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SAES Community Staff
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Everything posted by Yannick

  1. @xHayder said in inactive LV: ramzi04 sorted 1/2
  2. This is an automated post TXN ID: 1PR55796RS458941X Donation Amount: 30.00GBP Link to your Donation Tracking/Points Topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/30751/donation-point-balance-yannick Requested Awards: I'll keep it just to points for now. Waiting on some ingame mapping changes gang wise before I request it all. Thanks!
  3. I think this would work fine, just to show like some of the basic stuff. You could use like a moving ingame camera in the game to show like an SR building, police stations, properties for healings, SR drops and such. Shouldn't be that hard to make either. It's more a matter of what would you show in there that's critical for a new player to know that won't be found within F1.
  4. Thanks everyone! I'll surely enjoy here on holiday :P :flexed_biceps_medium-light_skin_tone:
  5. @asajb I see, so we'd rotate civilians jobs that would receive a bonus. But how do you actually determine if someone is active enough to receive a bonus? Would it require a specific value per job to be eligable for one?
  6. I like the idea, but I would love to hear how you would implement this, as how would you prevent abuse from this? Say I am playing ingame and in order to get a bonus I spawn once each day as every civilian job. Would that mean I am eligable to get a bonus after 2 weeks for all jobs? I like the idea, but how would you implement this with a vision to not have it abused and it being actively motivating to players?
  7. Your ingame username: My ingame name is Yannick. Username is yannickboy15 Your ingame alias: Just [B~B]Yannick really for the past few years. Your year of birth: 6th of May, 1999. Your gender: I'm a male. Nationality: I hold the Dutch nationality. Country of residence: I live currently in The Netherlands. How long you have been playing SAES: I don't even know to be fair. I guess I've been playing since 2011 until 2015 as a no life kid. Went on a break after that period to start growing up and went back to actively playing somewhere October 2021. In between I've been playing throughout SAES, but mostly just to help out with activity or meet up with friends. Qualities you can offer: I think that due to my work experience, I'm a good team player that's good in communication. I'm pretty much working 8x5 in a full agile development team, which is all about communication and also developing. You require continuous communication between your team and your product owner, as small communication mistakes could cost already a few thousands. I think I have improved this really well when I started my university, where I think I reached a solid level at the end of my study. I continued to improve this while gaining work experience. Coming to that I also think that I am good with leadership skills. I have been a Senior Admin, close to Community Management within a roleplaying community that has closed down in MTA. I've been guiding trial admins, supporters and also done a few things to keep the community on the right track. I think that this quality would also help me within the SAES staff team as I know what's to be expected from me and how I should behave on professional aspect to the players. Another quality I could offer is my programming skills. Something which is kind of unrelated to the Community Staff role, but still something that would be good to know. I could help out with future scripting improvements or expansion from the gamemode. Further on I'm friendly and approachable, my DM's are always open and I'm always down to have a conversation or discussion about anything. I try to be polite to people, which I think has been going well since my return as I haven't really gotten issues with people. Your weaknesses: I think that one of my weaknesses is mainly to keep a good eye on the small details. I notice it at work and in real life. While working, I sometimes forget the small requirements that they set for user stories or other requirements by design. It's mainly a matter of being a bit too much interested in it, that I work too fast and forget the smaller details. I do think this won't bother me too much as a Community Staff, as then you have the time to resolve reports and you're not pressured by paying clients that want your work live to production. Another weakness that I have is that I'm quite chill, maybe sometimes too chill. It's something that could be seen as weakness, but maybe also as a quality. In my opinion a game should be enjoying. I think that I might sometimes be a bit too lenient with giving punishments as I think you shouldn't interfere with someone's gameplay. Of course if the rulebreak is clear and causes a lot of aftermath, it's an easy case. But I don't think someone should be punished right away if he made a first small mistake to something. In my opinion it could knock someone off the game, which is something I wouldn't want from a community vision. Do you have Discord Installed: Of course, you can find me as Yannick#1936 on Discord. Reason for application: I think that helping people has always been a goal for me in both SAES and real life. Even when I was a kid I tried helping already by being SAHA and SAES in the end. Yes, that didn't end so well due to some circumstances but I never quit doing that. After I took a break I went to a roleplaying server where I continued to be a staff member to help players out. I think that members within B~B would describe me as helpful too. I've recently came back and a lot has changed. I think that refreshment is good, but I also think that experience would be good to have within the team. I've been a senior staff member, close to community manager within the roleplaying community. I think that has given me a lot of experience with helping and guiding players and staff within a community. With that I'd like to make a contribution to the gaming community I first started playing when I was young, to hopefully help them out for the upcoming years. Server Memberships: I'm not really part of any groups as most of them were wiped while I had some issues in the past. I think right now I'm only in GXT and CC at the moment, which is a trucking group and a mechanic/impounding group. I use it to take time off the gang responsibility I have within Black~Bullets. I've got some honorary spots here and there but I haven't really claimed those back as I'm not able to actively contribute to many of those groups. I think two or three is enough for now. Besides the regular groups, I'm also part of Black~Bullets. I think I've been a member for 11 years now within that gang, where I have a HQ position. I'm here to help B~B with my other HQs and make sure we guide it into the right directions and make sure we have solid people within our gang that help improve the gameplay for both insiders and outsiders of the gang. Additional information: I know that we've had a history in the past and I would understand that the old admins might think this is still something that influences on me. I was 14 years old back in the days, was a child and pretty much had 0 experience in being an adult. I think that I have changed well enough and got rid of that. I also had a chat with Brophy about it, I believe it's something we should forgive and forget as he nicely worded considering it's the past. He gave me a green light to do an application. Hopefully you guys accept that and I hope that we can start with a clean sheet. If not, that's alright and I respect that choice. I'm also able to do some scripting, as I done before in the other community. I need to get a bit of rust off myself, as I haven't been programming Lua for a long time. I could be of use in any other programming language aswell, due to my real life work experience as a Software Engineer. Right now I'm also enjoying a holiday off from work, which means I haven't been able to login for some time, but I'll be able to after my holiday which would be around the 11th of May. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I really can't remember, I don't think I have anything on my record punishment wise. Previous (legitimate) bans: None, I don't think I have been banned while I've been playing SAES since 2011.
