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NRG aka Caligula

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Posts posted by NRG aka Caligula

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    Attenders: Rocker, Lynch , The-Best

    Story: I was trying to find new pages cause of i got promotion from Leader of The Strike Team. I found my orders and i was checking them and i got a phone about checking out duty, cause of the zones are really dangerous and every illegal things selling/doing etc. zone. I just got the duty and went to garage of The Strike Team. I was waiting for an officer cause of security. I found Mr.Rocker in interior. I told him "we need to go to duty." He did not refuse me and we went to garage. I got a Rancher for duty. We left from the base and we went to Las Venturas Train Station. We started checking out. We checked Las Venturas Train Station. Nothing was bad at there. I told my head officer about there is clear. We went to the rancher and i was driving to illegal ladders at Las Venturas. There is really like a ghetto. We checked there too and i called other officers. I just divided zones and they went to other ones. Already 2 zones were over. I got Rocker and went to Las Venturas X. There were dangerous too cause of every mafias are selling illegal guns at there. We checked there out too and there were the last zone. We told our head officer about there is clear and we went to the base.

    Screens: https://imgur.com/a/luVZBG8
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    Patrol # 862
    Personal Patrol # 22
    Participants: alone
    Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 20-30 minutes
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    Attenders: @Freezom

    Story: I was patrolling and i got an idea about checking out a zone. I think i can check the last drug dealing and selling weapons force. I went to there and i checked out the force. I found some drugs like LDS, Cocaine and Weed. I got all of them and i continued the checking out the force. I found some weapon bullets. I went to Red County and i found something. Already i was acting like civilian. I mean i was Civilian Officer already nobody understood that. Everything were clear. So no problem happened like being injured or something like that. I got everything and i went to the base. Finally i completed every forces. I went to the base after this event.
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    Attenders: @OverdoseCrime @San-Andreas-Pirates @GaDDaRTR @San-Andreas-Federal-Police @McJoni
    Story: First i got a phone from our highers about a terriorist duty. First i got a car and called San Andreas Federal Police for helping. Mr.Shadro came and we started going to bar at Red County. We went to there and saw Overdose Crime vehicles with some civilian vehicles. We got into interior and we got ID from everybody at there. We called on radio and everybody were okay. But i got the terriorists face and some infos about him. 2 guys were like same. We opened camera for being sure. We gave IDs back and i see that a pirate was acting like he did a shit. So i gave his ID and i said him "wait!" he started running and i got out. I saw that Mr.Shadro is injured his leg on chasing the terriorist. I helped him and we started chasing him with car. We chased him and we never give up. We just worked a lot and finally we busted him. We busted him and i got a duty about going to hospital for Mr.Shadro's leg. We went to hospital and doctor gave a medicine for his leg. We shaked and i went to my base. Already i am always saying that: Work a lot, never give up:crown:




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    Attenders: [SWAT]Anas
    Story: I was free today... No patrol, no raid, no duty... I got bored and finally i got a phone from the top brass team. They told me check cars and if anything wrong call a mechanic for repairing them. If nothing wrong, keep boring. I checked our TTRU Rancher and i see that our wheel is exploded again. I was writing them to a note book. I added this and went to other ones. Our cars are good but our special cars are fucked up. I called mechanic and Mr.Anas came to me. I asked him the price, he said me 1000 dollars for each vehicles. I showed him 4 cars (1000$+1000$+1000$+1000$=4000$) and paid him money after everything. Mr.Anas repaired our TTRU Rancher's wheels and engine. After TTRU Rancher we went to our public TST police car. Nothing bad about it. We went to our other special cars. We checked our COL+ car (fast one). Mr.Anas repaired its engine. We checked other TTRU Rancher. Nothing was bad about it. After everything i paid him 4.500$ (500$ tip). He went out of the base and finally i went to my home for sleeping.
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