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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. Sretan ti rodjendan brate, zelim ti sve najbolje
  2. ^[~[Welcome!]~(green)] ^[] ^[In this topic you will be able to see all of my hosted & created events.] ^[] ^[] ^[Hello, as first I want to introduce myself. My name is Time, I am closely 18 years old, and i am from Macedonia. I started my career in this game long time ago, in 2013, I was a little kid when I started, played everything and didn't understand how things are working. I played for few years with my friend's from my town and suddenly all of them got bored of the game and stopped playing it. I saw that none is interested in playing it again and deleted the game. After few months i downloaded it again and played it once a month maybe twice. Than in 2016/2017 I joined this server. Started playing it for a bit because i was bored at home, and I joined SAPA, was in it few months till i got my PC diploma, than moved to FBI, after a period of time i got bored of cops side and decided to move to criminals. While I was a cop i met few guys from The Company and when i wanted to be a criminal, i wanted to be with my friends and joined The Company. I was with them since the start, worked for it, and after a year, i went inactive because of real life problems, and didn't want to play the game anymore. I kept coming back once a month, than i saw that my real life friend @WenDo created a gang. We had a conversation and i decided to move to Medellin Cartel, to help my friends, and help the gang grow up. So here we are now, part of Medellin Cartel as a Teniente. Also I'm part of All Road Trucking, Cunning Stunts & Rooftop Koreans. I am loyal, active and skilled player with great experience, I have tried many things, I can say for sure that I am ready for this work, to help other players do events. I am patient and I can say that I have no weaknesses that can damage the reputation of the group. I am helpful player, and i really like the idea of the group. I will let my creativity to lead me thru this topic and will give my best to show that i am good enough to be part of this group.] ^[] ^[~[Total Events:]~(green,green,green,green) 77] ^[~[Money Spent:]~(green,green,green,green) 95.500.000$] ^[~[New Event Types - down below]~(sienna)] ^[1 - Lucky Vehicle Number] ^[2 - 2Truths 1Lie] ^[3 - Tank Wars 5v5] ^[] ^[] **C**ount: *#* **D**ate: *text* **E**vent: *text* **P**rize: *text* **H**oster: text **W**inner: text **S**creens: ^[]
  3. I can see theres still interest in this property, extending the auction for few more hours.
  4. Message me in game for the prop @Nishki
  5. Address: 16 Seaview Road Account name: atti222 Last seen: 5th September 2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. Address: Camel House Account name: icyjumper Last seen: 14th October 2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. Old gang mate <3
  8. Type of Activity: Refueling stations Date: 04/11/2020 Participants: n/a Screenshots: ::: Before: After: Random: :::
  9. House with car spawn, right in front of Store Robbery Starting bid: $2,000,000 Minimum increase: $200,000 Screens: ::: :::
  10. Behind SR, and close to disk, also the police department and fuel station Starting bid: $2,000,000 Minimum increase: $200,000 Screens: ::: :::
  11. Right next to Store Robbery and a disk inside the property Starting bid: $2,000,000 Minimum increase: $200,000 Screens: ::: :::
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