  8. Introduction I guess that you guys may know me already, but if not I'll explain! I'm Yannick and I've been playing SAES since 2011. I was part of LWS around the period of 2012. After 2015 I went inactive for a long period and I've returned at the end of 2021. I've been playing I think now for a month or 2-3 and I guess that I've found my beat again in the game. I've been a HQ at B~B since 2013 and I'm still in it until this day. In my topic I'll be, just like everyone else, posting all my events that I've hosted after my return. I'll not be adding old events, as I've done too many of those and I also lost my screenshots due to a PC wipe. It's good to start fresh, right? If there are any questions, just reach out to me on Discord in the LWS server or ingame. Events Event numbero 1: Carshow in the oldschool manner [s=]I've hosted a carshow as we used to do those in 2013. It was one of my return events, as I was really interested in what Nano's script brought to the server with car creativity. Basically everyone could place their top 3 best cars and I'd be judged by myself. Rewards were 1 mill, 750k and 500k for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd spot. Every attendee got 50k for coming as it was an out of the blue event. I've attached the album below with all the pictures, with 1 image as headline. https://imgur.com/a/C2olQmz [/s]
  9. Address: 6 Red County Trailer Park Account name: sanya636636636 Last seen: 29th of March 2021 Screenshots:
  10. Address: 1 Red County Trailer Park Account name: sanya636636636 Last seen: 29th of March 2021 Screenshots:
  11. Name: Yannick Bid: $30.000.000
  12. Display Name: Yannick Username: yannickboy15 Link to ALL Donation Topics: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/profile/9406-yannick/ - All my threads were wiped due to some circumstances. Could be that there's 20 pounds missing but only Brophy can possibly confirm due to the aged donations. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/32219/donation-undefined-amount-30-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/32859/donation-undefined-amount-10-00-gbp? https://saesrpg.uk/topic/33046/donation-undefined-amount-20-00-gbp Total number of Donation Points: 250
  13. @woytex said in Black~Bullets: Nickname : Woytex Username : jack269 Age : 20 Nationality : Slovenian Languages you can speak : Slovenian, English and a little bit of croatian. Player SAES Career Information Dow long have you been playing on SAES? : I've started playing saes in 2014 something. Ho you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) : HRMC, before that, AA. If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them : we closed HRMC, I was kicked out of AA because of the ban, I was impersonating Tut in some fake server to scare them off or something. Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) : Yes, as I said. What groups are you currently part of ? : I was in motorheads not sure if I still am. Do you have discord? if yes, link/tag it : Woytex#0052 Personality Information : What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : Well I am nothing special, just a dude who likes beer and womans but yeah I can do basicly everything in proper condition, like shooting driving, bla bla. Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets: Assassinations and stuff. Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? : Because it seems like a chill gang to me and it got a potencial. Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : Curny Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] : / @durby said in Black~Bullets: Applicant Main Information : Nickname : Durby Username : giris Age : 21 Nationality : Turkish Languages you can speak : Turkish, English and a little bit Deutsch. Player SAES Career Information : How long have you been playing on SAES? : For about 11 years. (On and off) How you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) : Gonna merge this with the question below. If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them : Since my tenure in SAES, I've been in, well, countless of gangs and squads. I'll just drop the ones that really matter. But I've never been kicked from any of my previous organizations. FBI - The squad got very inactive, I left. BikerBoyZ - Died SoA - Died Helvettes - Died TT - Decided to leave the server so left. B~B - Left to create my own organization. NwA - Closed :'( Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) : No. What groups are you currently part of ? : Only rTECH. Do you have discord? if yes, link/tag it : Yahooee#0586 Personality Information : What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : I consider myself to be a veteran player. I've always enjoyed my stay in the Bullets and the reason why I left it in the first place was to experience something I've never done before. That didn't really work out for the best but it was fun while it lasted. The only place I see myself fitting is here. Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets: Black Bullets are a group of highly trained hitmans. They execute contracts all around the world using military-grade weaponry. They also sell weapons illegally. All of this illegal work requires a legal front, so the bullets own a company that loans money to investors and business men. Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? : I think I've pretty much explained it in the question before the last one. But Black Bullets have always had a special place in my heart and I think its best for me to return to where I belong. Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : @hessan210 because he's a retard. And also @Niklaus kept harassing me. Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] None. Sup guys, We've been voting and discussing internally with members but also within our HQ team and we've came to the conclusion that we'd like to see you hang around a bit more with us to see your real interest and capabilities. Please hang the upcoming 2 weeks more around to show your interest and make sure to show off your skills. Also please put both a bit more effort in your application, as those are quite minimal applications. Thank you! @lisner said in Black~Bullets: Applicant Main Information : Nickname : Lisner Username : moha00 Age : 15 years old Nationality : Algerian Languages you can speak : Arabic , English and Frensh Player SAES Career Information : How long have you been playing on SAES? : 1 years and half ago How you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) : If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them :i joined x , then m , mit and my last gang was Lunas. Generation-X :got kicked reason could be explained in game -Medellin Cartel: i got kicked the reason could be explained in game. -MIT: i left because i'm bored from copside and decided to join a gang and playing as criminel DIA: i left to join back Lunas gang Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) : No What groups are you currently part of ? : N/A Do you have discord? if yes, link/tag it : Yes i have. #3095 Personality Information : What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : i'm active person and Loyal and so helpfull one , you should accepte me because i can help the gang to grow up with my activities and loyality Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets: Black Bullets is a criminal organization providing assassinations and mercenary services. They are based in San Fierro but their services covers San Andreas as a whole. The classes we assassinate include cops, and drug dealers , arms dealers , jailbreak. For the right price we can eliminate whom who threats your business Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? : i wanna be member of Camels (B~B) because i liked their members and i always wanted to be a part of huge and strong gang like BB and i see that BB got a good and skilled members with good experience so idecided to join the gang , Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : Yes @Curny @Cha @Niklaus @SidePrime Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] You've put in some effort, which is good! But we'd like to see some more hanging around and skills from yourself. Keep hanging with us the upcoming 2 weeks and give it another shot! Thanks!
  14. @medusa you didn't answer all questions of the application. Also your loyalty is questioned by our camels, hence I'm going to deny your application. Hang around for a while to show off that you're a loyal person that fits in our gang.
  15. @castillo Congratulations, your application was accepted! Meet an HQ ingame for your test and jnvite. Also please head over to our Discord in order to receive your role and communicate further.
  16. @Hammer-1 We'll be denying your application, as we'd like to see more effort in the application itself and we would also like to see you hang around a bit more before we'd like to offer you a chance. Keep hanging around and you'll soon get your shot! @Matto We're also denying your application. I've compared the application you've posted before and the current one and I found something that pretty much exposed yourself showing the effort you put in joining us. If you copy paste something from another application because you don't want to put effort in or something, atleast change the name of the gang... "I want to apport to Undisputed Command with my activity with all my availability to help in anything and at the personal, I'm a cool guy who loved to play around and chill with friends, i consider myself as a mature player, loyal and respectful and i want Undisputed Command as my first gang and remember it forever, i wish to get in consideration and hope to get an opportunity from you guys." - Maybe Undisputed Command would have liked this, but we don't. Make a better application next time, write it all over and put actual effort in, hang around for some time and possibly we'll consider your application again.
  17. @Hammer-1 @Matt0 Under review, keep hanging around with the camels. Make sure to wash them properly and also show of your skills. Good luck!
  18. @ecko come to B~B discord and we chat wanker
  19. @Kiloo @Matt0 Sup guys! We're reviewing your application and checking out your skills over the course of a few days. Make sure to hang around with the gang, have a chat and show them off how you beat ass. We'll soon be back with an answer to your application, best of luck! Yannick Legendary Camel/HQ Member
  20. I'm always around, just on the background for B~B and chatting with people. @kipt ;)
  21. @blade said in Message from your devs: @yannick Indeed, for testing purposes he'll have to write dummies since we won't share our resources. However upon real testing the support server will be used and changes could be made accordingly. What would be considered as accepted suggestions? As people could script something but the other playerbase won't like it :P
  22. @Blade How is integration in the current codebase expected? For example writing an addition to the PD system which requires exports. Would that mean the scripter has to create dummies?
  23. What you could do, is make either the colt or deagle have two modes. Enable the mode on the PD team to get it into taser mode. Could replace it with a general weapon mod that looks like a taser, but a gun as well.
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