have the will nor the time to put into the game. The main reason why we are bringing this adventure to an end is, as the HQ team, we're really worn out. We've been trying so hard to create a friendly atmosphere and simply play the game. But we've come to notice that it is near impossible to maintain a professional gang attitude with experienced and common-sensed players with the current state of the server. It was not moving forward, all we had were problems and mainly, we weren't enjoying it anymore. So, officially, this is our farewell to all of you out there.

    As the last thing, I'd like to thank, on behalf of the entire NwA family, @Navy-Malistrip and every other single person out there who have been helping our organization from start to end. Fuck the police, comin' straight from underground!

    This is the Niggaz, signing out.

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  6. Uhh, this is a long shot but do try this; Open your singleplayer GTA SA and go to the settings. See if the "FPS Limiter" is on. I had a similar problem so I turned off the limiter. Worked fine for me. I'm not sure if there is an FPS limiter in MTA SA too but, if there is, try closing that too.

  7. @adistar Giving squads spawn in level 1? I mean it could work but there will be a lot of squads that die in level 1. That is just going to be pointless work for GM's. Adding/removing spawns, skins, shaders, squad cars is hard work. Adding and removing those constantly would get in the way of other organizations. Would block every1 from getting their rewards on time.

    What cop side needs is new scripts and gameplay opportunities to make it more interesting. I play crim because it is more enjoyable. I wouldn't be surprised if %75 of the server chose crim side too.

    TLDR; Cops need new shit to do.

  8. If the application review time gets decreased, it is actually bad for the squad. There are certain requirements a sqad has to meet in the 1 month timeframe. Shortening that time will only make it harder for them to complete those requirements. Instead of doing that, what I'd recommend is to be more flexible with the requirements or when giving notifications/warnings etc...

    The main idea is to be more tolerant and lenient towards squads. That oughta allow them to be easier to stay alive and attract members. But as I said, shortening the application review time will only make things harder. I think you suggested this thinking that if squads get levels faster, it'll be good for them. But imagine (for example) trying to find 10 members to get a level in 15 days, rather than 30 days.

    (u still a noob tho)

  9. @henry I understand you completely. It is true that you can't make a change right after you well... make a change. And that shows us that the development team is rushing, or being rushed, to make these changes. Any idea or script change should be made patiently and every angle should be covered before actually completing the codes and adding it to the server. And for the "if it's necessary" part, you don't have to be extremely genius to see that the new system is unjust. You just have to get rid of your pre-judgments and look at the situation from an independent point of view. I hope the development team, or whoever makes the decision to alter scripts, see that the system is not right as it is. Nothing much I can say I guess.

  10. @henry You're quoting the rule which is saying that cops will be punished for swapping spawns to avoid a bank rob. When has that ever happened? How can one prove that cops change spawn? As I said, I reported the same people repeatedly with video, screenshot, and explanation proofs and NOTHING happened. If you're guaranteeing me that a task force will be created to hunt cops who change spawn and you punish them and their squad like Medellin was punished, I'm all good with that. Scratch my 2nd suggestion. And as Immortal already said, we're not forcing anyone to do anything. The suggestion I prevailed is a humble barrier to stop cops from doing what they're doing.

    About the first suggestion, It doesn't have to be an indicator, you can give us a command of some sort that'd reveal the active cop count at the time. With the possibilities Lua and MTA scripting give, you can come up with numerous solutions to this problem. You play as a criminal yourself Henry. And you see what gangs go through every day to set up a bank robbery these days. Why does it have to be so hard for criminals to certain things while cops are given every damn tool? Why is a gang manager saying, " You're making it too easy to take more precaution to make bank robs harder"? Why don't cops try to find a way around their problems (without breaking the server rules) and work the problem? I'm not sure if you think that what's been happening is "normal", or you think criminals are way too superior over cops so gang management and SAES members keep spamming scripts, rules to make the gameplay easier for cops?

    What you've been saying (or any gang manager at this point) is not an anti-justification for our facts. You just keep maneuvering the conversation to other and irrelevant places to avoid necessary change. How do you expect a level 3 gang to do 45 bankrob/turfs during a time like this to achieve the next level? I can go on and on about this matter because it is clear that some things are unjust in the server as it is.

  11. Hello. As everyone knows, gang management brought a new system to bank robberies. According to the old rules, A gang needed to have TEN cops (squad/normal police spawn/some of the police groups and special groups). Now, this has changed. Now you have to have at least TEN SQUAD members in their squad spawn that are NOT AFK. Afk squad members or squad members in different spawns do not count and don't make progress in the cop limit.

    After this change has been implemented, there has been a drastic decrease in bank rob amounts. And the bank robberies that take place often fail. I don't have the slightest idea why changes are happening that'd make the cop side a lot stronger while leaving the criminal side where it is
    or even pushing it back.

    We all know we won't go back to the old system or a new system is nowhere near to come, so I have a suggestion.

    1-) Bring a script that highlights AFK cops.

    Justification | When planning a bank robbery, every gang has to deal with numerous situations such as grouping, worrying about the cop count, trying to locate cops that often raid robbery group-ups via BR leaks, or using the ridiculous advantages they've been given. On top of everything else, they need to constantly check the BR marker to see if there are AFK cops that'd prevent them from robbing. And while doing that they take a great risk. Crackers or important br members either get spotted and spoil the BR or get arrested. So give us an indicator to show afk cops.

    2-) Counting EVERY squad member even if they're not in their respective squad spawn.

    Justification | It has been made clear to us that criminals can't spawn as cops to surpass the cop limit. ( Even though that is not possible anymore, I thought I'd reiterate this point.). The gangs that did this were punished harshly. But the same goes for squad members, they can't spawn as another class during a bank robbery to lower the cop count. I've seen on multiple occasions when squad members magically spawn as Secret Service, Money Transporter, ALT, or any civilian spawn when a BR is about to commence. I myself reported more than once with hard proofs but I haven't seen a squad being demoted or else. I understand it is hard to prove if a cop change spawns to evade a BR. It was the same for criminals to spawn cop so the admins could think of a reason to get rid of this problem, why don't they do the same for squads when they break the same rule? I've seen staff members that play as cops change spawns during bank robberies and it is funny. So my suggestion for this is; Make it so if a squad member is INGAME and NOT AFK, they count as a cop no matter their spawn. Even if it's a civilian spawn or a cop spawn, let them count. This will stop them from changing spawns to ruin robberies. I don't think it is right for a squad member to change spawns to stop a BR but then spawn as his/her squad spawn when the BR starts anyways and raid the BR. The system, as it stands, is extremely unjust for the criminal side and needs to change immediately.

    Apologies for any grammar, spelling, punctuation error as I wrote this rather fast without double-checking what I wrote.


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