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Everything posted by FoxZilla

  1. Happy birthday mate
  2. Good luck mate
  3. Good luck
  4. Event number: 148 Event type: 1v1 AirBox Prize(s): $1.000.000 LWS Helper(s): @Star Winner(s): @Saint ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/4gt5Tvx
  5. Selling Business in TR Next to Bank Next to SR Screens: https://imgur.com/a/HZKYwLz ::: ::: Starting bid: 700k
  6. Selling House in BC Close to sr Close to Bank Screens: https://imgur.com/a/UX8qEPG ::: ::: Starting Bid: 200k
  7. This house got some features such as: Has Car spawn Next to sr Near the jail Screens: https://imgur.com/a/yT9Qrc2 ::: ::: Staring Bid: 1m
  8. LS Business 10 Meters of LS Bank 5.600K Income 700.00K Market value Screens: https://imgur.com/a/Il1jkaG ::: ::: Starting Bid: 3m
  9. GUI: https://imgur.com/a/NznuncU Exteriror: https://imgur.com/a/mDwTYLw
  10. This house got some features such as: Has Car spawn Next to sr GUI: ::: ::: Exteriror: ::: ::: Starting bid: 3m
  11. -Section 1- Username: mertt Real Name: Mert In-game Nick : FoxZilla Nationality: Turkish Country of residence: Turkey Age: 15 English proficiency: 7/10 Other Languages: Turksih -Section 2- Why do you want to join us?: Also, I saw some OB members around when they were doing activities. And I liked it. I wanna be part of such as activities. Why should we take you into consideration, and what can you offer?: I can bring postive rewive. I am active and i'm doing my duties. And i am sure you wont regre it How long you been playing in SAES?: 8-9 years Current group membership(s): The Motor Heads -Section 3- Something about you, no less than 100 words: My name is Mert. I'm 15 years old. I'm playing since 2010-2011. I'm started with my brother. we were play together. He tought me. I was join GJMC,BBMC,FF,Nomad,VLA,ICE,TST,SAPA. Now I'm part of B~B. I was admin jailed 3 time. But now i am not doing mistake and I'm trying dont make a mistake. I think i have good personalty so its can bring postive rewive. I am loyal and i am doing my duties. I know the server rules and i am active so its can bring postive rewive too and i think its help for rise. If you accept me you wont regre it
  12. In-game name & Age : FoxZilla | 15 Account name : mertt Nationality & Timezone : Turkish | GMT +3 Gender : Male Language skills? : 7/10 Tell us about yourself in 2 paragraphs : My name is Mert. I'm 15 years old. I'm playing since 2010-2011. I started with my brother. We were playing together. He taught me. I joined MC gangs so i know their role. How long have you been playing on SAES? : 8-9 years Are you part of any groups, if so which? : Yes, The Motor Heads Previous group(s) and leaving cause(s) : SAIA - Closed Cluck - I was inactive so they kick me SA - Closed Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server? ( If so, details please ) : I'm jailed 3 time. First, i was in event we were tring knock him nrg with ambulance after that one player reported me because car dm but i didnt remember after that i am jailed. Second time i spawned donator and i had starts one swat car tried arrest me i kill them with rpg. I didnt see donator spawn rules so i am jailed. last time we were front of jail and we will do jb but one admin said you cant camp on jail and he jailed only 2 player but we were like 10 player. Previous (legitimate) bans? ( If so, details please ) : N/A Character roleplay backstory ( If you don't have one, make one. At least 1 paragraph ) : My Name is Ike. I was 17. I decieded to join Motorcycle club. I was search clubs. After that i found one club and i liked it. I tried to join. Then they accepted me. I was part of motorcycle club. I had freeway. we were doing road trips but one day 3 police cars tried to arrest we were ride fast then leader died and i left the club now i am looking new club. Define Demon Disciples Motorcycle Club : Demon Disciples MC is a Motorcycle club. They are doing road trips. When they riding on road they enjoy. They likes to modifying their rides. Why should we invite you into Demon Disciples Motorcycle Club & how could you benefit us? : Because i can help for level up. I will do my duties and i am loyal so if you accept me you wont regre it. Do you have any unique abilities that you can bring within the club? : I can bring postive rewive and i can help for level up. Did anyone recommend you to apply or do you have any friends inside the club? : No Any additional information we may need to know? : My name is Mert. I am 15 years old. My brother was lead MC gangs and he created MC gangs and he tought me so i can help you in DDMC. And i joined some MC gangs their name, GJMC,BBMC,Nomad MC,FF. Now i am part of B~B.
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