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Barry Allen

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Everything posted by Barry Allen

  2. ^[] ^[~[ACTIVITY CHECK]~(004890)] ^[] ^[] ^[~[TO PROTECT WITH COURAGE, TO SERVE WITH COMPASSION.]~(004890)] ^[~[SAN ANDREAS FEDERAL POLICE]~(004890)]
  3. they are visible indeed , I guess its cuz the new forums
  4. Patrol #126 Personal Patrol #5 @dj0 said in DJO's Application: Patrol #9 Participants: @Barry-Allen Patrol duration: 20min Screenshots: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::
  5. Patrol #125 Personal Patrol #4 @dj0 said in DJO's Application: Patrol #6 Participants: @Barry-Allen & @Legend Patrol duration: 20min Screenshots: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::
  6. Patrol #124 Personal Patrol #3 @dj0 said in DJO's Application: Patrol #5 Participants: @Barry-Allen Patrol duration: 40min Screenshots: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::
  7. Patrol #123 Personal Patrol #2 @dj0 said in DJO's Application: Patrol #3 Participants: @Marko & @Barry-Allen Patrol duration: 1hour Screenshots: ::: ::: ::: :::
  8. Patrol #122 Personal Patrol #1 Participants: none Patrol duration: 1 hour Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/xmrnhDs
  10. ^[] @hoodie said in OverdoseCrime - Media Archive: RP#89 - Lucky Getaway Participants: @Barry-Allen , @Hoodie Story: After yesterdays incident with the mechanic, I thought I had gotten off and the drugs were never discovered. Turns out someone had told the police I was carrying drugs in my trunk of my car. It was a new day, early in the morning. I was cruising down the Las Venturas highway when a police officer approached me from behind and switched his lights on. I tried to run for it, I had hit a lamp post and finally came to a stop thinking well this is it, I am going to jail. The officer approached my vehicle gun drawn and told me to get out of the car with my hands up. I did as the officer said, I didn't want another dead body on my hands today. This cop wanted to search my trunk, he said he had gotten a call regarding me carrying drugs in my motor vehicle. I refused to allow him to search my vehicle, at this point the officer made a surprising turn. His attitude changed, I realized I knew this officer, it was Barry my friend a friend of Overdosecrime. I decided to slip him a $20 and he let me off. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/FiyfLkA
  11. ^[] ^[~[ACTIVITY CHECK]~(004890)] ^[] ^[] ^[~[TO PROTECT WITH COURAGE, TO SERVE WITH COMPASSION.]~(004890)] ^[~[SAN ANDREAS FEDERAL POLICE]~(004890)]
  12. ^[] SAM members : [SAM]Marko,[SAM*]Barry Participants : Berker and DJO ~[BackStory]~(green,lime) : Me and Marko along with paramedic DJO were patrolling the streets of SA and we got a emergency call about a accident near LV Airport. We immediately turned on sirens and responded to it. Upon reaching the scene we found 1 car fully damaged from accident and the driver out of the car beside it, he must have gotten out before it hit the wall. We checked his pulse which was stable and then we put him into the ambulance and took him to SAM HQ where we treated a wound in his forehead and did a full body X-RAY and found a sprain in ankle which we secured with bandage because plaster wasnt needed and then we transferred him to a General Room and informed the police about the accident. He is supposed to stay in there for 7 days before he can leave. Screenshots : ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::
  13. this guy teaches better quick maths than big shaq!
  14. @TheK its nice how u say there urself that, all that should not leak out cuz it will look bad for saes clan and then go ahead and leak it out urself to use it at ur advantage. You seem fake
  15. @TheK Thats very shitty what u are doing, there is nothing wrong with criticizing someone but the way u posting ss of you and someone else talking about how nanobob is different cuz he is born with autism disorder, thats just the shittest thing ever. You are only making someone feel like an outsider cuz of something they cant help and no one deserves that. nanobob may be arrogant and bossy but atleast he isnt using someone's disorder to their advantage to win a argument in a online forum. personally only for this reason I would choose nanobob being a dev 100 times than seeing u ever being back to saes. you could have cut out that portion of the SS but no you had to use it to your advantage, shows how low one can fall to win a argument. That was just shitty, I hope you understand what I am trying to say and imagine what u would feel if u had autism and people blamed everything u did on ur autism.
  16. ^[] Patrol #6 Participants: @Access Patrol duration: 30 Minutes + Screenshots: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::
  17. The way i see it is that there was no use of this post , its just a disagreement between 2 people and shouldn't be seen as anything different, Silence you wanted ur script to be introduced in saes so u could have just used not true instead of false or whatever that is. you argued about the small thing with nanobob and he is the lead dev of SAES and is deving Katla which not to mention did start as a part of Saes and nanobob kept posting updates of it for so long and now that its separate from Saes due to disagreements so just cuz it isnt a part of saes anymore you say nano is backstabbing , isnt he entiled to finished what he started? Why do u have to be butthurt and say that hes backstabbing just cuz his complete and utter focus is not SAES ? If only u complied with it then all this could be avoided and this is between 2 people only so this was just bitchy to post this and try to find support and overthrow Nanobob. Challenging Authority is ok but not if you are making topics with "hes not even 20" and speaking like a butthurt kid using words like "backstabber" and just making more drama in general. you were annoying to nanobob so he just stopped caring which tends to happen to everyone if you keep nagging and wasting their time , Silence the thing u did with nanobob go try it with ur boss at work or anyone above it and same shit will happen thats how things work , people reach a certain level by working for it and someone just comes without proving shit starts to disagree and annoy then ofc they wont be happy. I know most people from SAES would act same like nanobob did in the situation and you could have just taken time and talked to him about this instead of trying to overthrow him.
  18. ^[] Patrol #5 Participants: @Flex Patrol duration: 1 hours + Screenshots: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::
  19. ^[] Patrol #4 Participants: @Glayd Patrol duration: 30 minutes Screenshots: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::
  20. @cappo said in So I made a script for SAES..: ::: Well, I somehow don't see that helpful by any way. Not directly against the idea, but like, was it just me or I never actually listened to the radio when I was playing SA back then? I was always turning it off, because the songs were total bullshit and the other radio stations that weren't musing... Didn't like them also. As Filex said, it's very nice to see people actually trying their best to improve the Server, but this seems a bit useless, I don't want to be rude. Even more, it would be interesting the first like, 1-2 days, then, whenver you've listened to every single radio station, every single song, it will get boring. That's like listenting to the daily news everyday, isn't it? I don't see how it would be interesting for someone to listen that over and over again, as he already listened to it when he has played SAES back then, unlike me, as I stated, I never listened to the radio while playing SA, or even SAES. ::: wut tha m8 , K-Rose , Playback FM, K-DST , these are some the best radios of these decade , how could you not like them :(((
  21. ^[] Event #1 LWS/G6 helper: [TT]rubisel Event type: Hunter shooter Prize: 1,500,000 $ (Respects to @Marko for offering to pay 33.3% of prize money.) Screenshots: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::
  22. welcome back burnz
  23. ^[] Patrol #3 Participants: @Zombie Patrol duration: 30 minutes Screenshots: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::
  24. @Daliiii , hey you stole our SAFP's application format , there is nothing wrong with wanting to make your own squad but please dont steal formats , If u want i can help you with logo, banner and application format too.
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