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Everything posted by TheClaw.

  1. Well, no way. It's so sad to see you going mate. Your situation seems similar to my retirement cause. Don't worry, you always find a way to play if you don't want to give up on this. Just focus on your life and learn from your mistakes man, we are waiting for you.
  2. essere
  3. AAHUB 21/03/2019 https://youtu.be/rdEmGr8LEX0
  4. at least do not mod it instead of standart admiral.
  5. Happy happy birthday to you ~[FERRARI FAN!]~(red) This one comes for you! But as always... ~[#LH44]~(cyan)
  6. Hasta La Muerte! Good luck brothers, now get this thing done. Also @FastYounq, welcome back mate.
  7. I have managed my life, relationship with my family and school properly. I realized that SAES didn't affect them that much. Therefore I'm back, also happy birthday my dear AA boiz ! AA :p
  8. Well, well, well... I don't know what to say right now, I will try to explain my feelings anyway. I have been playing on this server, with a great community since 2011. I have logged in and played every single day, approximately. I have met with a lot of good people in this period of time. I would like to thank all of them. But unfortunately, sometimes you need to think about what you are doing right now, and what will you do in the future. Because of this great community, I couldn't stop playing it, I have tried a lot, but it didn't work. And today, the 17th of February, 2019, I have decided to give it a stop. I am doing this for my school, for my family and for myself. I hope that I have explained myself clearly. In this time, if anyone is mad at me, I would like to say sorry for the things that occurred. I will leave some screenshots of my SAES career highlights here to share my remembrance with you guys. I would like to point out that this is not a permanent farewell, I think. Take care guys. And @TaJ , you will see, Mercedes will win the 2019 season. ::: Probably the happiest moment of my career. Meanwhile, I was laughing and screaming in the house. Weird moments with fellas. R.I.P Black Syndicate. I have more of them, but can't put my eight years into a spoiler. :::
  9. Participant(s): @TheClaw @Siirtuga @chemist @XpookS @TaJ and more Story: It was a normal day. Me and my friends were chilling on the deck and waiting for TMH fellows to come. We were struggling with a failure which has occurred in one of our helicopters. I didn't last too long, after an hour later, we have seen our fellows moving towards the Ship. We have taken them to the deck to repair the helicopter. As I have worked as a mechanic, I have gotten the main problem. Seems like the motor that turns the propeller has damaged so bad. They have fixed the situation immediately. Thanks to our fellows for coming to the Ship. After that, We have paid some money for the repairing service. Nevertheless, I can say that they have done their job perfectly. Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  10. Participant(s): @TheClaw, @Rowdy35, / @Karma Story: The day has come. Today is the exchange day, we will take our money, they will take their specialized guns. As we are a part of Arms Assassins, we always be sure before getting things into work, such as the security of the customers, reliability of the guns and mechanisms. Today, one of our special customers, Diaz Fittipaldi, has come to our Ship to do the exchange. We have escorted him to the base for the safety of our customers and their precious money. Alexander, one of our members, has taken care of the ground security for anything that can be a potential threat. After that, we have made the deal and finished our job. Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  11. Participant(s): @TheClaw Story: I have just woken up and started to take a sip from my coffee in front of our radars for anything unusual. It was a normal day, fishers are coming, going; sometimes battleships are coming and going... Suddenly, I have remembered that I have buried a lot of special guns in a place for not to get into the army's radar. Tomorrow was the payday, we get our money, they get their guns, nice and clean job. I have rushed to the place for the guns to get back them to the Ship. It wasn't so hard to find the guns as we are professionals in our job. When we are burying anything -money, guns...- we always put them in special vacuumed bags and titanium -mixed with hard steel- cases. Therefore nothing has happened to them. I have brought the guns to the Ship for the payday which will happen tomorrow. Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  12. TMH Technicians Working on 08/02/2019 TMH Technicians Involved: @TheClaw Location: Las Venturas Cross. Estimated Duration of Working: 15-20 mins. Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 10 Vehicles Screenshots ::: :::
  13. Happy Birthday, have a nice one mate.
  14. Address: 1 Shipview Terrace Account name: stars0123 Last seen: 17th August 2018 Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. First of all, I'd like to say sorry if I'm the only one who is experiencing this situation and disturbed you guys. But seems like a lot of people experiencing that. Yesterday, my game crashed two times in a row, today it has crashed again. I asked some of my friends and they said they have experienced the same thing. Also, after that crashes, players in the server have decreased significantly, I saw 110 players have decreased to 46 players yesterday, just after the crashes. Seems like something weird going on in the server. Just wanted to let you know.
  16. Roleplay #322 Participant(s): @TheClaw Story: Another day, another repair. Today's guest was a bit different. It was our WEC car, which had a puncture ten days ago. It was in a bad condition, I couldn't do that by myself, not too far, at Fort Carson, I have met with my fellow to repair this car together. He was kinda busy so he said that first I will check the car and he will do the rest. I have applied the standard procedures, as you may know. Lastly, he has repaired the car and I have taken the car to TMH HQ Racing Division Garage. Seems like we have done a good job, chassis replaced with a new one, tires have changed, MGU-K and MGU-H replaced with a better one. Rear muffler wasn't in a bad condition, thus we haven't touched it. Seems good, yeah! Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  17. Roleplay #322 Participant(s): @TheClaw Story: I have just woken up, thanks to my friend @Taj who spilled the hot coffee onto my face. There was a motor today, which needs to be repaired as soon as possible because it was one of our racers which has been racing in MotoGP. Standard procedures have applied. I have checked the tire pressures and wears, fixed the motor block. Seems like this one needs a brand new exhaust, thus I have changed the exhaust with a new one. Done! Today was easy. Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  18. Roleplay #321 Participant(s): @TheClaw Story: Ahh, It's good to be back. I have had to retire from the division for ten days due to an accident has happened. I'm good right now, and I'm back. If you ever think that there have been days in TMH without any race or repair, you are totally wrong. When I came back, suddenly I have heard a car roaming. It was our car which won the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix two days ago. It was a pleasure to repair it! Standard procedures have applied to the car. I have checked the tire temperatures and pressures, replaced the twin turbo with a better one. Finally, I have checked the car's armor below the motor for anything unusual. Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  19. Address: We Sell Skips Shop Account name: oussamarappelz Last seen: 26th December 2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ToDLpAG
