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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. Address: 9 Ls Marina Account name: spiro008 Last seen: 22nd April Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. Address: The House Of Wanking Account name: fyzero Last seen: 21st April Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. Roleplay type: "Delivery for old friend" Story: After long day of work, i was at the cafeteria at our building. Taking a break, and eating something because i was hungry. I got a call from an old friend, he heard that i am working at the best company out here, and he wanted my help. I asked my competent, and we made a deal. The agreed place was at one mountain, in abandoned house. This delivery needed to be done illegally, because the first part of the trunk was flour, and the back part illegal drugs. I chose a path that doesn't have much police control. I went to the agreed place, we got the drugs into the truck, and i started driving towards San Fierro. The place i needed to deliver the goods is Jizzys Club in SF. After long drive, we arrived at the club. Carefully we got the goods out of the truck, and i let the guy pack them into the club where he wanted to. After finishing my job, i my percent for the work, and the other is going in the company. Left the club and started going towards our building in Red County. People who attended: @Zodiyac Screens: https://imgur.com/a/84zKTRw
  4. Roleplay type: "Cooperation with SAFP" Story: Yesterday, before leaving work I got a call from our CEO. He told me that there's one job for me tomorrow at morning. He gave me informations about the delivery. I checked the documents, and i saw that i am going to work with SAFP. That will be my first time cooperating with a tactical squad. I was nervous, not to mess something up. But i went to sleep, i took rest all night. This morning i got up, prepared myself and went to the company. I got call from one of the officers, that i am going to work with. They told me that they got the trailer that i needed to deliver from RC to LV SAFP HQ safely. I headed to the warehouse in RC, i was nervous a lot, because the criminal activities that are going around the city, driving a truck with trailer full of weapons is scary. When I arrived at the warehouse, there were two officers waiting for me. I connected the trailer and we started moving. All the time a police car with two officers protecting the trailer, just for safety. Driving to LV wasn't that hard, so i cooled down a bit. After arriving at the HQ in LV, i waited a bit for them to unload the trailer, after seeing that everything's alright, they let me leave. I saw that they were satisfied with my work, so i left heading towards our company. I got my money from that delivery, and i'm happy that everything was alright, as first time for me cooperating with tactical squad. People who attended: @fenter @sajjad Screens: https://imgur.com/a/02ohkJW
  5. get ur card ready
  6. Type Of Activity: Refilling the refinery. Date: 16/05/2020 Participants: n/a Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/KITPeO9
  7. Business close to StoreRobbery and disk Starting bid: 1.000.000$ Location: ::: ::: Gui: ::: :::
  8. Type Of Activity: Refilling the refinery. Date: 08/05/2020 Participants: n/a Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/NuwO43l
  9. @DavidFilth contact me ingame
  10. Type Of Activity: Refilling stations around LV Date: 07.05.2020 Participants: n/a Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/vQtLFPE
  11. Last bump. After 1 hour the person with last bid contact me ingame.
  12. Type Of Activity: Refilling the refinery. Date: 06/05/2020 Participants: n/a Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/4WKdyaA
  13. Address: Cabin 1 Account name: baffousam Last seen: 4th April 2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  14. Address: 10 Downing Street Account name: baffousam Last seen: 4th April 2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. Bump. This auction can end any time from now on. Small amount of time to post bids
  16. @nulgath min bid increase is 500.000$
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