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NRG aka Caligula

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Everything posted by NRG aka Caligula

  1. @Wassim said in The Pirus ~ Media Archive: Roleplay Number:(16) Story:When I and my brother were in our shop where we sell drugs, a member of Tho Company came to sell us a group of drugs. When we came to the end we saw the police coming to us when they started the search and the narcotic drugs when they turned us over. ScreenShots: ::: ::: Participants: @Griffin @Spark @Jamal @Wassim @NRG @Razak
  2. My love created a gang? Good luck my love! I am always with you!
  3. Attenders: @The-Pirus , @Jesse421 , @The-Motor-Heads-TMH , @Lilskies Story: Today was my special day for promotion. So we started hanging out with Mr.Lilskies . We went to base and drank something. We were very happy. I got an idea and i told him "Let's patrol around San Andreas!" Mr.Lilskies accepted my suggestion and we started patrolling. First we drove around Las Venturas around 1-2 hour/s. And we got bored. Finally we found 2 guys for pulling over. We pulled them over and we checked these ID and car registation. They were driving faster so Mr.Lilskies gave them ticket (250$). This event was end and we drove around too. We got really bored cause of i was driving a car around 3-4 hours. We went to San Fierro but nothing were bad there. We went to Los Santos with using Wheststone way. We see that nothing bad at Los Santos too. We were going to base from Los Santos. I see a boy is driving a car like a maniac! We pulled him over and i added 500$ ticket to him. I got his car registation too. And we were going to base. We were going very very slow. I checked wheels. 2 wheels are exploded! We called The Motor Heads and finally they came around after 1 hour. And they repaired our wheels. We went to base and i was sleepy. I said "bye bye" to Mr.Lilskies and i went to my home. SS
  4. Activity: 25.5.2019
  5. Patrol #575 Personal Patrol #18 Participants: None Duration : 25min Screenshots: Here
  6. Patrol #544 Personal Patrol #17 Participants: None Duration : 20min Screenshots: Here
  7. I got leadership of scout team from Mr.Bangas... I wanted to make a meeting for it. And i called some members for telling my ideas and updated/news to them. We met and i talked about "scouter of month" project. SS
  8. @Bangas said in TST - The Strike Team: Dear @GaDDaRTR , spoiler The Strike team still discussing about you but we are a litle insecure, so we may ask you to hang around and show us your best, for now you are ~[Pending]~(orange). Keep up the good work. Best of the luck!!!!!!!!!!!! Regards, Head Quarter Bangas, The Strike Team HQ. Dear @GaDDaRTR Thank you for submitting your application to us.I also want to apreciate your intrest.After some discussion within the HQ team we have taken a decision, am glad to inform you that you current status is ~[accepted]~(lime). Welcome aboard.
  9. Event type : All vs All Box Prize : 1.000,000$ Winner(s): Enshiyn Location : God Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/UrShUat
  10. ~[RolePlay Department Recruitments]~(navy,red,navy) My department was going bad cause of inactive members and nobody was interesting for easier roleplaying division. So i wanted to recruit some members to my department. I called 2-3 the strike team officers. Only JUDGE and McJoni passed the respect-loyalty-understandable tests. So both are accepted to RP division. Welcome aboard! SS RP Divison
  11. Patrol #508 Personal Patrol: 15 Participants: JohnnyEnglish , Licano , Anas Patrol Duration: 30 Mins Screenshot: Here!
  12. Patrol #504 Personal Patrol: 14 Participants: Forever Alone Patrol Duration: 1.5 Hour Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/2rEXhcr
  13. Patrol #503 Personal Patrol: 13 Participants: Forever Alone Patrol Duration: 1.5 Hour Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/tZfGNHW
  14. @khalil06 said in TST - The Strike Team: Part 1 / Personal information. Ingame Name: KhaLil Real Name: Khalil Age: 17. Country: algerian languages: Arabic,Frensh and English Gender: male We see your effort for us but we are unsure about you. Patrol with us and wait for a test from me. I will tell you when i see you are enought for test. We wanted to give you a chance for your interests. Work a lot, never give up. You are ~[Pending]~(orange) . Good luck The Strike Team Colonel NRG
  15. Be sure about that we do not care about your fucking ideas. #anakkaleGeilmez
  16. @Judyes said in CripZ | Media Archive: RolePlay Story: One day, I was driving to the bank, the weather was bad, heavy rain, lots of fog, strong wind, I was drinking, I Was approximately in Las Venturas, pricesly in "Las Venturas", i was driving too fast, madly, as i had a variety of tasks to complete. Suddenly, I lost control and the car was deviated out of the road even i crashed into a tree, but fortunately I did not suffer from serious injuries, but the car was almost in bad condition and most of items were broken. I was puzzled and unfortunately after a few minutes a police officer named "NRG" came to me whose i told to him what happened to me, he realized my situation and he got me ticket which I had to pay in Police Department, i went to the exact location and paid the ticket which enabled me to be free. After that, i went to the "Collision and Frame Repair" where i overhauled my car then i went back to my activities. It was really a hard day wich is full of adventures and problems. PARTICIPANTS: @Judyes @NRG ScreenShots: ::: :::
  17. Mr. @Lancee .You may not reply again in this topic you are ~[blacklisted]~(maroon)... I see that you are lying people about your profile and your ban records etc... You are Lance aka Orten,Axe,and others. You have ban,adminjail scores. You created accounts in forum for having followers and likes to your posts. You wrote : "LIKE MY APPLY SAPA AND TST CYA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH" to people. That's... That's... That's really annoying. The Strike Team Colonel NRG
  18. @Lancee said in TST - The Strike Team: Part 1 / Personal information. Ingame Name: My ingame name is Lance Real Name: my real name is Rayen Age: I'm currently 16 years old Country: tunisia I would like to apreciate your intrest but you have not shown any effort in game also I want you to know that unfortunetly the HQ team decided to ~[deny]~(red) your application.I would like to underline that you have to show maturity,loyalty etc... The Strike Team Colonel NRG
  19. Patrol #423 Personal Patrol #12 Participants: None Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/lBZN74L
  20. 10m is expensive... If it is 1m why not
  21. Deleted
  22. Happy birthday you friendly boi
  23. hahahaha why not? come back after improving yourself about respectful,english skills and something like that...
  24. @Mohamed-Mostafa we are working on being 7 level already. Thanks for your opinion about Cluck'in Bell. We are level 6
  25. Event type: Hunter Shooter LWS: PulaR Prize : 1 Million Winner(s): OC|>Azazel Screens: here
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