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Everything posted by TheClaw.

  1. Participant(s): @Rowdy35 @TheClaw Date: 17/01/2019 Story: Today is the day. We have dealed with Arms Assassins. One of my fellows called me and said that they need drugs. Not a problem for us. We planned the meeting place and met at Tierra Robada. We had to be sure that no one is following us. On the road, there were no cops and civilians so it was easy to meet at Tierra Robada. We have organized the deal. Ten kilograms of cocaine and ten million dollars, clear deal, clear money. We have met at Black Syndicate Mansion and I put the drugs to his car. I got the money, he got the coca. We finished the deal. Another deal for Black's, another win for Black's. Screenshot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/BcDLbAr :::
  2. Part #2 Participant(s): @TheClaw @Jack_ Date: 16/01/2019 Story: Money money money, must be funny, they say. I think that's plausible because money really gives you happines, especially if you have losen your family. My friend and I, after that heist. We got the money and went straight to the Casino. Having fun, gambling, drinking... That's what I'm talking about ! We have had a lot of good time at there. Be ready for the best part; We have won +2 million in there. We got the money , we can say. Then with being happy and relaxed we have gone back to the mansion. Screenshot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/tYakOgI :::
  3. Roleplay: Black Syndicate & Arms Assassins @Rowdy35 said in Arms Assassins Media Archive: Participants in The RP: BS|TheClaw @TheClaw [AA]Rowdy @Rowdy35 RolePlay Story: TheClaw in the Black Syndicate gang, he called me and said that he needed a gun. To talk I sent him an address. I went to the address I gave and there we talked. And I took her to the Arms Assassins base. I showed him the guns, he looked at the guns, he picked the guns he wanted to buy. I checked all the weapons he wanted, and I loaded them in his car. I told him how much the guns were and we talked a bit. I told him how much money he had to give me, and he gave me money. I said it was nice to meet him and I wanted to do business again. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/pvMClsC
  4. Happy birthday pal ! Have a nice one.
  5. Hello dear applicants; @Polentaa @iani Thank you for your interest in GEA. We are still waiting for you guys to show yourselves to us. Your applications has brought down to ~[UNDER-REVIEW]~(silver). As we have said, show yourselves to us for to participate in GEA. Your cincerely, TheClaw. GEA Supervisor
  6. Hello dear applicant @Judyes . We have examined you attitude and behaviour. On behalf of Board of Directors, your result is ~[ACCEPTED]~(green). Meet with any HQ's ingame for your test.
  7. @TheClaw said in GEA - Reach and Rescue Team: Hello dear applicant @Lio . Thank for your interest in GEA. We have never seen you in game hanging with us. You need to show yourself to us in order to be a part of GEA. On behalf of GEA Board of Directors, your result is ~[PENDING]~(orange). You have proven yourself @Lio . ~[ACCEPTED]~(green)
  8. RECRUITMENT : ~[OPEN]~(green)
  9. Hello dear applicant @MeDai . Thank you for your interest in GEA. As a Supervisor, I know you well and I'd like to see you in our group. On behalf of Board of Directors, you are ~[ACCEPTED]~(green). Meet with any HQ's in game.
  10. General Eagle Arms- Reach and Rescue Team Discord https://discord.gg/AYaF2y6
  11. Hello dear applicant @Lio . Thank for your interest in GEA. We have never seen you in game hanging with us. You need to show yourself to us in order to be a part of GEA. On behalf of GEA Board of Directors, your result is ~[PENDING]~(orange). Hello dear applicant @HunTr . Thank for your interest in GEA. We have never seen you in game hanging with us. Your in-game knowledge is not good, also it seems like you didn't read our topic. On behalf of GEA Board of Directors, your result is ~[DENIED]~(red). You can reapply again after two weeks if you still interested.
