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NRG aka Caligula

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Everything posted by NRG aka Caligula

  1. @Harmy It is way for DM. Newbies can kill whoever near br. And they can say: "I saw he was assisting cops." So i think only gang members should.
  2. @Pump I think you missunderstood me. I mean the criminal who is gangless should not kill the drug dealer (cops escort). Because of if he is newbie, this gangless criminal can abuse(DM) this. Anyway i agree.
  3. @Spetnazz they can deathmatch with using this rule.
  4. Patrol #1016 Personal Patrol #56 Participants: Medic.Foxzilla Time of patrol: 20 Minutes ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/sB7Pkmw
  5. Finnaly i saw that hassoni has brain for it. Thank you god and thank you hassoni good idea <3
  6. For example. This is like helping to turf as medic my friends. Officers will not like this idea because of they will want to have speed always in br/jb etc. ; criminals will like this idea because of why we criminals should be arrested easily? Or why we should take a risk? I think we should stop insulting between officers and criminals. Lets see votes and lets see SAES Personals answer. (I hope that this will be accepted)
  7. I agree with you. It is annoying for real.
  8. Patrol #1010 Personal Patrol #55 Participants: N/A Time of patrol: 20 Minutes ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/EU4ZIhL
  9. Patrol #1008 Personal Patrol #54 Participants: N/A Time of patrol: 35 Minutes ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/j4IkRnc
  10. Patrol #1006 Personal Patrol #53 Participants: N/A Time of patrol: 16 Minutes ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/sgpv1h2
  11. Patrol #989 Personal Patrol #52 Participants: N/A Time of patrol: 20 Minutes ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/cujIwcL
  12. Patrol #987 Personal Patrol #51 Participants: jona Time of patrol: 25 Minutes ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/Uqeod2d
  13. Patrol #979 Personal Patrol #50 Participants: N/A Time of patrol: 20 Minutes ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/eaT1bs7
  14. Patrol: #978 Personal Patrol: #49 Participants: Time of Patrol: 25 Minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/xI6pDIq
  15. Ingame name: NRG Ingame username: nrg34 Previous organizations and leaving causes: Varrios Los Aztecas: I started to the game when VLA applied for 2 level. I joined to VLA but some bad things happened. So we closed the VLA. The Outfit: I joined to O with my friends request. First times we were going good. But a player joined to the outfit. I was 1 level when he joined. He got 3 level and i was 2 level. I was working for O more than him. So i talked with HQ team. HQ Team didn't agree with me and i left from the outfit without arguing. (Note: We were turfing with UE when i was in the outfit) Blood Brothers MC: The VLA's HQ team created this gang and made this gang 2 level. I argued with HQ team (VLA's HQ Team) so i left. The Strike Team: I was hanging alone and i see that TST is going bad. First i was thinking about leaving after helping TST. I got free invite to TST. I was posting daily 4-5 posts to TST Media Archive. After long time i didn't leave and i became chief of staff of the strike team. So i didn't leave. After some time we got idea about closing TST and creating a motorcycle club with TST HQ team. Gladiators MC: Genetrix,John and me created this gang and we were going perfect. After 1 month we got an idea about closing GMC. Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire is one of gang which is doing mafia role as perfectful. Underground Empire members are trafficking drugs and weapons with illegal ways, they kills people (as contract) and they are laundering money too. Underground Empire purchases arms from worthy criminals. They has a casino in Underground Empire HQ... they are converting money to chips at here. What binds you with Underground Empire: I do not like adding trash things to my application. So i will write only true things with short sentences... I was in The Outfit and i met with Castiel in UE. We helped to UE always and UE did this back to the outfit. We were perfect as O+UE. After i left from the outfit and i miss turfing/BR'ing and doing something like that together. So i want to be part of Underground Empire. Shortly O+UE friendship bound me to Underground Empire. By the way i already like UE's activity and respectful. What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is doing illegal things (trafficking drugs/weapons and everything like that) for material benefits. Gangs may be become part of this and they are such as terrorists/mafias. NRG
  16. Patrol: #969 Personal Patrol: #48 Participants: Tommy_Hilfiger Time of Patrol: 25 Minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/K48bF3v
  17. Patrol: #961 Personal Patrol: #47 Participants: N/A Time of Patrol: 20 Minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/7piitKS
  18. Patrol: #952 Personal Patrol: #46 Participants: N/A Time of Patrol: 20 Minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/F5GeN1m
  19. Patrol: #947 Personal Patrol: #45 Participants: N/A Time of Patrol: 20 Minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/m7cQa6n
  20. Patrol: #946 Personal Patrol: #44 Participants: N/A Time of Patrol: 20 Minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ixFPEzs
  21. Patrol: #945 Personal Patrol: #43 Participants: N/A Time of Patrol: 25 Minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ZgPCNx7
  22. Patrol: #944 Personal Patrol: #42 Participants: N/A Time of Patrol: 30 Minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/sAkpiPn
  23. Patrol: #942 Personal Patrol: #41 Participants: N/A Time of Patrol: 30 Minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/BK6pRQI
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