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SAES Community Staff
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Everything posted by Yannick

  1. Interior solved.
  2. You logged in too late. Which means the request is deemed valid. We register the exact time up to the seconds on when you login so we can track this down. Sorted 1/2.
  3. You logged in too late. Which means the request is deemed valid. We register the exact time up to the seconds on when you login so we can track this down. Sorted 2/2.
  4. Sorted
  5. Request denied, user is part of the SAES clan.
  6. Sorted.
  7. Address: Cranberry Station Account name: cheessoufle Last seen: 22nd of May 2023 Screenshots:
  8. Address: lv church Account name: cheessoufle Last seen: 22nd of May 2023 Screenshots:
  9. Sorted 1/2.
  10. Sorted 1/2.
  11. Sorted. 1/2.
  12. Player is from Turkey, considering the rules we have for Turkish players, this request is hereby denied.
  13. Sorted 1/2.
  14. Sorted 1/2.
  15. Sorted 1/2.
  16. This is an organisation.
  17. Sorted 1/2.
  18. 50 million
  19. Bid deemed invalid. Bid is lower than current bid. (Either write out fully what it should be like or 2 billion.) Also, we're doing regular checks as SAHA to see if people have the balance for their bids. Make sure to have the money in your bank account otherwise your bid shall be declared invalid or deemed as a false bid which can result in a 25% fine and exclusion from the auction. We're checking this at some point, so have the money prepared in your bank. Current bid leading: xBlue with $1.740.000.000
  20. Sorted 2/2.
  21. Request denied, the property belongs to a resident of Ukraine and can't be requested until further notice.
  22. Handled 1/2.
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