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Everything posted by Kleptix

  1. @Lilskies You failed even a retard test, there was other fails too but I believe it is enough to say; Denied. @Shaggeh Your application is moved to "Under review" section, good luck! #slavattack Join our Discord channel: https://discord.gg/FUGcBCu
  2. @Lilskies Fix your application before we come up with your results, thank you. Cos, Kleptix
  3. Date: 18/02/2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. @Aurora I can't seem to see why did you wait this long to reaplly just to apply to other G/S/C a moment later. Anyways without further ado we would like to wish you good luck with your career as your chances in FOX haven't got any higher. Fox Operations X, Chief of Staff, Kleptix
  5. Date: 14/02/2019 Screenshots: ::: ::: Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. @Tut-Greco imo replacing some unused vehicle proved to be a good thing so far.
  7. Name: Kleptix Username: kurcoglavi Rank before kick/leave: PVT How long have you been in sapa: anywhere from few months to a year. Who kicked you: / Date of kick/leave: not sure, but long time ago. Reason for kick/leave: I wanted to gain another kind of experince on police side since SAPA was my first squad. What happened from your side/why did you leave? : / Why do you want back in? : I'v promised I'll be back and here is my chance. What have you learned from this? : Making SAPA a group was a good choice. Who do you want to apologize to? : / Why should we give you a second chance?: I would like to serve to the academy again. ::: https://imgur.com/xnTc6wW https://imgur.com/hYlo0Dc :::
  8. @Tritosh I don't even understand what does the Cuban Liberation Organisation have to do with lil store robs over the SA, wasn't you supposed to bomb WH and shit like that..?
  9. I haven't even read all the comments because people are writing nonsense! Cops in my opinion don't need higher money rewards, what cop side needs is more scripts that would make cop side fun. -Money is reason to play as cop only until you get rich (even if we would earn 1,5m in 1 hour like noob gudi says), so it isn't problem in money, problem is, cop side is in general boring. saes deal with it already! Fix PC spawns, fix /cargrab, give us something interesting, motivate us, allow cop side ( special groups on cop side also) to use special abbilities, I mean really you can see CLO/CEM on every SR/JB/BR with duals & armor and we cant even use equipment that we have (armor, blipless etc) -Why is so unmentionable to get armor for squads units, since every lvl 5 squad have second spawn, one could have for example 25% armor on spawn. If that is not fair then control CLO/CEM or allow HLS/DE to do their job and rekt crims with as much freedom as criminal groups have. -Why is making enforcer into armored vehicle or giving it ability to transport more people so ignored over the years? -Why PC/Squads aren't allowed to enter any gang base interiors? We had taken away even the gang base raids which was really fun to do as squad. go easy on cop side rules or harder on crim side rules, when was someone last time punished for camping/DMing at jail area? we don't need more money or tase=arrest or any kind of bs, we need something new or at least make what we already have useable (for example SWAT tank/water tank is completely unusable in 90% of situations and enforcer is unusable in 100% of situations) Problem is it gets boring to ask for driving license or to go around kicking everyone with nightstick - especially if you are really good at it. P.S. SRs can always be won just use your brain and don't crash the car in front doors of SR, I mean really, sneaking skills -999999
  10. @Kybali0n Private First Class, Abdallah has retired. Last time he served was on 22/12/2017.
  11. @Bale You are under review and will have to wait for voting phase to be done, until then hang out with FOXes, GL!
  12. @alex0107 This isn't your first time applying and I feel like if we accepted you last time your organisation list would be much smaller. Your application is Under review and we will give you final answer shortly, in the meantime patrol with FOX and introduce your self to our agents. Join our Discord server: https://discord.gg/FUGcBCu Good luck, Chief of Staff Kleptix
  13. Date: 13/01/2018 Screenshots: ::: ::: FOX Night patrol* Date of the patrol: 13/01/2018 Screenshots: ::: ::: Date: 18/01/2018 Screenshots: ::: ::: Date of the patrol: 18/01/2018 Screenshots: ::: :::
  14. @Satanaels Your application is considered invalid due to applying to more than 1 squad.
  15. Date: 24/12/2018 Screenshots: ::: :::
  16. Date: 17/12/2018 Screenshots: ::: ::: FOX regular patrol* Date and time of the patrol: Afternoon & Evening, 17/12/2018 Screenshots: ::: :::
  17. @Joe Maybe after the G/S/C keeps highest level for a while (one year?) it could have a right on improved rewards, 2nd base (more kbs to use), additional spawn etc
  18. @Tut-Greco ...just in theory, would it be possible to give as a reward 25-30% of armor, or armor can be given only in 100% on spawn?
  19. Story: ::: Fox Operations X Public Relations Office Official Statement FOX agents were alarmed from LVPD Dispatcher that Cadet patrol of SAPA stopped a driver that has no ID and claims to be Saddam Hussein. Yes! The ex-Iraqi president that was executed back in 2006 by Iraqi government. FOX arranged transport of the suspect to our headquorters where suspect was interrogated under the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001. We was positive the man is not who he claims to be but we was unable to discover his identity. -All what we knew was he have friends who escaped the SAPA patrol. The man claimed that there will be more then 10 bomb attacks in San Andreas and 3 more on a Christmas where people are suspected to gather in large numbers , mostly on events. We had to act swift and find his friends even before we have find out his identity. After more then 336 hours of interrogation and negotiations we arranged him a deal; we offered him to be our snitch and in return we would make sure he leaves the States as free man. Man agrees with our offer and we gave him his right to use the phone call which he did. We arranged him a plane ticket to Iraq from SF Airport in return for some key informations. Our escort was attacked by terrorists who, later turns out have thought that their friend already turned em up to the police. Our agents from 14th Special Regiment have removed enemy threat with no lost taken on our side. Those bodys have told us a lot about who those mans was and what they was doing, we made numerous busts of explosives and arms and we are sure that citizens of San Andreas can count on less terror this Christmas* ::: Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/DWQVgoO?
  20. Date: 12/12/2018 Screenshots: ::: ::: FOX regular patrol Date of the patrol: 12/12/2018 Screenshots: ::: :::
  21. Date: 08/12/2018 Screenshots: ::: :::
  22. Date: 07/12/2018 Screenshots: ::: :::
  23. invasion of inactive foxes
  24. Date: 05/12/2018 Screenshots: ::: ::: FOX regular patrol Date of the patrol: 05/12/2018 Screenshots: ::: :::
  25. @johnn We are sorry to to let you down but your application is denied. There is more then 1 reason, but we would recommend you to gain more experience as officer first, maybe even take a shot and get PC diploma. -If you are still interested you can re-apply in 4 weeks from now. Chief of Staff, Kleptix
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