Hello and good evening, after a long time of good relations and connections between @S-W-A-T & @San-Andreas-Federal-Police , both HQ teams decided to reach a point we form an official alliance between the two biggest squads of SAES:RPG, and here we are! Both squads will work collaboratively and support each other according to the terms of the alliance. Alliance Terms: -Teamwork: Both squads will assist each other with RolePlays/Trainings/Events or any kind of activity (If needed & possible). -Patrolling: Members of both squads will assist each other on patrols, if a member is alone he always can join the other squad's car and freely patrol with them, and the other squad will always welcome each other on patrolling, also both of them will be always ready to assist each other on backup calls when needed. -Raids & Special Operations: As known our both squads main role is raiding and special operations, squads will assist each other on gang bases raids/ groups raids, both of these can be as a general activity, or happen as a roleplay and continue doing our role as it was stated in our topics. -Roleplays & Trainings: Both squads will be able to call the other squad members to join their roleplay/training (If needed & possible), needless to say, that hosting roleplays & trainings as one team will be blessed. Both Squads HQ's expect all members of both squads to stick to the terms of the Alliance, Of course, maintain a peaceful and loyal friendship and support each other. Long live ~[SWAT]~(blue) & ~[SAFP]~(#0065ad) [~[SW]~(blue)~[A]~(red)~[FP]~(#0065ad)]!