  12. ~[Activity #1]~(#cc3000,black) ~[Screenshot(s):]~(#cc3000,black) ::: :::
  13. Good luck mate !
  14. Good luck boi !
  15. Roleplay #332 TMH Member(s): @TheClaw Story: Singapore Grand Prix has finised. We got our race cars at 10 am. Bad thing is, one of our member got a puncture which destroyed the car. I have had to repair it for next Grand Prix, USA Grand Prix. Stantard procedure has activated for the car. Checking the motor, exhaust and gearbox and lastly tires. I have done all of them. They were in a bad condition as usual. We had to repair it at Pay'n'Spray, because of the color changing etc. We have repaired the car and only paint job left to be done. Thankfully It was easy to paint the car as being a small and compact car. Then I have transported the car to the our Racing Division Garage. Screenshot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/HdrDDmE :::
  16. Get well soon mate. I know we don't know each other but I'm sure that you'll recover easily.
  17. TMH Technicians Working on 30/12/2018 TMH Technicians Involved: @TheClaw Location: Las Venturas Cross. Estimated Duration of Working: 15 minutes. Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 10 cars, some of them has repaired two times in a row. Screenshot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/YnGE5RN :::
  18. Roleplay #331 TMH Member(s): @TheClaw Story: I'm so excited today. I was working on a car which is very special for me and my fellows. I named her "Rose", because she is as beatiful as rose and as red as rose. I have prepared the car for the next show. Standart procedure has used for Rose. I have cleaned the her motor, checked the spoiler and doors to look better. Finally, we put it to the stand and I'll admit, she looks awesome. Screenshot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/StRF2zW :::
  19. Roleplay: #330 TMH Member(s): @TheClaw Story: Another car has came in. This one was easy, special thanks to our fellow X for helping me. This car was in a bad condition actually. Probably one of our racers went to gravels while racing, ICE was in a bad condition, we can say same thing to under armour of the car. It has some cracks and scratches as usual. I have gotten some parts out of the car to have lower weight. This is it for today. I hope that they won't go straight onto the gravels again. Screenshot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/v1mIiCn :::
  20. Roleplay #329 TMH Member(s): @TheClaw @XpookS Story: I was tired but, it doesn't matter. When a newbie mechnanic comes, I can't hold myself and start teaching him the cars. First of all, we started with checking the tire pressures, they are as important as motor. One by one, we finished all of the tires we need to check. Than, we started checking the MGU-H which is very important for car's heat. Fortunately, newbie managed it well and we finished it easily. Finally, there was only rear muffer and EGR valve left to be repaired. Newbie managed it well and tested the car. Now it's ready for the next Grand Prix. Screenshot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/uPZX9xN :::
  21. Not that fast but good enough. ::: https://imgur.com/a/N3bCyf0 :::
  22. Event Type: Carshow LWS Helper: @nyx_ Prize: First: 1.000.000 // Second: 500.000 // Third: 250.000 Winner(s): 1st: Rowdy // 2nd: cuteanimegirl // 3rd: PewD Screenshot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/WxTrCAC :::
  23. Event Type: Chicken Shooter LWS Helper: @Ramos Prize: 1.000.000 Winner(s): @Pilcrow Screenshot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/jMbDZy2 :::
  24. Nickname : TheClaw Ingame username : theclaw Nationality & Age : I'm Turkish. 17 years old. Previous Punishments : N/A Previous organizations youve been in and reason why you left them : (I had been in several organizations but when I went inactive for more than four months, I forgot the other ones.) Blood Brothers MC: I was sHQ in our gang. But unfortunately we couldn't handle the gang and decided to close it together. OverdoseCrime: I tried to do my best for the gang since its second fall. I was a rooted member of the gang but had an argue with leader. The argue that has finished everything. Black Syndicate: I was enjoying a lot in Black Syndicate. But unfortunately because of real life problems I had to go inactive (as I mentioned above, for more than four months,). When I logged in again, I got kicked as usual. Explain us our role in your own words : Black Syndicate is an organization which runs arms and drug operations all around San Andreas. Every mountain has an unseen place, Black Syndicate runs legal operations to launder their money in a proper way. Their unseen place is where everything runs illegal, from arms to kidnapping, drugs to usury. Why would you like to join BS and how can you benefit us? : First of all. I'd like to say that I'm not a special person. I'm just like everyone else in game. I'm loyal and calm person. I can appease myself easily in bad situations. I always stick to the gang which I belong. Therefore I think that I will love my new fellows. Black Syndicate is a gang which I admire most. As an old member, I'd like to help the organization in these rough times. That's why I'm applying to Black Syndicate.
  25. Late but good luck brother, wishing the best for you.
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