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About Marso

  • Birthday 11/09/2001

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  1. Been a year, sad one at that. HS family and community misses you day by day. I'm here to remind the people that knew you online, thus you shall not be forgotten. May we meet again one day, brother. 🕊️ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just wanna say to everybody that you must stay strong no matter what. All the bad things, failures, denies, mistakes that happen to you were for a reason, that you could learn from it. If you feel down, depressed seek for someone to talk to and solve your problems out before its too late. I had some really bad weeks behind me and im barely finding a reason to not give up. So please stay strong no matter what.
  2. You may not be with us in close proximity but in our hearts you are, like you had always been and forever and ever will be. 2 years. 🕊
  3. Dear community, I never thought I'll be making this kind of topic for 2nd time, Hell Soldier family was struck again with another heartbreaking news that @Mr.Khaled passed away, he and his mother were martyred in last palestine bombing..., info was provided to Mr.Minex by Khaled's brother, as he was in-touch, because we all cared about Khaleds situation during the attacks. He was a fellow brother, long time member and very loved by HS family and many other people. Gonne too soon, may he rest peacefully with his mother.
  4. Been a year; gonne but never forgotten... see ya in heaven pal. 🕊
  5. Idk what it is, but i agree. yes.
  6. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Like 1 year ago ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Nothing, cuz i dont have anything placed. ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: LV police car Location: PARS base Username: marso Vehicle 2: LV police car Location: PARS base Username: marso Vehicle 3: LV police car Location: PARS base Username: marso Vehicle 4: LV police car Location: PARS base Username: marso Vehicle 5: LV police car Location: PARS base Username: marso Vehicle 6: LV police car Location: PARS base Username: marso Vehicle 7: LV police car Location: PARS base Username: marso Vehicle 8: LV police car Location: PARS base Username: marso Vehicle 9: LV police car Location: PARS base Username: marso Vehicle 10: police stratum Location: PARS base Username: marso Vehicle 11: police stratum Location: PARS base Username: marso Vehicle 12: police infernus Location: PARS base Username: marso Vehicle 13: police huntley Location: PARS base Username: marso Vehicle 14: police bullet Location: PARS base Username: marso
  7. Gratz @xBlue, may all hail you my lord.
  8. https://imgur.com/5jL4wLQ
  9. gz for lws
  10. Dear community, I'm forwarding terrible news that hit HS discord this morning, that @Nick420 has passed away. Based on a Facebook post from Nick's girlfriend, which was then provided to us by an old HS gen member and his friend @Kezam, this terrible news that Nick has sadly lost his life in a New Year's Eve car accident. He was a fellow brother, long time member and very loved by his family. Gone too soon, my friend. May you rest peacefully.
  11. @JP4 Yeah, eventually everything comes to an end. It was a nice ride through all those years..., but TT will stay in our memories forever. I especially won't forget all the great memories and friends I made during my stay. I saw your IG posts and stories, I must say you livin' life my guy.... keep it up! Farewell
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQ3YE6Q1vVk&ab_channel=MarcelMalnar
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