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Everything posted by Kleptix

  1. FOX Crew: @Drebin @SlayFly @Ferthis @redlive122 @Sergams @Epichu Kleptix Date: 04/12/2020 Screenshot: ::: :::
  2. Date: 02/12/2020 Players involved: @007 @Knele @SlayFly Kleptix Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. Dear Applicant, @nicky We would thank you for making an application to show your interest towards, FOX Operations X, however there are a few casualties and a few flaws with your application which we would you to fix. We would like to see the questions answered in full sentences. For Example ::: When did you start playing SAES/MTA?: I started playing MTA in 2016, but I have been playing MTA much longer. ::: Your grammatical issues also need to be fixed, so please read over your application once again. We would like to see FOX's role defined a little bit more in depth. Rules also need to be answered way more in depth and in detail, than they currently are. We hope you find the time to fix the mentioned mistakes, You have 48 Hours. Please contact any FOX member if you still have any questions regarding your application. Until then, be sure to show yourself in-game, and contact FOX members if you wish to hang around. Regards, FOX HQ Team
  4. FOX crew: @Marko @Scorpyo @Knele Kleptix Date and time of the patrol: 16-10-2020, 20:00PM Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. @Varta said in FOX - FOX Operations X: 1- **Name (optional):**Houssem 2- **Ingame name:**Varta 3- **Age:**20 years old 4- **Sex:**Male ACCEPTED
  6. Staff meeting Date and time: 05/09/2020 - 21:00 Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. FOX crew: @Pau @hope @Reacher @Drebin @Hassoni Kleptix Date and time of the patrol: 05-09-2020, 21:25 - 23:00 Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. @FraVios Posting application and while waiting for "yes" or "no" editing it to such a nonsense is not representing your self as a bright young man but rather as someone who we are sure is not fit for our team. You are not allowed to apply again nowhere soon and please refrain from posting on our page. Kleptix, Chief of Staff FOX
  9. Patrol FOX crew: @Drebin, @Beast_ , Kleptix Date and time of the patrol: 9/8/2020 || Server Time: 20:30-22:00 Screenshots: ::: ::: Roleplay 9th August, 2020 Los Santos, San Andreas Fox Operations X, S-14 Unit FOX agents have located wanted criminal that have connections with terrorist network in state of San Andreas, who was arrested and is held in LSPD waiting for his trial. Wanted person was in a black sedan with Senator Sakata Gintoki and department leader Boston Bodo. FOX agents took goverment members to Los Santos PD for interview about their reassons for choosing such a company. President was notified about interrogation of his goverment members All other information about this incident are classified. Screenshots ::: :::
  10. @LifesGood if that is the case, your applications will be moved forward after we do ID check-up.
  11. @LifesGood We are sorry to inform you that your application has been denied. There is several reassons for that; you was asked to edit your application but you decided to create new account and submit new application. some answers in your application(s) are completely oposite to each other (f.e. name and age...) we deem you not experienced enough to join our agents We wish you luck in future career! //FOX HQ
  12. Date: 25/04/2020 Crew: @007 @Beastt @Drebin @GanJa @Legend @Adam @Marko Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/HioCPej
  13. @baligh_WA We are sorry to inform you that you failed voting stage, thank you for your effort and good luck in future. @Filippo Your application is under review, the reason for it is that we haven't seen you around. Show us your presence as the cop and we will give you final answer. Good Luck! @Howlze Your application is under review, keep doing good work as you did so far and we will give you final answer in days to come. Fox Operations X, Chief of Staff, Kleptix
  14. @DROT many people got triggered, it means they care.
  15. a big NO, if one can't see the obvious I'm sorry for him and will explain it cuz I'm good man. ONLY reasson for doing this is to increase PC activity. so if you do the "pros&cons" in best situation you get only one positive feature - and take in consideration it is not a 100% that this would increase activity. (crims can't follow server rules and if you add strict PC rules the whole hell will break loose) So the simple math tells you that is noth worth it. on a more serious note then what is is already; it would really kill the professional cops idea of a group. Criminals can already join sai, de, spawn as trooper etc etc, PC doesn't really open something new for them.. let's wait for CEM and CLO to start recruiting cops, who knows maybe there is a lot of cops that would like to abuse something also
  16. Name: Kleptix Username: kurcoglavi Team Betting on: SWAT Ammount: 25m
  17. Name: Kleptix Username: kurcoglavi Team Betting on: FOX Ammount: 10m
  18. @abdobary We are sorry but you haven't met our minimum requirements. P.S. Good luck with UE
  19. Date: 06/06/2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  20. Date: May/2k19 Screenshots: ::: :::
  21. @Lincoln Please fix your application format and fill in on every detail. -You got 48 hours to do it.
  22. Date: 12/04/2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  23. @Orlando I'm sorry to inform you that your application has been DENIED NOTE: you can reapply in 1 month from now (02.05.2019.) if still interested. @wave21160 You have miss one small but important segment of the application, you got 48 hours to fix your application. Kleptix, Chief of Staff, FOX Operations X ................................................. APPLICATION STATUS UPDATE @wave21160 You failed to fix your application in given time so your application has been DENIED. You may reapply in 2 weeks from now, only this time read it to the end.
  24. Only the Royal family can make the changes!! We, unlike some others have never steal your money.. Think about it folks!
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