  20. Adress: 7 Scumsville Park Account Name: light 1 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Sx2raYD
  21. Good luck, seems good
  22. Definitely 3 hours.
  23. Application Format Nickname: TheClaw Age: 17 Country: Republic of Turkey Languages spoken: B2 English certificated by British Council.(Online), A1 German, Starter Italian. From 0 to 10, how would you rate your English proficiency? (?/10): I'd like to give myself 8 out of 10. How long have you been playing on SAES: I have been playing on this server for more than eight years. A couple of inactivity periods has occurred but they are already finished. These days and further I'm active. In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: Arms Assassins is an organization which is controlling the arms trafficking around San Andreas. Arms Assassins members are proficient in using guns. Also, they have a bunch of connection with their allies. If you have any gun in your house, labeled as "legal", it's probably not legal and provided by Arms Assassins. Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): Blood Brothers MC: BBMC has been closed recently. OverdoseCrime: I was at OverdoseCrime since its beginning. I have done my best for them, helped my fellow Coach in his bad days. But unfortunately we had an argument and I left the gang. The Outfit: My fellows decided to organize a club, I left to help them. Organization Zero: Well, It's been more than one year since I left Organization Zero. As I remember, It was so inactive in these years and a couple of contention in the gang dragged me to the leaving section. Black Syndicate: Well, Black Syndicate, what can I say... I have tried reviving the gang with Roleplays and events two times. Unfortunately, sometimes you can't do a lot of things all alone. Thus I left due to inactivity and unrequited labors. Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: N/A Name 3 BR rules: 1- Camping on unclimbable rooftops is not allowed. 2- A gang only can do two bank robs per day. 3- Abusing any type of bugs are not allowed. Failed to accomplish these can result in a punishment. Name 3 GR rules: 1- CLO/DE Assistance is not allowed. 2- Using bombs and potential explosives(such as cars) are not allowed. 3- Using animations while cracking is not allowed. Failed to accomplish these can result in a punishment. Name 3 Turf rules: 1- Spawning as Cop/Medic/Pizzaboy is not allowed. 2- Allowed spawn places are: Hospital / Base, rest of them is forbidden. 3- Camping on unclimbable rooftops are not allowed. Failed to accomplish these can result in a punishment. What is Roleplay?: Roleplay is acting like real life in the game using realistic animations and conversations. What is Deathmatching?: Deathmatching is killing someone for no reason. Someone DMs you. What do you do?: Firstly, I would warn him about that forbidden situation, if he/she still continues, I would take screenshots and report him/her to an admin or gang HQ. You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: I would not do anything to them. Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: Surely, @Rowdy35 @chemist Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): Hello, my dear fellows. Let me introduce myself, I'm Yusufcan. Seventeen years old boy from Yalova, which is the smallest city in Turkey. In my free times, I love cycling around the city which relaxes and makes me happier. I'm a Formula 1 and Tennis enthusiast, therefore in my free times, I usually watch F1 videos or Tennis videos. Except these, I love playing games such as DiRT series, F1 2018, Tomb Raider(my favorite), Dying Light, also a couple of competition games. I love researching and reading too. That's me, I have introduced myself. Thank you for your time.
  24. -Section 1- Username: theclaw Real Name: Yusufcan In-game Nick : TheClaw Nationality: Turkish Country of residence: Republic of Turkey Age: 17 English proficiency: B2 English Degree certificated by British Council(Online). Other Languages: A2 German, Starter Italian. -Section 2- Why do you want to join us?: My whole career as a criminal, I love jailbreaking other fellows. In real life, I'm very helpful too. I thought that why I should not bring this to the SAES as being in a group ? Therefore I decided to apply to Outbreak Organization. Also I'm a calm person, I can appease myself easily and I'm always respectful to other players, especially admins. Also I love helping to my fellows and teammates. I think I will be a good member for Outbreak. Why should we take you into consideration, and what can you offer?: I'm loyal, calm and respectful person, as I mentioned above, I can appease myself easily in bad situations. Therefore I can offer you guys my loyalty, skills and amiability. How long you been playing in SAES?: I have been playing on SAES for more than eight years. Couple of inactivity times has occured but they have already finished. Current group membership(s): The Motor Heads Technical Division GEA Supervisor (vL) -Section 3- Something about you, no less than 100 words: Hello my dear fellows. My name is Yusufcan. I'm seventeen years old boy which lives in a small city called Yalova. I moved here approximately six years ago. As Yalova is a small city, I love cycling around Yalova which is so enjoyable and relaxing activity. Also I love playing on my computer, specifically I play Formula 1 2018, DiRT series and MTA and Tomb Raider series(my favourite). But most of the time I play on SAES. My hobbies are: playing games, cycling, all kind of sports(especially Court Tennis, long live Federer !), programming robots listening to songs. Well that's me, thank you. Your sincerely,
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